Jerusalem Shabbat Experience

Shabbat in Jerusalem

A Nice Family Shabbat
I am a university student here in Jerusalem. Recently, some of my friends mentioned their interest in learning about Shabbat. Together we would like to experience a Shabbat or Holiday meal with an observant family. How can I go about it? Are there any rules of etiquette I should be aware of?

Every Shabbat,  doors will open wide for you to experience a
Shabbat meal with friendly families in Jerusalem. You get to meet new people, enjoy Shabbat songs, learn about family traditions and customs first hand and, of course, partake in a tasty Shabbat meal. You can ask to be with a family that speaks English, French or any other language.

You can even ask to be with a family from your or your parents’
birthplace. I myself was a guest several times at a family that took
part in the Heritage House Hospitality program. It was a pleasure to meet the family. They were friendly and very warm.

As for etiquette,  just be yourself.

To Arrange Shabbat Meals Contact:

Jeff Seidel’s Jewish Student Information Centers

Old City,
Jerusalem  ISRAEL

In America:
972 + 2-628-2634, 972 + 52-286-7795,

In Israel:
02-628-2634, 052-286-7795,

NY # 718-247-3291

They Also Offer Scholarships for Youth for Trips to Israel

jseidel@www.jeffseidel.coml), provides reference services for hospitality in Jerusalem and throughout the world


Heritage House Youth Hostel Provides Lodging:


The phone number of Heritage House Hostel is (02) 627-1916. Call them during the week to reserve for Shabbat. Or, you can meet with them every Friday evening at sunset and/or Saturday morning at 10:15 at the Western Wall Plaza – near the men’s water fountain. They will arrange a pleasant Shabbat meal for you with a friendly family.  You can join them for the third Shabbat meal also, which is hosted by a
prominent guest speaker with fascinating stories.
Heritage House can be contacted via email at




Enjoy • Jerusalem Life