Jewish Singles & Shalom Events

Shiur / *Talks on Dating and Marriage.

a NEW initiative to help Jewish singles to be successful in finding the proper mate Based upon a highly successful Jewish singles program – from London – where many are helped to and actually find marriage partners when participating diligently in program.

It addresses the concerns of people in the singles scene – by
– helping them to focus on the important factors to find in a Marriage Partner;
– teaching them to avoid the pitfalls of finding the wrong mate;
– guiding them to decide on the right Marriage Partner using Torah outlook/hashkafa;
– re-framing the way they view dating and Marriage to allow them to tie the knot;
– overcoming their challenges and insecurities in dating;
– providing an open forum for them to express their frustrations and experiences
– helping them find their solutions using Torah outlook/hashkafa;
– to help them discover their “road-block” and open up new vistas that allow them to be matched with a person that is suitable

The goal of this lecture series is twofold.

1. For Singles – to give the proper Torah outlook / hashkafa to be more successful in finding a proper soul mate. Singles interested will be able to fill out questionnaire to help them focus on their priorities and help lecturer find them a suitable match from other group that attends the lectures.

2. For Married – to be able to better help, guide and coach their single children to find the right Marriage partner and to improve their own Shalom Bayit and marriage.

– For MEN – Every Other Tuesday at 7:30 pm at MJO

– For WOMEN – Every Other Tuesday at 7:30 pm at MJO

MJO Shaar HaShamayim Synagogue
112-21 72nd ave,
Forest Hills, NY 11375 .
Matatia Chetrit 718.962.4872 (p/t/WA)

Matatia Chetrit is Member of MSC Manhattan Kollel. He Has Served Queens Jewish Community over 20 years Teaching Torah & giving advice based upon Torah Hashkafa / Philosophy.

Parking available in lot.


Please forward to your family and friends.

Singles may fill out on-line questionnaire to help find a suitable match.
If you want to send a shidduch resume please send to email above with Re: Shidduch Resume. Please No Pictures. Resumes will not be shared with other organizations or shadchanim unless specific permission is given.

A joint project of and MJO Shaar HaShamayim Synagogue

Endorsed by Rabbi Daniel Obadia, HaChaim veHashalom Beit Midrash, Cedarhurst, NY