High Holidays Letter & Prayer Form 5785 / 24′-25′


MJO Shaar HaShamayim Synagogue
112-21 72nd Ave
Forest Hills, NY 11375


High Holiday Services 5785 / ימים נוראים תשפה

Dear Fellow Community Members,
We hope you & your family are well. We pray for success, happiness, health & all good for ourselves, our families & all of Israel. The first night of Rosh Hashana Is – Tishrei 1 – Wed, Oct 2nd & Yom Kippur – Tishrei 10 – Fri, Oct 11 (See Schedule). We will be honored with the presence of Rabbi Yona Edery to lead our Yom Kippur services. Join us for uplifting Moroccan Shabbat & Hagim prayers.

As we reflect on the past year, we have seen growth in MJO activitieslike the Sunday Jewish day school program & Shabbat services.
We have a upgraded our Shabbat Kiddush – saying Tehillim for People in Israel & Hostages.
At MJO Kids learn at our Sunday Hebrew School for kids called “Shaping Lives” (from 10:15-11:45 am). Children receive Pizza, Prizes & hear stories.
We started a Monthly Torah Lecture for Women.
We started a NEW evening Program For Men every Thursday night from 8:30 pm – 10 pm. Men Learn To Be Able to Read & Understand Torah Texts – while enjoying Hot Chulent.
We learn Torah learning daily at our Eitz Haim Kollel till 1 PM.
Drop by to participate. Running these activities entails our valued members financial support. Pledges in are welcomed through text messages & phone calls. You may bid in advance for Mitzvot for the Holiday Aliyas & opening of the ark as well.

Children are our future. Statistics show, if a Child is enrolled in a Torah Day School as opposed to a Public School not only will the child much more likely marry Jewish (98% vs about 42%) & stay in the path of Judaism – but they will also gain by most likely not becoming involved with drugs, bad influences, dangerous activities, rising antisemitism in public schools, chutzpah & values foreign to Judaism. We cannot stress enough the importance of enrolling children in an Orthodox Torah Day School. A $1,000 Scholarships is available to enroll a child in a Torah Day School. Call Chazaq Public School to Yeshiva Division at 718-285-9132 &/or Motti Cohen at 347-920-6890 at OORAH whose goal is to give every Jewish Child the opportunity of a solid Jewish education with strong secular studies.

Let’s start the Year with a clean slate. Teshuva / Repentance, Tefila / Prayer & Tzedaka / Charity tear up bad decrees. Let’s improve ourselves & our outlook to live with peace, love & Torah meaning. Let’s connect to Hash-m & forgive our fellow Jew. On Kippur, we abstain from 1) eating / drinking, 2) bathing / washing, 3) anointing with oil or lotion, 4) cohabitation & 5) wearing leather shoes to resemble angels. A good decree can be received by taking upon oneself new mitzvot & to support Torah – by learning or donating. We are including Berakha / Blessing cards to help you embellish your Avodat Hash-m. One Such easy mitzvah is saying the blessing before eating. It is our gratitude for food that G-d provides us daily.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for your needs, to organize a lecture at home, or for Torah-based advice, counseling or help. Sponsor programs for the Merit of a loved one. MJO/Shaar Hashamayim phone is 718.263.8102. Remember “Shaar HaShamayim Synagogue” in your Will. Rabbis recommend that 5% or more be given to Torah education as a charitable bequest. Supporting Torah is a Merit that will help you in this world & the next. May Hash•m grant us & all Israel peace & harmony, happiness, prosperity & good health. May we be inscribed in the book of life for pleasant & good Years! Amen. Wishing you a Shana Tova Umetuka / Good & Sweet Year. Looking forward to greet you.
Sincerely, Rabbi Matatia Chetrit & the MJO family.
Tizku Leshanim Rabbot Neimot veTovot. May You Merit to Live Many Pleasant & Good Years

[MJO Prayer / Yartzeit/ Hashkava / Yizkor FORM”]