Learning Judaism

Where Can I Learn About Judaism in Different Countries?

Below are many organizations that can teach you about your heritage. For learning in Israel, please see the “Jerusalem Learning” Section. For further information email us at jerusalem@jerusalemlife.com

Canada • France • Great Britain • South Africa • United States • Other Countries


Learning more about Judaism

Aish HaTorah in Canada, 949 Clark Avenue West, Thornhill, Ontario, LAJ 8G6, CANADA, Phone: 905/764-1818, Fax: 905/764-1606, e-mail: Toronto@Aish.edu

Ohr Somayach, 613 Clark Avenue West, Thomhill, Ontario, Canada, L4J 5V3, Tel 905-886-5730, Fax. 905-886-6065, Email: somayach@msn.com

Ohr Somayach, 446 Spadina Road, Forest Hill, Toronto, Ont., Canada, Tel: 416-483-0883, Fax: 905-886-6065

Ohr Somayach of Montreal, 1819 Glendale, Montreal, PQ, H2V-1B4, Canada, Tel: 514-737-9195, Fax: 514-731-8348, E-mail: mfishberg@aol.com


Please see the French Section. SVP Voir < L’expérience juive à Jérusalem et en France » Section Français. GREAT BRITAIN Learning Judaism SEED, a Jewish learning program, offers many interesting courses and lectures in England for Singles, Adults, Men and Women. For further information on Jewish courses in the London area contact Bobby Hill at 0181-381 1555. For Manchester or other areas in England contact Rabbi Avraham Hassan at 0161-740 0906. Dvar Yerushalayim enables relative beginners, who are mature and sophisticated, to capture the beauty, warmth and sincerity of the Jewish spirit. Programs are for men and women, teaching - Hebrew comprehension, Chumash (Bible), Talmud, Jewish law, philosophy and ethics. The women's program covers family purity, preparation for marriage, basic Judaism, and Jewish history. They also offer class trips, Shabbatons (Shabbat weekends), melave malkas (Saturday night banquets), y'mei limmud (learning days), guest speakers, rambles to the countryside, and quiz evenings. Students experience authentic Judaism, in an environment in which any question and/or problem is discussed freely. Office: 24 Templers Avenue, London, N.W11. Tel: +44 ( 0 ) 181-455 8631 e-mail: dvaruk@shemayisrael.co.il Aish HaTorah UK offers excellent Jewish learning programs. Contact them at 379 Hendon Way, Hendon Central, London, NW4 3LP, England, Tel: +44 (0)181 457-4444, Fax: +44 (0)181 457-4445, E-mail: England@Aish.edu or London@Aish.edu To learn about the programs of Ohr Somayach in England contact them at 152 Golders Green Rd., London NW11 8HE, Tel: 181-458-4588, Fax: 181-458-4587, Email: jlexchange@compuserve.com Jewish Audio Tapes Ohr Somayach, 152 Golders Green Rd., London NWl1 8HE, Tel: 181-458-4588 Fax: 181-458-4587, Email: jlexchange@compuserve.com SOUTH AFRICA Learning Judaism Aish HaTorah of South Africa, 32 Aida Ave, P.O.B. 26, Cyrildene, 2198, Johannesburg, South Africa, Tel: (27-11) 616-3312, Fax: (27-11) 622-7463, E-mail: Joburg@Aish.edu Ohr Somayach of South Africa, 17 Northfield Avenue, Glenhazel 2192, Johannesburg, SA, Tel: 11-887-1321 Fax: 11-887-7092, E-mail: ohr@infonet.co.za Jewish Audio Tapes Ohr Somayach, 17 Northfield Average. POB 646 High/ands And, 2037, Johannesburg, TeL 11-887-1321, Fax. 11-887-7092, Email: ohrsomyach@digitech.co.za UNITED STATES Learning Judaism I am basically happy about my life now, but sometimes I wonder if I should learn more about my heritage. Can you suggest any seminars to teach me about Judaism? Gateways offers weekend Jewish retreats in deluxe hotels throughout the US. Exciting lectures are held on Jewish prophesy, Science and the Torah, Bible codes and more. Ask all the questions you want - that's what they are there for. The meals are top quality and strictly kosher. The atmosphere is friendly, open, relaxed, and comfortable. Most Seminars are in English, but they also organize some in Hebrew. Contact them at: Gateways - 1-800-722-3191 or 1-914-368-3860. Arachim holds similar seminars in English and in Hebrew - sometimes in conjunction with Gateways. Arachim - 1-800-846-3701. I want to learn about Judaism and how to pray in Hebrew, who should I call? Partners in Torah offers Jewish learning with a "personal touch." You select the subject you wish to learn about - including Hebrew Reading, Jewish philosophy, Holidays and Customs, Ethics, Mishna/Talmud, Bible/Weekly Torah Portion, Jewish History, Code of Jewish Law, Prayer, Dating/Marriage, Parenting, etc. They provide a hand-picked mentor to learn with one-on-one for one hour a week. You can either learn at one of its locations or via its TelePartners telephone learning program. The program is free of charge. There is no commitment necessary and it is open to all Jewish adults, regardless of religious background or prior Jewish education. Contact them at 1-800-study-4-2 (1-800-788-3942), or 212-227-1000 ext. 36. Ohr Somayach/JLE offers weekend programs, evening lectures, workshops, Lunch & Learn programs, week-long seminars, an Israel program for men, and an intensive learning program in the US. To find out about programs in your area, call them toll free at 1-800-431-2272 or contact them at Ohr Somayach International, 38 East 29th St., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10016, Tel: 212-213-3100 / 800-431-2272, Fax: 212-213-8717, E-mail : estern.ohrsomayach@worldnet.att.net They have institutions in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, California, and Florida. They conduct programs in other areas as well. Aish HaTorah offers Beginning and advanced Judaism programs in the US. Call them at 1-800-837-3710 (toll-free) to find out about programs in your area. Aish HaTorah has branches in Boston, MA; Cleveland, OH; Detroit, MI, Lakewood, NJ; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; Brooklyn, NY; New York, NY; Philadelphia, PA; St. Louis, MO; Washington, D.C. For information about the Discovery program described above in the US, contact Discovery USA, 805 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY 11223, Tel: 1-718-376-2775, Fax: 1-718-376-2702, E-mail: Discovery.USA@Aish.edu The National Jewish Outreach Program, one of the largest Jewish outreach organizations in the world, offers Basic Judaism programs. To find out more, call 1-800-44-TORAH (1-800-448-6724/ toll-free). To learn to pray in Hebrew, call them at 1-800-44-HEBREW (1-800-444-3273/ toll-free). Agudath Israel can also refer you to learning programs and other Jewish programs that can suit you in your area (1-212-797-9000). The popular Shofar Organization offers Jewish learning programs for Israelis in the US. Contact them at 1-718-62-shofar (1-718-627-4632). Pob 230706, Brooklyn, NY 11223, email: shofarusa@aol.com (US) shofar@netvision.net.il (Israel), http://www.shofar.net Shabbat Hospitality I would like to experience the beauty of a Shabbat with a nice family. Who can help me? An organization that can help you is the National Jewish Outreach Program. They offer a program called "Turn Friday Night Into Shabbat" and can refer you to a welcoming family in your are. NJOP, 485 Fifth Avenue, Suite 701 New York, NY 10017, 1-800-44-HEBREW (1-800-444-3273) or 1-212-986-7450 or 1-888-SHA-BBAT (1-888-742-2228/ toll-free) Wonderful Children My trip to Israel has awakened in me a realization of the importance of giving my children a solid Jewish education. I would like to enroll them in a Jewish school. Where can I turn for help? The Jewish Education Program of Agudath Yisrael can refer you to a solid Jewish School program in your area. Regardless of your child's age, they can help your child to be accepted and can help organize financing possibilities. I would suggest you contact them in the US at 1-718-941-2600. Ask to speak with Rabbi Motty Katz, Educational Director. Another organization, the Jewish Education Network, offers similar school reference services for the US and abroad. Contact them by e-mail at jenet@iname.com. Looking for Jewish Audio Tapes Contact Ohr Somayach, 38 East 29th Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10016, 212-213-3100. Fax. 212-213-8717, Email: estern@aol.com Other Countries: Learning Judaism Australia Aish HaTorah of Australia, 3/61 Hotham Street East, St. Kilda, 3183, Victoria, Australia E-mail: Australia@Aish.edu, Tel: (613) 9525-9456, Fax: (613) 9527-4769 Chile Aish HaTorah of Chile, Luis Thayer Ojeda 805, Apt. 51, Providencia, Santiago, Chile, Tel: (562) 232-7220, Fax: (562) 334-3951, E-mail: Chile@Aish.edu Russia Aish HaTorah of Moscow, 8 Pokgrovsky Boulevard, Bldg 2, Apt.22, Moscow, Russia, E-mail: Moscow@Aish.edu, Tel: (7-095) 917-9592, Fax: (7-095) 917-9592 Aish HaTorah of St. Petersburg (Russia), 17/93 Bolotnaya Street, St. Petersburg, Russia, E-mail: St.Petersburg@Aish.edu, Tel:(7-812) 552-0414, Fax: (7-812) 552-0414 Ukraine Aish HaTorah of Kiev (Ukraine), 19/10 Pushnikinskaya Street, Kiev, Ukraine, E-mail: Kiev@Aish.edu, Tel: (380-44) 224-6860, Fax: (380-44) 224-6860 Ohr Somayach of Odessa, 50 Pastera Street Apt. 7, Odessa, Ukraine, Tel: 0482-235101 Belarus Aish HaTorah of Minsk (Belarus), 23 Grekova, Minsk, Belarus, E-mail: Minsk@Aish.edu, Tel: (375-172) 885-521/71/91, Fax: (375-172) 460-256

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