A Torah Perspective of Achieving and Living with Faith – The Books

rabbi-miller-on-emunah_jacket2Emunah is Belief that Hash-m runs and Guides the World. Bitachon is Faith in Hash-m that He is guiding our lives in the best way for each of us personally. Having the Torah’s outlooks in both helps us live with a positive attitude daily.

Acquiring Emunah, like anything else in life requires effort.

Reading about it helps. Incorporating lessons of the past of how we thought a situation was bad that turned out for the best also helps us gain it. When we observe all the good that we and our beloved ones received in the past from G-d – like children, a good job, a nice apartment, etc. it will also help us build up our Faith in G-d. Ultimately we gain by having a more positive outlook on living and become stronger to deal with any situation.

Many audio shiurim / lectures also exist on the subject.

A Book on Acquiring Emunah is called “Eternal Emunah – A Torah Perspective of Achieving and Living with Faith” by Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Eliach from Artscroll Publishers. It is an excellent work that teaches the outlook of the Torah in General and Faith in particular.

The Author is not only noted for helping guide thousands to a higher spiritual level, but also for making Jewish concepts accessible to the average person.

Rav Avigdor Miller, z”l – the noted Rabbi and Lecturer – also gave many lectures on the Subject. His words were compiled in a book called “Rav Avigdor Miller on Emunah and Bitachon” by Rabbi Yaakov Astor

Each one on our own level can build up our faith daily by observing the good in the world.

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