Connecting with Children – Entering into Their World

Every year our School has a Chinuch Melave Malka / A meal after Shabbat on Education. One year the theme was “Entering Your Child’s World.” The speakers spoke about caring about what kids care about, talking their language, doing what they like to do. The twofold advantage was 1) to have a better connection with one’s child. 2) To be able to establish a positive relation together – that they will be motivated to listen rather than nagged or threatened to listen to parents requests.

We as Torah Jews already have a boon on our side. We – that send our children to Torah schools – have a commandment from the Torah of Kivud Av VaEm – the Commandment of Honoring Parents – that the Kids learn to respect parents. Kids are motivated to listen – because doing so they do a Mitzvah / Commandment. Even then – it is sometimes a challenge to get kids to listen. But if we have a positive relation with kids – it makes things easier.

I overheard a part of a Shiur / lecture of Rabbi Fischel Schachter – a Rabbi that speaks to you. He says many stories from great Torah sages – that are great lessons for us all.

He mentioned a story about Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Zt”l – a former Gadol HaDor – great rabbi of the generation. When some rabbis walk, their followers surround them hoping to get a Torah question answered, or to learn how to act from him, or to ask a question about Torah Hashkafa / outlook. Once Rabbi Moshe Feinstein was walking with his son Reuven. People were asking him questions. Reuven – as a kid – was touching the bars of a fence on the sidewalk. When they reached the end of the fence – Rabbi Moshe turned to his son and said “I think you missed one of the bars – let’s go back and touch it together.”

The great rabbis know how to enter into a child’s world.

A Substitute for Mayonnaise is Hummus

I am no vegan – but moving slightly in that direction. I do like egg salad. So how am I going to get the crushed eggs to stick together – Hummus. If you add enough spices to the salad you may not notice the missing mayonnaise. I add salt, cumin, pepper, onion powder and other spices.

Getting Out of Cruise Control

Many people are stuck in cruise control mode. I have my life – I continue cruising – until I hit a bump. That was me a long time ago. Go with the flow. Do what’s popular. Until I hit a bump.

This bump woke me up to the reality that life is not just following the crowd. It is much more satisfying to live a life that is thought out. That I follow what I think is good – rather than what others think is good. I found Torah laws to be truth after a long, thought out search for meaning and reasons for my problems and existence. But I am used to the good life. Instead of abandoning pleasure, I substituted one enjoyment for a more meaningful enjoyment.

So I substituted non-Kosher food with Kosher food. I substituted – watching TV with reading Jewish Aggadah / Stories. I substituted going shopping on Saturday – with going to synagogue on Shabbat.

It is said in Torah – that for every forbidden pleasure – there is a substitute. For instance – someone used to bacon – can eat kosher facon or beef fry. For shrimp – there are fish that taste like shrimp. The list goes on.

The quest for a more meaningful Torah life is easier if you find the right substitute.

The Thing You Must Do After Gardening

People did some gardening work. They had some free time. Did a great job. Yet they forgot one thing. Really two.

One is to wear gloves when gardening. Two is to wash hands and/or shower afterwards. Why? If one’s skin came in contact with Poison Ivy – the oils can be washed  away within an hour in order to not be infected.

Ushmartem Meod Nafshotechem – Torah says: you shall very well guard your soul.

Where Can I Find a Kosher Phone?

I remember the old cell phones. They were about the size of a brick. My first was a small Qualcomm device. Then I got a flip, then a Smart phone. I reverted back to a flip – because – through my filter – I saw I was spending too much time on certain apps. So I got a flip.

I tried looking for a Kosher phone – one without internet access or limited access – or at least one without a browser. Took me too much time. Basically – a person who wants a Kosher phone has 2 options – buy a non-Kosher phone and make it Kosher. Or by a Kosher Phone.

Once a person said “I can’t eat that food – it is not Kosher” The other person replied – “What’s the problem – ask a Rabbi to Bless it.” You can’t make food Kosher – if it is not. You can have a substitute – like Pizza with Vegetarian Pepperonis.

Some phones you can make Kosher. But I think the easiest option is to just buy one that is already kosher. It might cost a reasonable bit more – but time is money.

If you want to make your phone Kosher – one organization that deals with it is called  Technology Awareness Group – TAG for Short – they also go by – Smart Connections.

They also offer phones to buy. Another organization that sells and “Kosherizes” phones is called – Kosher Cell. I suggest – if your interested in a Kosher phone – to skip the hassel of surfing the shopping sites to find one. Just go directly to Kosher Cell and find a phone that suits you or your family.

A Kosher phone is a great addition or substitute for having filters that many kids can get around.

Improving 5 Minutes at a Time

The Steipler Gaon – Rabbi Yisrael Kanievsky – as a young man was in the Russian Army. He tried to follow Halacha – Jewish Law – as best as he could. He wanted to keep Shabbat. His Sergeant told him to shoot a rifle for practice on Shabbat. He turned the rifle upside down and he shot – for if he did it in an unusual manner – it is not as great of a sin. (Shooting ignites a spark – which is forbidden on Shabbat).

The sergeant approached his commander and complained that he held the gun upside-down when he shot. The general replied “As long as he hits the target let him shoot any way he wants!”

One night he was on guard on Shabbat. The previous guard – left the coat the guards would use hanging on a tree. It was problematic – but not prohibited to remove the coat from the tree – because saving’s a life pushes off the restrictions of Shabbat. He preferred to relinquish the coat. He went the whole night without the coat. When one asked – how he was able to withstand the cold for such a long time – he replied “I said to myself – I’ll remain without a coat for just 5 more minutes.” When 5 minutes would pass – he tried another 5 minutes – until he got through the whole night without a coat.

We are tempted by things we know we should avoid – but may be dissuaded by the daunting task. Or try to do something that we should be doing – and give up because the task seems overwhelming. If we say to ourselves “I’ll just try it for 5 minutes” – and keep at it in 5 minute intervals the task becomes more doable.

Books to Enhance Holocaust Understanding – Before & After Visiting Holocaust Museums

I visited various Holocaust Museums. Each one has it’s own way of presenting the tremendous evil of the Nazi’s genocide of the Jews. In essence it is positive to have these museums. There is a positive commandment to remember what Amalek did to us. Amalek is the nation that wants to destroy the Jewish nation – as we have seen in the Holocaust.

Each Holocaust museum has a different take. One focuses on giving a person to experience the feeling of that period. Another focuses on serving as a memorial. Another focuses on reminding people of the events. The question each museum probably asked was “What do we want people to come out with by visiting the museum?” Each one answered in their own way based upon their outlook.

The Torah has a different outlook – it’s not just to remember – but to learn from the messages. One message – is to understand the Hand of G-d in History. One book that talks on that message is called the Hidden Hand in the Holocaust. It talks of How Hash-m guides History on a Macro and Personal Level. It intertwines events to help us understand the purpose of Historical events. The Author – Yakov Astor also has another book of the same Name – giving an understanding of more current events in the perspective of the Torah.

Another message is what is the Torah outlook on events before during and after the Holocaust. The Jewish publisher has a wide selection of Books on the Holocaust that give the perspective, stories and positives message of the Holocaust from Torah Hashkafa / Outlook. Feldheim also has books on the subject.

A recent book that came out on the Holocaust by “Sara Yoheved Rigler’s called I’ve Been Here Before. It talks of people who have had visions, deja vu, dreams of living the holocaust. These people – are said to possibly be reincarnations of people from the holocaust.

Making effort to understand the ways of G-d / Hash-m are a way to become closer to him. Reading these books will help you understand the Torah perspective.


Tisha Be’Av – Learning from the Destruction of the Beit HaMikdash

Today is Tisha B’Av. One of the reason’s for the destruction of the Second temple was Sinat Hinam. Sinat Hinam is gratuitous hatred.

The Beit HaMikdash – was destroyed from a domino effect that started from a person being embarrassed in public.

There was a man who made a party. He had a friend named Kamtza.

He told his servant – call Kamtza to come to the party. The servant called Bar Kamtza – the man’s enemy.

Bar Kamtza – came to the party. The Host did not understand why Bar Kamtza was there. He said “I want this person to leave my party.” Bar Kamtza – said “Please don’t send me out. I’ll pay for my meal.” The Host said “No. I want you to leave.”

Bar Kamtza – said “Please don’t send me out. I’ll pay for half of the feast.” The Host said “No. I want you to leave.”

Bar Kamtza – said “Please don’t send me out. I’ll pay for the entire feast.” The Host said “No. I want you to leave.”

Bar Kamtza was sent out. He was so upset that no one protested – even the sages that were present – that he went to the Roman government & told them that the Jewish people were rebelling against the Roman government.

He told the Romans – here is a proof – send a Korban – offering to the Beit HaMikdash / Jewish Temple and you will see they will not accept it.

The King sent a Choicest calf – called an Egla Tilsa – as a sacrifice. Bar Kamtza took the calf and made a blemish on the calf before he brought it to the Beit Hamikdash.  In the end – The Jews did not offer the sacrifice – because it had a blemish.

There were ways to save the situation – but Zecahria ben Akulas – dissuaded the people from giving the Korban.

The king saw that the sacrifice was not accepted. He sent his best general Neron Kesar. Nero went to do battle against Jerusalem. Neron was a thinking person. He reasoned – I know that G-d / Hash-m wants to destroy the Temple and He wants me to be the agent to destroy it. He reasoned perhaps if he – Nero – did destroy Jerusalem – G-d would punish him for doing so.

He asked a child for the verse he learned that day – to see if he really would be punished for destroying Jerusalem. The Boy responded “I will send my wrath on Edom – who destroyed my temple.”

He ran away and converted to Judaism. Because he did so – he had the Zechut to have a descendant -the great Tanna – Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess.

Close to the Three Weeks one of my cousins passed away. Rabbi Saban – said at a eulogy – at the 7th day. Emmanuel was peaceful. He shied away from dispute and hatred. He said – we can learn from him to avoid dispute. He asked  : What is Sinat Hinam / Gratuitous Hatred? We don’t just hate a person for no reason – so what is gratuitous hatred? He said – at times someone does something against us – let’s say take our money or insult us. It was decreed from Heaven that we should be punished in that way. The person who did the act was a just an agent.

Let’s make peace. Let’s let go of animosity. Let’s forgive and Rebuild the Third Beit Hamikdash. Amen.




When Life Crashes or Judaism & the Art of Computer Maintenance

My Computer crashed yesterday. It wasn’t the first time. A long while back I had Microsoft Windows. I got the “Blue Crash Screen”. I had to figure out how to get my computer back up. I tried their recommended methods. No avail. I tried another version of Windows – but I had to find that Windows key to get it back. Didn’t work. Finally I just backed up my files and installed a new  Operating System instead of Windows – Linux. Fedora to be exact. Yesterday I just reinstalled Fedora again.

OK. Initially – It took time to adjust to a new Operating System. But now I am still running Linux. Yes I have Laptops that run Windows – but I am fine with Linux.

When Life Crashes

Similarly – a longer time ago I was living the high life. Yes I had ups and downs – but I was having a good time. Till my life crashed. I experienced sufferings as a teen. Yes – teen problems but crushing nonetheless. So I tried to make small changes to my life. I was sure – deep inside – the crash was a message from G-d / Hash-m. Before I became more dedicated to Judaism – I didn’t hesitate to make a Joke at the expense of other’s discomfort. I was funny – but at times I could hurt others feelings. For that I regret. The sufferings prompted soul searching.

The Connection between computers & life

We experience ups and downs. Many a time – these can be interpreted as messages. Messages from G-d / Hash-m to improve. To become closer to him. G-d is our father – and at times He steps in to wake us up to that fact. Or wake us up to strengthening our relationship with Him.

At times it is a little crash – like losing a wallet. At times it is a bigger crash – like losing one’s savings in the Stock market. Computers at times run slow, or fail – but it is up to us to get them up & running again. Like in life- when in difficulty – we try to find out how to get up and running again.

Don’t Give Up

But G-d does not want us to give up. If there are troubles – it is a time to reflect and prompt ourselves to improve. Embarrassing a person in public is forbidden in Torah. It is like killing. So as a youth – due to my troubles – I became more sensitive to people’s feelings. I apologized to the people I might have hurt. Now I try to joke in a way to bring a person up not down.

The Nurse that Gave Up

Some give up when life becomes harder. When sufferings raise their head. That’s the last thing G-d / Hash-m – your Father – wants from you. I still feel badly for the nurse who gave up on life – when she encountered so many cases of Covid – some she helped to save – some she couldn’t.

G-d  doesn’t want us to give up. At times He wants us to change our perspective on life. To take on a Torah perspective. In life it is forbidden for a person to take one’s life. The closer a person is to the person he/or she kills the worse it is. Killing – the one person that is closest to oneself, who is oneself – is one of the worst transgressions.

Ask All Your Questions to an Orthodox Rabbi

So what should that nurse have done. She was suffering from not being able to help as many people she could have. Apparently – she could have presented herself to an Orthodox Rabbi to ask for an explanation for why G-d sent Covid. Why was she not able to save as many people as she could have. Why did she have to witness so many deaths? What was a proper course of action for the future. What is a Torah outlook to cope with her difficult situations.

Pain is not the Worst Thing

People experience pain. But pain is not the worst thing that can happen. Not achieving what one can in life is worse than pain. Pain – like money comes and goes. But one who doesn’t achieve their potential in life – they can’t repair it after death.

David HaMelekh / King David wanted sufferings to come to him – because it gave him the opportunity to turn to G-d on a more emotional level – and to him even pain was preferable to a non-relationship with Hash-m.

Although I shy away from suffering – when I did suffer as a youth – I remember  it was easier to feel closer to Hash-m. All barriers between us were removed because – what was important in my eyes before – became secondary to relieve may suffering. I knew the way was to seek spirituality – by becoming closer to Hash-m through Torah.

How to Fix Life & Computers

When a computer crashes – you can try to fix it with software utilities – or try a new operating system to get your computer back on track. When Life crashes you can change little things and stick to the same lifestyle or you can try to try a new lifestyle that will help you change your outlook and attitude on life. Even if you are a bit unfamiliar – you can reduce the downtime in the future.

I did it with my computer and my life. With my computer I moved from Windows to Linux. With my life I moved from following the flow to following Torah Judaism.

Judaism, Logic & Practicality

People who like computers – in general like logic. I like logic. Judaism was the ultimate source of life for me because it answered all the questions I had and provided a logical framework for everything I do. I also like practicality – in Judaism we translate concepts into actions. It is not enough to say as it says in Torah – “Love Your fellow as Yourself” –  the Torah provides specific laws to put it into action – Like not speaking Lashon HaRah / Evil speech about others, giving charity, doing acts of kindness, etc.

Self-Improvement & Torah.

So what do you do when life crashes? Reflect. Reflect how to self-improve. Reflect how to get closer to Hash-m through Torah – for Gentiles through the 7 Noahide Laws from Torah and for Jews – the Shulchan Aruch – Jewish Code of law. (Link poiints to Kitzur / Abridged Shulchan Aruch)

Sometimes I look back and imagine what my life would be like if I didn’t take steps to improve. I would be a different person than I am today – and I am happy I did take those challenging but highly beneficial steps.

6 Ways to Tell if You are a Reincarnated Soul

The Torah Talks of Reincarnated Souls

A person is sent to the world to perfect themselves. G-d gives the soul several chances to follow the laws of Torah – the 613 commandments for Jews and the 7 Noahide laws for non-Jews. If they do do what is good & just in the eyes of Hash-m – they go to a higher level of existence. If not G-d gives them chances to correct their faults. I heard – a person gets 3 chances. The Ari”zl – a great Rabbi Kabbalist – said that most people today (in his time and most likely now) are reincarnated souls.

When Adam HaRishon / the first man was created – he was composed of many souls. Each soul branched off. The Soul of Moshe Rabbeinu / Moses our teacher was in a part of Adam that did not receive nourishment from the Etz HaDaat / Tree of Knowledge that Hava / Eve and Adam sinfully ate. (see Zera Shimshon – Matot – who brings this from מהרע”ה author of the Amudey Shiva / עמודיה שבעה). Since he was not tainted with this transgression – Moshe was able to speak the words directly from Hash-m / G-d – As opposed to other prophets that had only transmitted words of G-d that they heard in an unconscious or dream state.

The Torah tells or many examples of reincarnated souls – see Sefer haDorot. Some Examples – Moses was the reincarnated soul from Hevel / Abel and also from Noah. Rabbi Akiva – was the reincarnated soul of Zimri. Some have a spark from a previous soul. Rabbi Akiva also had a spark from Shechem ben Hamor.

Are You carrying a Soul?

At times a person has to come back to this world to do a tikkun – reparation for the sins of a past life. If the person didn’t do many sins and needs a small tikkun – Hash-m gives them a chance to enter into someone’s body to do a particular Mitzvah – that was lacking in the soul.

Did You Wake Up speaking Another Language?
I read an article on a psychological condition that a person wakes up one morning speaking a different language. It’s called bilingual aphasia. It is documented. Many scientists and psychologists do not understand the phenomenon or give a weak explanation. The Torah has a simple explanation – that person was a reincarnated soul. In a previous life – they spoke that language. They reverted back to a past lifetime.

Hypnosis – Are you one of these reincarnated souls?

In a book called “The Coming Revolution – by R. Zamir Cohen or an article on his site – that talks about Hypnosis to a past life. The book talks about many phenomenon that demonstrate examples of concepts written in the Torah. In it he writes about a person that did hypnosis. The hypnotist took the person back to a point before he was born. At that moment the person started speaking French & started telling him of his past life. The person was a keeper of the Horse stables in the palace of Versailles, France.  He was killed in a duel. The Hypnotist checked the facts and found they corresponded to the person’s story.

Trustworthy Hypnosis

If a person wants to see a hypnotist – obviously – one should check his reputation and make sure he is honest. One trustworthy Dr. that I know that does do Hypnosis – is Dr. Peter Resnick. He told me once that a religious Jewish girl was having fears to get married. She was afraid of losing her children. He did Hypnosis and found that in a previous life she lived on an island where a volcano erupted and she lost two daughters – r”l.

Fears and Dreams – revealing a past life?

A person who has fears may be fearing due to a trauma in his or her life – or a past life. If they have vivid dreams of past events – it might also be a sign of being a reincarnated soul.

Speaking with the Autists

There are certain autistic people that are able to communicate through a preocess called Facilitated Communication. These Jewish autistic people are highly connected spiritually. There is a site and books on the subject. One book is called “Secrets of the Soul”. For French speakers / Francophone is “le livre d’Annaëlle” One site that allows you to communicate with one of these autistic people is called – apparently you can email them.

A Rabbi I know – Rabbi Perez – went to see one of these autistic people. I Believe it was Binyamin. Rabbi Perez was formerly a non-Jewish minister in Mexico. He investigated Judaism and finally converted to Judaism. He married a Jewish Moroccan woman. He asked the Binyamin. Binyamin told him he was a soul that previously lived in the Holocaust. At that time he was married to a woman – who’s soul was the same as the woman he was currently married to. Rabbi Perez asked – why did I have to go through the process of being born a gentile and have to find and convert to Judaism – while my wife was born Jewish. Binyamin answered – Before your wife died – She did teshuva (Repented) – You didn’t do teshuva before you died. So you had to take another stem in this life to become Jewish. When his wife heard the story – she replied that’s interesting – I always had an a affinity with Ashkenazi customs.

Speaking with a Gadol

A gadol is a great rabbi. Usually they are recognized by the vast majority of Orthodox Jews as great rabbis due to their Torah erudition, their holiness, purity and their kindness. Some rabbis are able to tell things – that the average person can’t see. Baba Sali – was able to tell people things that were hidden. He would be able to tell what was happening in other areas read a person’s sins. He gave blessings as well.

Now a days it is more rare to find a person on that level to see things hidden from others. But they can be found with proper investigation. Obviously one must do their due diligence to determine if the Rabbi is accepted and on that high spiritual level.

The Torah cautions from going to soothsayers and fortune tellers. Whatever is available in the positive is available in the negative. Meaning there are people who can tell you things hidden to others – through sorcery or black magic. Pursuing the avenues of impurity is forbidden by the Torah. Everything that is available in the impure manner – is available in the pure manner.


*** Le livre d’Annaëlle ; contes d’Annaëlle – Annaëlle Chimoni

  • 21 Janvier 2010 / 9782918518020

Annaëlle, huit ans, est condamnée au silence et peut-être à une fin précoce.
La méthode de la ” communication facilitée ” mise au point en Australie puis développée en Amérique, en France et en Israël, lui permet de parler avec nous par clavier informatique interposé. Soutenue par sa foi religieuse et celle de ses parents, dotée d’une étonnante clairvoyance, elle nous ouvre ainsi les ports de son monde intérieur et nous apporte la preuve, s’il en était encore besoin que les enfants polyhandicapés ou autistes sont sensibles au moindre battement de paupière du monde.
Le Livre d’Annaëlle n’est pas seulement l’autobiographie d’une jeune vie, avec ses souffrances et ses joies intenses, il est aussi un témoignage d’amour et de vérité universelle, un appel de Dieu aux hommes. Son enfermement, Annaëlle le reçoit comme une suprême liberté, car elle vit en Dieu. Elle n’a rien oublié de la parole de son origine, elle raconte ses vies antérieures et parle du Talmud et de la Bible avec une érudition digne des plus grands maîtres.
Il n’est pas jusqu’au Grand Rabbin Joseph Sitruk qui ne s’écrie un jour lors d’une conférence : ” Un sefer Torah dans un corps humain, s’il yen avait un, je citerais le nom d’Annaëlle : une main humaine capable de dire ce qu’une main céleste a dicté aux hommes. Elle est à elle seule une Torah vivante, avec des yeux et un sourire… ” Son livre fut un immense succès. Annaëlle aurait dix-neuf ans aujourd’hui et demanda expressément à ses parents qu’à cette date soit publié son deuxième livre (inédit) sous le titre choisi par elle : Le livre inachevé.
On y côtoie le Golem ainsi que le Maharal de Prague, l’esprit de l’eau et le souffle du Messie, les réincarnations, le Berger transhumant, les contes et ce sentiment ténu qui traverse les deux livres, que nous avons regroupés ici, de joie, de force et de confiance absolue en la Providence divine.

Yearning for a Relationship with G-d – The Month of Av & It’s Significance

The Hebrew months have an influence on the world. In Adar – when Purim falls – it is a month of rejoicing for the Jews. In Av – it is a month of difficulty.

The Month of Father

“Av” in Hebrew means father. We would expect a month that is named Father to be a month of consolation and happiness. Let’s break down the month into parts. The first 9 days lead up to the destruction of the first Beit Hamikdash / Holy temple – by the Babylonians and also to the Second Beit Hamikdash over 600 years later.

The Zodiac Sign of Av

The sign of the Month of Av is the Lion / Leo. One signification of this period is we will be more successful if we rise and reinforce our spiritual efforts – in becoming closer to Hash-m – as would a lion rise to chase it’s prey. This month comes before Elul – whose sign is a pure maiden / Virgo. In the month of Elul Jews do Selichot – prayers asking for forgiveness and purification from sins. We thus get ready for the Month of Tishrei – The Month of the Scale / Libra – when all human beings are judged by G-d.

The Second Part of the Month

The second part of the month starting from the 15th of Av – callled Tu – B’av – were days of rejoicing. Half the month passed and now difficulty turns to rejoicing. The young maidens would dance before the single men – so the young men could search for a suitable wife and court suitable young woman in search of a mate for marriage. Like it says:

There never were in Israel greater days of joy than Tu B’Av and Yom Kippur. On these days the daughters of Jerusalem used to walk out in white garments which they borrowed in order not to put to shame any one who had none …


The daughters of Jerusalem came out and danced in the vineyards exclaiming at the same time, “Young man, lift up your eyes and see what you choose for yourself. Do not set your eyes on beauty but set your eyes on [good] family.” As it says, “Grace is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that fears Hash-m, she shall be praised.” (Mishlei / Proverbs  31:30) (Talmud: Tractate Ta’anit 26b)

“No days were as festive for Israel as the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur,” for there is no greater joy than having one’s sins forgiven – on Yom Kippur for the sin of the Golden Calf and on Tu B’Av for the sin of the spies. In the Book of Judges, Tu B’Av is referred to as a holiday (Judges 21:19).

The First Part of the Month

The first part of the Month deals with doing acts of mourning – how can we reconcile the difficulty with the the Name of the month “father”?

In Eicha / Lamentations – it talks of the destruction of Jerusalem. One of the verses says – “All who pursued her arrived at her.” (Eicha 1:3) Torah verses written in Hebrew can be understood in various ways according to the permitted ways of understanding Torah. It can also be read “all who pursued Hash-m / G-d – arrived – to Her.” (“The Divine Presence” – G-d has no gender – at times He is Referred to as male and vice versa.)

In a Jew’s Life the Goodness of G-d is always present – In good times and the reverse. When the Jewish temple was being destroyed – someone peaked into the Kodesh HaKodashim / Holy of Holies – the most holy part of the Temple. Inside was the Aron / the Ark of the Covenant.

The Cherubim on the Cover of the Ark – represented the relationship between G-d and the People of Israel. When they were on good terms – the Cherubim were facing each other. When the Jews were sinning – the Cherubim looked away from each other. At the time of the Temple’s Destruction the Cherubim were hugging one another.

The Reason of Suffering

King David – was on the level to ask for suffering – because he felt closer to G-d. For him the suffering was worth the close relationship with Hash-m. A sincere father punishes because he loves the child – not out of anger. He wants the child to improve. He wants the child to live a fulfilling, meaningful life – so he chastises and guides his son or daughter through the ways of Torah.

Intimate relationship with G-d

It is this very intimate relationship with G-d that we Yearn for in the Month of Av. It is this very intimate relationship with G-d that we Mourn for on the Ninth of Av.