There is a mitzvah to participate in a Jewish Wedding – We join in the mitzvah of Making rejoice the Hatan / Groom and Kallah / Bride.
It says in Mishlei / Proverbs – One who found a woman found good – matza isha matza tov. :(משלי פרק-יח:כב) What is tov? Tov is good. What is good? We can say that Tov is Torah. It says about the Torah – Ki Lekach Tov Natati Lahem Torati al taazovu – I gave you a good teaching, my Torah – do not abandon it. Or we could say “Vani kirva Elohim Li Tov” for me Closeness to G-d is good. When one weds a proper wife it helps the couple – reach a higher level in Torah & Closeness to G-d. The Definition of Spirituality is closeness to G-d.
Hashem says – Make me a mikdash – a sanctuary and I will dwell among you. Our goal in a marriage is to make our home a dwelling place for Hashem. There is no greater vessel that contains berakha – than shalom. Trying to Have shalom – even when things aren’t my way is a way to maintain berakha in the house and to have Hashem dwell among us.
Thus one foundation of a successful marriage is for the marriage to be based upon Torah. Meaning that the torah helps us to connect in the best way possible with all people. Shabbat helps us to connect with family – by eating together at the shabbat table, talking, saying words of Torah and singing together. The Hagim / Jewish Holidays are the same. Sending children to a Torah day school helps them to connect better with parents – to talk about all different topics. Family purity helps a couple to appreciate each other. Keeping kosher helps us to act with proper middoth. A marriage based upon Torah will be more successful. When the husband learns Torah – he learns how to act with his wife and vice versa. It means putting Hash-m in the central point in our lives and to grow spiritually together.
Being Friends. In the Sheva Berakhot blessing we say – sameach tesamach reim ahuvim – rejoice beloved friends. Marriage is about having your mate as your best friend. Someone you can share and connect and enjoy life together.
Giving. In marriage we try to focus on giving – not taking. On seeing what can I do for you – regardless of what you do for me. I have a responsibility. The Torah gives us responsibilities rather than rights. I want to give. I want to be a giver – regardless of reciprocation. Reciprocation usually comes in any case. Treat her like a queen – she will treat you like a king.
Appreciation. Foundations for a successful marriage is to appreciate the small things that the other does. Thank you for cooking dinner. Thank you for your helping to take care of the house. Thank you for bringing in the parnassa / livelihood. Part of appreciation is recognizing the good in the other and overlooking faults and slights. Seeing the good overweighs the negative – allows you to be happy and have a happier marriage.
Growing. How does a person grow? One works on our middoth – our character traits. One reason why we came to this world is to work on our middot. Marriage can be trying – and your wife helps you to become the best you can. She is an Ezer Kenegdo – a helpmate against him – to help him but to help put him on the proper path – in a gentle way when he veers.
One more small point is to have a Rabbi you respect to ask questions and disagreements that you may have. A rabbi will help you gain Daat Torah – what the Torah’s opinion about a particular subject.
In sheva berakhot it says – kol sasson vekol simha. Kol Hatan Ve Kol kalah. There are 10 words relating to happiness. Sasson relates to a happiness one has when they find a lost object. Simha relates to an unexpected joy. A man has found his rib – his soulmate. A woman has found a hidden treasure. I bless the Hatan and Kalah – that this joy will reign in their home at all times. Amen.
The Time of the Huppah is a time of goodwill. It is a proper time to pray to Hash-m for the hatan, kallah, yourself and for others.