Jerusalem Shopping

Jerusalem Shopping


Art & Judaica
I am an avid collector of
Judaica. When you bring me to a Judaica store, you may have a hard time getting me to leave. Do you have any suggestions?

Ask the manager to tell you when it’s closing time. Just kidding. You can find Judaica – such as Kiddush cups, Jewish art, books, etc – in many corners of the city. I would suggest you start off on Me’ah She’arim Street. You can find several Judaica stores in the vicinity. There are also various museums that might appeal to you, such as the Heikhal Shlomo Judaica Museum or the Nahon Museum of Italian Art. For further information about museums, see the Jerusalem Touring Section.


Finding Jewish Books in English
I would like to read more about Judaism. Where can I get books on the subject? Can you suggest any good books?

In the neighborhood of Geula, on Strauss Street, Malkhai Yisrael Street and on Me’ah Shearim Street nearby, you can find several Jewish bookstores. As there is such a wide variety of excellent Jewish books in English available today, I would say that the best way to find one of interest is to go to a bookstore and browse.

Below is a suggested reading list on Jerusalem.

Where Heaven Touches Earth.
Rossoff. Feldheim Publishers. Panorama of Jerusalem & its glory.

A tzaddik in our time–the life of Rabbi Aryeh Levin. Rabbi Isaiah
Dvorkas, Feldheim Publishers. A moving collection of stories about a special Torah sage that lived in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, the Eternal City.
R. Aryeh Kaplan. Explains the mystical & spiritual aspects of Jerusalem.

Forever My Jerusalem.  Puah Shteiner, Feldheim Publishers. Autobiographical story of the fall and evactuation of the Jewish Quarter.

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