What Came First the Chicken or the Egg?

chickenA simple question.

What Came First the Chicken or the Egg?

Though scientists may debate this question – the Torah gives the answer: The Chicken.

When G-d created forms of life, He created them in their completed form. Adam, the first man, was created in the form of a person 20 years old.

G-d gave us a brain. He expects us to use it properly. Some just follow what seems fun, what “every body does” without further reflection.

G-d doesn’t want us to be on autopilot. Like the people doomed to a life of pleasant dreams in the Matrix.

We are to be actively enjoying life – not passive observers.

To do so – we must reflect.

One such story – where one looked at reality at face was the story of Nero.

Before commencing the siege against Jerusalem & the Jews he stopped for a moment to reflect.

Is what I am doing the right thing?

Nero’s Experiment

He tried an experiment.

He shot an Arrow towards Jerusalem. The Arrow flew towards Jerusalem.

He Shot an arrow to his right. The Arrow veered and flew towards Jerusalem.

He Shot an arrow to his left. The Arrow veered and flew towards Jerusalem.

He Shot an arrow backwards. The Arrow veered and flew towards Jerusalem.

He knew G-d wanted Jerusalem to fall into the hands of the ancient Romans.

But that didn’t mean that it was the right thing to do. It didn’t mean that he – Nero – had to do it.

It says in the Torah – “Do not Kill.”

To make a siege against Jerusalem ang G-d’s people – he would become guilty of transgressing that commandment.

He thought “G-d wants to bring down Jerusalem. If I do it he will punish me for doing the work that he wants done.”

Nero ran away. He saved his soul. His reward – he had a descendant who was a tremendous Torah sage, the Tanna – Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess.

Some people hate others. Then they find reasons to blame them for certain things.

The hate came before the acts that their “enemies” did.

The acts didn’t cause the hatred. The acts were used as excuse to vent their hatred.

People hate relatives, old friends, neighbors, and strangers. Is the hate driving your life? Or would you have a better life if you forgave and forget?

People find fault with Israel – but they refuse to ask – did the hatred come before the acts that they found fault with or did they first find the acts wrong which spurred their hatred?

In any case – hatred of people should not drive our actions. We can hate the acts that people do. We can bring people to justice. But hating and then putting blame on people because of our hatred is not what G-d wants.

If people hate Jews – they will be punished. Some say G-d allows antisemitism – so that the Jews will be reminded of who they are. This doesn’t mean that is right to be antisemitic.

Some Jews celebrate non-Jewish holidays. They don’t look at the history behind he holiday. They don’t see the holiday started as a pagan ritual – that used to celebrate by killing innocent individuals. They don’t see that the religion had a history of torturing and killing innocent people including Jews. Is that Right?

Some Worship a man. They never asked themselves – “Does it make more sense to worship a man as a g-d or to worship the G-d that that man worshiped?”

Think Before You Act

Want to live a happier life.

Think before you do. Put the thought before the action. Not the other way around.

The Torah teaches us a person only sins when a spirit of folly enters into him.

Meaning – if you think an act out before you do it – you will avoid sin. You will do the right thing. And you are happier when you do good.

IBM once had a very popular pin-on button.

It said one word:


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