The Need to Knead – Rising to the Challenge or a Timeless Lesson from Abraham

img_0380The Torah, the Five Books of Moses, was written by G-d.

G-d’s words in the Torah are concise. Something that can be said in three words, will not be said using four. He is not redundant. Every word is calculated. If there is a seemingly extra word or phrase found in Torah, it must be teaching a lesson.

In this week’s Parasha / Weekly Torah reading, Parashat Va’yera, we find several instances of seemingly redundant words.

Avraham Avinu, the forefather of the Jewish nation was exemplary in doing kindness. His Tent was open on four sides to accomodate guests, so that they would find a door on any side they approached.

He had great desire to do kindness. So much so that on the third day of his circumcision, the most painful day, he was sitting outside his tent in the scorching heat searching for guests.

G-d was speaking with Avraham, when he saw three angels, disguised as men. His desire for doing kindness was so great that he excused himself from speaking to G-d to invite these men for a meal.

He asked his wife to knead the dough and prepare bread.

Two questions – why did he have to ask her to knead the dough? Sarah, his wife, knew how to make bread. Also Sarah had many servants, why should she knead the dough?

One answer is, making dough is the most rigorous part of making bread. Avraham wanted to teach her that if a Mitzvah comes in one’s hands, do the most difficult part.

Apparently, he was telling her for self perfection, through mitzvahs / commandments, doing the more challenging part will help a person to better themselves. It will help them become closer to G-d and they will get the greatest reward.

Because it is difficult it is not bad. One has to rise to the challenge. Life without challenge is existance. Life with overcoming challenges is living. Life can be difficult but still be good for the person.

Some shy away from doing mitzvot because they are challenging. challenge is part of the Mitzvah. Challenge helps us grow. as opposed to challenges from exercise and sport, which can make a person a stronger athelete, Challenges from the Torah make us a better person.

when we overcome we feel better about life and ourselves.

This is one explanation of the saying in Pirkei Avot “According to the pain is the reward.”

Stress Killers – It’s all Attitude

Why do some people get stressed and others do not?

Apparently, attitude.

I recently went to a talk about stress. The Lecturer, Dr. Peter Reznik, mentioned that expectations that are not met cause stress. He said do your effort but if your expectations are not met don’t get flustered.

This idea is found in Torah.

We find it in Pirkei Avot / Ethics of The Fathers (2:16) which was made into a song … lo alecha hamlacha ligmor…

It is not your responsiblity to complete the work (ie, learn the Entire Torah), but you are not free to desist from it.

G.d rewards us for our efforts. Many a time the result is not in our hands.

Worse than failure, is not trying.

The deadline. The pressure of being responsible for your family’s food on the table. The pressure of nagging spouses all can increase stress.

I don’t need this pressure on. so kick it off. It’s in your control to get stressed or not. You choose to be cool.

המעניין יותר שמצאתי הוא בספר העיקרים לר”י אלבו (מאמר שלישי פכ”ז):

“כי כמו שהזמן הוא דבר בלתי נמצא בפעל, כי העבר אינו נמצא והעתיד לא יצא עדיין אל הפעל וההוה אינו אלא העתה הקושר בין העבר והעתיד”

One statement we find that helps us to cope with worry is :

Time is something that has no real existance. The past is no longer, and the future hasn’t arrived and the present is now that ties the past and future.

or One should not worry because The past has past and the future is unknown and the present passes in the blink of an eye.

Even if a sword is on a person’s neck there is always hope.

Belief in a G.d that only does good and what is in our best interests also makes it easier to cope with the daily aggravations we encounter.

Beleif that there will be a positive outcome can lead to a positive outcome, and the contrary. That is the power of positive thinking.

One who has such strong belief in G.d can nullify any force. This is the power of Believing that ‘Ein Od Milevado” – There is only Hashe-m / G-d.

Trump Presidential Victory Predicted in Torah Codes

rabbi-glazersonRabbi Matityahu Glazerson is a Torah / Bible Code Researcher. About 5 Months before the US Presidential Election he published a video showing the codes that Donald Trump will be elected as President of the United States of America – 8th of Cheshvan 5777 – corresponding to the Date of the US Elections in bible code. Four months later he demonstrated the codes again.

How Torah / Bible Codes Work

The Torah Codes are taken from the 5 Books of Moses Text. Using a computer, the text is searched for equidistant letters of words. Like the sentence – “You are a very great person.” Starting from the letter “Y” in “very” and counting every 2 letters – in the sentence “you are a verY gReAt PeRsOn”, we get –  “YR A PRO”.

Code Words Found

Rabbi Glazerson / מתתיהו גלזרסון found the words in Hebrew – “Donald will be elected”, “Seven” & “Heshvan” / the Jewish Month in Which the Election took place.  5″777″ the current Jewish Year. The 7th of Heshvan 5777 is when the elections took place. “President”, “USA” and “Trump” were also found in close proximity.

The discrepancy between the dates is easily explained – one code says it was on the 7th of Heshvan & the other says it was the 8th) The US election took place on the 8th of November. A Gregorian Calendar Day starts at 12:00 AM – Midnight. A Jewish Calendar Day Starts at Nightfall. So the 8th of November spans two Jewish dates – the 7th of Heshvan (day) & the 8th of Heshvan (after Nightfall).

Rabbi Glazerson published other videos and documents on current events including Hurricaine Mathew, The Iran Deal, Nibiru Star Warning – the Star that is Approaching the Earth – that Some say was the same star that was close to the Earth Time of the Flood of Noah, 9/11 & the Twin Towers and many other current events.

He also wrote books on the subjects of The Hebrew Alphabet, Building Blocks of the Soul: Studies on the Letters and Words of the Hebrew Language, The Mayan Culture and Judaism, Bible Codes and Kabbalah, Light Out of Darkness: Surviving the End of Days, The Mystical Glory of of Shabbath and Festivals, Time for Redemption, Letters of Fire, The Secrets of the Haggadah, The Twin Towers in Torah Codes, Revelations about Marriage, Repentance in Words and Letters, The Torah Codes and Israel Today, Torah Light and Healing, Through the Lens of Gematria, What’s In a Name, Hebrew Source of Languages, Riches and Righteousness, From Hinduism Back to Judaism, Torah Codes, The Holocaust in Torah Codes, Above the Zodiac, Music and Kabbalah.

Veracity of Torah Seen From Predictions and Prophesies Fulfilled

The Torah was given to the Jews over 3,300 years ago. As the Divine Document, the Torah – given by G-d who is Omniscient – it contains information on all History.

The Torah Codes Contain information on Rabbis that have lived in the past Millennium. A Study in The Statistical Science journal – describes the research done and statistical validity of codes.

The Day G-d Laughed – Why Jews Believe Only Judaism

img_0377The Music Recital Award Certificate
A girl came home smiling. She had won the musical recital contest. She was proud. She told her parents. A guest was at her home. He said – “Wow. that’s impressive. Can you also play for me to show me that you really won?”

“No.” She replied. “Why Not?!” the man asked.

“Now that I have my certificate saying I won, I don’t have to prove myself over and over. You want me to play for every skeptic that asks me. I don’t need to! I already proved myself once!”

At times a skeptic of Torah says – “if G-d exists let Him make a miracle in front of me.” The answer: G-d does not need to prove himself to every skeptic. He “proved” Himself already once when he appeared to millions of witnesses – when all the Jews heard Him speak at Mount Sinai.

Finding the Wisdom of G-d in Nature

If one observes nature – one will understand the unimaginable wisdom of G-d. In fact G-d knows the past present and future. We know he knows the past & present – how about the future? See prophesies and codes of the Torah that predict events that were to happen in the future of the Torah’s writing.

So G-d will not change his mind. The Torah that he gave – is the Torah that we observe. It does not change. All future situations are accounted for in the Torah. There is a law for a particular situation – ie, using electricity on Shabbat, Driving a car on Shabbat, etc.

Miracles Don’t Make a Faith
Thus new situations or even miracles or supposed miracles do not phase us. A miracle does not change the Torah. Even if a thousand people did a thousand miracles we do not change our belief in the Torah. Our belief in G-d remains the same. Our Torah law remains the same. Our obligation to observe it remains the same.

Arthur C. Clark, said “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” I add or indistinguishable from miracles. We are not phased from miracles or advanced technology. We are not phased from science that may seem to contradict Torah, for we know that G-d’s truth is ultimate truth.

Some examples – the Torah says in the Talmud (Tractate Berakhaot) the amount of stars in the universe. Science of several decades ago said the numbers of stars were vastly less than the number of stars of Today’s science and the number stated by the Talmud. A person from that era might have beeen in doubt about the veracity of the Torah’s number. But if he waited till today, he would have seen that the numbers of stars estimated by today’s science is approaching the nuber found in the Talmud. The Torah gives the amount of time in a Synodic Month of the Moon. Science has recently come up with the same exact time as the Talmud, known over 3,300 years ago.

Rambam says in his laws of Messiah:

And don’t think that the King Messiah needs to do wonders and signs and create a new reality in the world or resurrect the dead, or similar things. This is not the point (of The Messianic redemptive process). For Rebbe Akiva, the wisest of the Mishnaic sages, was the “weapons bearer” of The King Ben Kuziba (aka Bar Kochba). And he said concerning him (Ben Kuziba), that he was The King Messiah. And all the sages of the generation were in agreement until he was killed due to his sins. Since he was killed they (then) knew that he was not (the Messiah). The sages did not request from him, neither a sign nor a wonder (i.e. miraculous actions). The main thing is that the Torah and its laws and statutes are everlasting forever and ever, and we do not add or subtract from them….

The Jews saw first hand G-d transmitting the Torah directly to them. Millions of witnesses experienced and heard the giving of the Torah by G-d at Sinai.

We do not need any more signs. Even if others make miracles , that is irrelevant to our belief in G-d and the Torah . G-d already “proved” His authenticity and the authenticity of His law – the Torah – when He gave it to the Jews at Sinai.

In G-d’s law, the Torah, He says He will never change His chosen people, for another. he says He will never change His law, the Torah. He will not add to His law, and He will not subtract from it.

The 5 books of Moses – the Written Torah – contain all His laws. He needs no other works as amendments.

The only thing that is needed is another work to explain His laws. This is the Oral Torah, that was given to Moses at Simai. It is now called the Talmud.

Once the Rabbis from the Talmud were discussing a Jewish Law. One rabbi said if the law was according to Him a certain miracle should occur. The other sages dismissed the miracle by saying, we do not decide on laws with miracles. The sage continued providing miracles. Until He said if the law was like him, let a Heavenly voice declare that he was right. And a voice from Heaven said he was right. But the sages said we do not decide based upon a heavenly voice, we decide based upon the principles stated in the Torah. That day G-d laughed and said “My children were victorious.”

Once the Torah was given miracles do not sway us from the principles or the observance of the Laws stated in the Torah.

Logically, it doesn’t make sense rationally that G-d changes His “mind”. He is Omniscient – He knows all the past, present and future.

Thus, since we know G-d changes not His mind, we don’t change ours either.

Tired of Technology. Take a Break & Improve Family Ties.

cellfishtankSometimes I forget my cell phone. After the initial momentary feeling of being upset, I think “Wow. I am alone. No one can reach me. I am free from phone calls. I am free.”

Yes, a cell phone has become a necessity today. Yet, going without one can be exhilarating. Like going without a TV, a computer and just connecting with friends and family face to face. Enjoying nature – without being interrupted by a cold caller.

A study found that social services – like facebook doesn’t make a person happier. But more surprisingly, it doesn’t relieve loneliness either.

Just good old company and doing a good job at work will make a person happier.

Not so surprising.

One idea for better family relations is to turn of the TV. Many children go off the proper path because a mother is more attuned to the TV than to the children & their physical and emotional needs. And their father is busy with the computer, cell phone or ipad or not at home at all, working late.

I find it inappropriate when a guest comes over – and the host is more interested in the TV program than the guest. I would suggest turning off TV when a guest comes over and even more so when the child comes home. Imagine what a child feels – that technology is more important than them.

I heard that some people have a cell phone basket. When they come home all phones are put in this basket to be able to concentrate on family ties.

Some who go out to restaurants put their cellphones in the middle of the table. The first to answer their cell phone must pay the bill.

Jewish people have a gift called the Shabbat / the Sabbath. We put away all technology. No cell phones, TV, computers. We eat together – without interruptions.

Just plain quality time to enjoy family, friends and G-d.

Don’t Have Time to Hate. Love.

russian-alarm-clock-clockwork-universe-etsySome people base their lives on hatred of others.

What a pity for the haters.

What will they have accomplished when they leave the world. That they hated and ate themselves up?

Hate is a waste of time.

What will they answer the question to G-d when they get to heaven – “why did you hate?”

When one hates – they put the control of their lives in the hands of the those they hate.

That’s what drives them.

Poor Souls.

Better to be great than to hate.

The Unbroken Chain of the Transmission of Judaism


The Jews received the The Torah at Sinai.

A Jewish person who observes the Torah creates another link in that Chain to Sinai.

The Rambam – Maimonides – made a chain from Moses to himself. Others have expanded this chain to themselves in the present day. It is a further proof of the unchanged transmission of the Torah to the Jews till today. Torah Jews observe the Same laws as those Jews who received it thousands of years ago.

Here is the Chain

The Transmission of the Torah

Those who do observe Torah help assure the chain remains unbroken in the future generations – as seen here:

Will Your Grandchildren be Jewish?



The Religion of Secularism & the Congregation of Conformists

w-edwards-deming-it-is-not-enough-to-do-your-best-you-must-know-what-to-do-and-then-do-your-best1In the quality revolution companies adopted new programs to improve the quality of world manufacturing and service industries. One such a program is called Continuous Improvement.

Using quality circles and quality tools employees aim to continuously improve production quality and efficiency.

Continuous Improvement is a Torah Concept.

In Torah, Either you are growing or falling. Staying the status quo is equivalent to stagnation.

Keeping to your ideas because you inherited them from your parents is stagnation.

Following the trends is stagnation.

Many hold tight to their ideas because they are popular. Many hold onto ideas because it is convenient. It feels right.

But this is lack of using a precious recource called the brain.

Conforming is a bit of death to one’s individuality. I let go of what I am to be accepted.

Living a life void of Torah is a religion.

It is the religion of conformity. What I feel is good is good, even though it is not particularly good.

Secularism is a religion. It’s the religion of following whatever is comfortable. It leads to falling to the lowest common denominator. What is acceptable to one group and unacceptable by another becomes acceptable to society. What is unacceptable in one year becomes acceptable the next year – until society falls into the abyss of immorality. That is what happened in Sodom. Giving charity became forbidden. Doing Kindness became forbidden. Their moral compass became corrupt. Their morality became ridiculous.

Once Eliezer – the Servant of Avraham Avinu / Abraham our forefather went to Sodom. He brought a man to the Court of Law because – he threw a rock at him. The Judge ordered Eliezer to pay the man who wounded him. He said to Eliezer – “You owe this man money. He performed beneficial bloodletting for you.” Eliezer, appalled at the justice, took a rock and threw it at the judge. He told the Judge “Now you owe me money for bloodletting! Pay the man that you said I owe money.”

The destruction of the People of Sodom was sealed for what they did to a young girl who gave food to a poor person. Doing kindness to strangers was forbidden. They took her – smeared her with honey and hung her up until bees stung her to death. Her cries to G-d caused Sodom’s fate to be sealed.”

Following truth is not religion. It is using one’s mind to do the true.

Thinking out our actions is what G.d wants from us. This is what ultimately makes us free. Free from the shackles of fad and fashion. Free from the shackles of conformity.

Sims Clothing used to have a slogan “Our best customer is an educated consumer”

A Jew’s obligation in Torah is to follow Shulchan Aruch – the Jewish Code of Law. A Gentile is to follow their 7 Noahide Laws from the Torah. This is the beginning of freedom.

This is the meaning of Pirkei Avot :

“The only free person is the one who delves into Torah.”

Why? because most people follow their desires. The Torah teaches us how to overcome our base wants to become a more noble individual. This is true freedom.

Your Evil Twin – Overpowering the Bad

balancescaleThere is a balance in the world.

Where there is truth – on the other side there is falsity.

There is kindness and cruelty.

Holiness and there is a void of holiness.

Spirituality and materialism.

Purity & impurity.

G-d made it such so that one will be able to use one’s freedom of choice to choose.

There is good and evil.

One chooses to be good or evil.

Once Rabbi Aaron Monsonego was bothered by why many holy books / sefarim of Morocco were lost. They were either burned or lost from circulation. He read in the Sefer / book of R. Yoel Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe (possibly his work ‘Divrei Yoel’) – that holy books may be lost from circulation because if they were to be published – a book of heresy would also have to be published to balance this Holiness out. To prevent such great heretical books to be published – that would lead people astray from the good path of Torah – G-d prevented great holy books from being published. The Rabbi was appeased with this answer.

I once heard a story that some people have an evil twin that do things evil. I forgot the details – but I do remember that it was a great Rabbi – that an Arab Sultan saw him wandering on the temple mount in Jerusalem – a practice forbidden to Jews – because we must go up to the temple mount in a high state of purity – and we will not have the capability to reach that high state until the Messiah comes and we find the Red Heifer. The rabbi told him that that was his evil twin.

Each person has a person matched with them that is either of good – if one is evil, or evil if one is good – apparently to keep the balance in the world.

I once heard from a Rabbi that Rabbi Shlomo Friefeld, the founder of Shor Yoshuv Yeshiva – was interested in Russian News. Once he saw that the Iron Curtain fell. He said that he had a counterpart in Russia – and that it was possible that his good deeds had an effect in causing the Iron curtain to fall.

Apparently the more good we do nullifies the power of the evil counterpart. Apparently if we fall into the trap of evil, then evil is given more power.

Inside a person is a good inclination and an evil inclination. This is to balance the choice. The more one overcomes evil – the stronger his or her “good” muscles become.

Apparently certain people are given qualities. They can be used for good or evil.

A person can be intelligent – they can use the intelligence to learn Torah or become a heretic.

A person can be good hearted – they can use that to do kindness or be kind to those who must be punished.

Some are emotional – they can feel for others or getting angry.

Some people are tried with money – one can be generous or stingy.

You are good.

G-d gave us the guidebook on what it means to be good – the Torah.

Jews have the 613 commandments. Gentiles have the 7 Noahide laws.

It is up to us to choose the good.

Face Reading – A Window to the Soul

3d-view-from-window-backgrounds-wallpapersOnce a ruler wanted to know how Moshe Rabbeinu / Moses looked. He summoned a painter to paint a picture of him. Looking at the picture – the ruler said – this cannot be Moshe. This person gets angry, can be violent and has other negative tendencies. The ruler was right – Moses by nature had these negative tendencies – but he overcame them.

This is our Job in life to overcome our negative tendencies and use our positive traits to reach or potential in perfecting the world with the guidance of the Torah.

Some people say – just accept me the way I am. But really, everyone can improve.

Using Face Reading for Sensitivity

The basic principle of the Torah is to love a fellow like one’s self. In order to do that – one is attuned to the needs of others.

Once a Rabbi & Director of a School in Israel (I believe it was R. Aryeh Levine – the Tzadik of Yerushalayim / Righteous person from Jerusalem) was watching children enter the school building. He asked his son: “What do you see?” He replied – this one has a nice book bag, this one has a ball, this one has a hole in his pants… His father replied – I see this one is happy to come to school, this one did not have a good breakfast, this one was upset by a family member. He was looking at the needs of others to be able to help them in the way that he could.

To one he would give breakfast, another a kind word, another a pat on the shoulder. This is a goal for us as well to better ourselves – to be attuned to the needs of others. One way is through face reading.

Face Reading Secrets for Successful Relationships Lecture

The face is the window to a person’s soul. The Hebrew word for face – פנים panim also means the inside. With Face Reading one is able to understand the ways people think, the reasons for their behavior, and the means to satisfy their needs. Face Reading or Human Morphology is used by human resource directors to determine the personality of job applicants. The married use it to explore the feelings of their spouse. Singles use it to gain an idea of the potential mate’s personality.

Dr. Peter Reznik, LCSW, Ph.D. Author of “Face Reading Secrets for Successful Relationships: A guidebook to understanding yourself and others” gave a Free lecture on Face Reading in Forest Hills – MJO Shaar HaShamayim Synagogue.

He Explained the 4 personality types – Bilious, Sanguine, Nervous & Lymphatic. Each one has unique qualities associated with them. Bilious is results oriented and likes to be right. Bilious is less-social but positively pessimistic. Lymphatic – is kind and sensitive. Sanguine is the sports person. Nervous is social but negatively pessimistic. Based upon the shape of someone’s face one can determine the other’s unique personality traits.

He gave examples of each temperament using contemporary popular personalities.

Using this powerful tool he explained how one gains vital, life saving knowledge. Human Morphology can help one to resolve misunderstandings and power struggles in existing relationships. Morphology can aid in the start off a new relationship with someone who has character traits that complement one’s own temperament and personality;

Singles & Face Reading

Today, singles use a plethora of aids to find out about their potential mate. The ask references – like teachers, co-workers & friends. They examine their dating resume. Now they have a new technique – Face Reading – to help them determine if the person before them is a potential marriage partner.

Although one cannot read minds, one could still tell what a friend is thinking with face reading. You can tell the aspects of a person’s personality or his or her thoughts based upon cues from the person’s face.

What can a single glance tell you about a person? If you know what to look for…PLENTY! The Science and Art of Face Reading (Human Morphology) is a key to discovering essential information about the people in your life, the people you are going to meet and yourself! There are references to Face Reading in the book of Shemot / Exodus, the book of Yehsahya/ Isaiah, Kohelet / Ecclesiastes and Zohar.

The Lecture is a part of New Community Outreach initiative of the MJO / Shaar Hashamayim Synagogue in Forest Hills. The initiative includes – programs for children – like children’s Shabbat Parties, Hebrew School & Father & Son Learning. Adults participate in Services, Shabbat Lunches & Sunday Breakfasts & Free Torah Study for Teens & Adults. This Lecture was followed by a chance to speak with the Author. For More Info please contact – MJO Shaar HaShamayim Synagogue, 112-21 72nd Ave, Forest Hills, NY 11375. 718.962.4872

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