Letting Go to Find Happiness

Hash-m / G-d is close. Closer than you think.

One thinks – why should G-d answer me?

The Torah tells us that G-d answers the thief that on his quest to rob a house – he prays he will not be caught.

Why? A parent loves his or her children. G-d loves his children as well, even if we are not there yet.

Obviously a person who is completely righteous – following Torah & Mitzvot –  who prays to G-d will be more readily answered – but that does not exclude the average Joe – like you and I – from being answered.

G-d answers the sincere. Those who reach out to Hash-m to him sincerely will not usually leave without some kind of answer or consolation.

Spirituality is being close to G-d.

But what is the secret to become closer to G-d?

I was talking to a Friend who had a transcendental experience. He’s writing about it – telling his experience and a method of achieving a higher realm of spirituality.

He told me – that happiness is a product of letting go of one’s material dependencies. One thinks that getting a new car will make them happy. Perhaps. But the car gets old – we lose the excitement. Attached to the physical we limit our happiness because the physical is limited.

When we make our happiness dependent upon the material – like the stock market – the stock goes up – we are happy. The stock goes down – it brings the mood down.

When we let go of the grudges, the hatred, let go of the desires, let go of materialism – we allow our souls to express itself. Our soul is the real self. The body is just an outer shell – a physical representation of the soul.

A person says – I want to be myself. They are on to something. That happiness arrives when one reaches their true self. But people mistakenly think that their self is their body. Really, their self is their soul. Please the soul, by doing kindness, By learning Torah, by doing Mitzvot – and happiness follows. Why Torah? It is the only divine law whose giving by G-d was witnessed by millions of witnesses – the Jews at Mount Sinai.

Giving is living. Taking is not.

Why did many billionaires take upon themselves to give much of their wealth to charity? They realize that a person is here in this world not to accumulate wealth but to give and do good. They could afford any pleasure – but they choose to give it away for the good of society – and thereby become a greater individual – a greater soul.

A person attached to the spiritual – is attached to the unending light. Thus happiness does not end.


Jewish Education & Intermarriage – Winning the $100 Bet

For the third meal of Shabbat / Seudah Shelishit at our Synagogue we have an open forum of discussion. Sometimes I pose a question on a Jewish Law Topic and ask the people their opinion on the situation. Then I provide the answer from the Torah.

Leaving a Child Back – Positive or Negative for the Child?

At one of the side conversations – one person mentioned his kid was to be left back – so he took his child out of the school.

I mentioned – depending on the situation – it might be good for a child to remain in the same grade the next year in order to be the head of the class – in age and possibly intelligence – than to go to the next grade and be the youngest and not at the top. He said it might be a blow to the child’s confidence to know they were being left back.

I think a parent must be truthful to answer that question and see what’s best for the child. Will it be a blow to the child’s confidence or help his confidence? And evaluate if the decision is not being made because it be a blow to the parent’s social standing – that their child is left back.

Different opinions.

The Advantages of a Torah Day-school Education

The conversation turned to giving a child only a Jewish education at home and placing them in a Public school versus giving them a Jewish education at home and placing the children in a Traditional Orthodox Day School or a Yeshiva. Some were saying a public school education was better. Some said they have Jewish friends.

I mentioned that the Jewish schools are highly advanced in dealing with social issues and have an education that gives them not only secular knowledge – but a Yeshiva teaches them something far greater – the ability to think. Many Yeshiva students get into the Top Universities because of their developing their ability to think by attending a Torah Day school.

I mentioned a statistic – 70 out of 100 Jewish children that go to a public school, end up marrying outside Judaism. Meaning these children have a 70% intermarriage rate. While 2 out of 100 Jewish children that went to a Orthodox Jewish Day School for 12 years end up intermarrying. (See 1990 National Jewish Population Survey)

A friend at the table who is an Israeli wouldn’t accept it. He bet me $100 dollars that that is not true. I sent him the statistic.

Really I regretted betting him the $100. I should have bet him if I was right – he should put his children in a Torah Day school.

In the Market for a New Religion? A Comparison to Consider

I meet a lot of different people. Most are pretty down to earth. Average Joes doing their 9 to five to make ends meet. Working hard. Working honestly.

That’s good. It is a Mitzvah / Commandment from Torah to work – for Jews and Non Jews. For through work one builds the world. G-d wants a world that is built up Thus it is also a Mitzvah for people – Jews and Gentiles to have children – because G-d wants a world that is populated – not desolate.

Thus people have satisfaction in working and having and raising children. It’s a Mitzvah. Mitzvah’s make you happy. For you are your soul and your soul feels satisfaction in doing Mitzvoth.

Proofs? Statistically Married people commit suicide less than single people. Statistically, suicides occur most on Sundays and Mondays – right after the weekend when people are not working. Also the Motivation theory of Theodore Herzberg demonstrates that people are more motivated when they are accomplishing things at work.

Sorry for the regression. In any case – I met people who go through religions like they go through clothing. One year they are this, the next that.

Some hit the bid. Some fly into another set of laws – uncomfortable for them or society.

There are thousands of religions. How does one find the right religion?


“I feel it is right?” As Spock would say – That is illogical.

Why – because Joe might feel that A is right for him and Jack would feel that B is right for him. Obviously G-d made a way to rationally determine what is his true law. It must be that every sane person in the world could come to this determination. Otherwise, a person would not be able to be judged after they pass on. They could always defend themselves to G-d and say “I thought my feeling was right?” And get off the hook. Sorry. It doesn’t work that way.

Obviously there must be a rational way – based upon logic and rationality – to determine G-d’s true law.

Four simple questions exist that one can come to the conclusion of the true religion of G-d. Each question must be answered rationally.

These are the four questions in short. (A previous post on The Four Question entitled – What G-d really Wants from You goes into the matter in more depth.)

  1. Is there a G-d

  2. Did G-d Give a Law?

  3. What is that Law?

  4. Did G-d Change His mind?

The rational answers are :

 1. Is there a G-d?

Answer: Yes. To say “No” would mean that you believe that man, the world, all nature, molecules, the universe, growth, order of the world, babies, the food chain comes from random atoms flying together. Saying No is irrational, thus you must say – Yes there is a G-d.

2. Did G-d Give a Law? 

Answer: Yes. To say “No” would mean you believe that G-d created this magnificent world and not care about if people destroyed his nature or creatures. Saying No is irrational, thus you must say – Yes there is a Law of G-d.

3. What is that Law?

Answer: The Torah. The Torah is the Only law in which millions of people, an entire nation of people, the Jewish People – heard G-d speaking and giving of the divine law the Torah at Mount Sinai about 3,300 years ago. Not one person. Not two people. Not 5, not 10. But Millions of People. To say another law that was not heard by millions would be irrational. Why? Because if it was only one person, I would have no reason to believe one person over another person who says the exact opposite of the first person. Thus millions of people would have had to heard the divine law for it to be valid.

4. Did G-d change His mind?

Answer: No. To say G-d gave a law and changed his “mind” about the laws or people is irrational. G-d is omniscient. He know all the past the present and future. Not rational to say He gave a law and changed His mind.

A G-d that Answers when We Call

G-d is called Hash-m, which means “the Name”. One who prays to Him is answered. Once an african american woman went to see my friend the optometrist. She said she beacame a follower of the Noahide laws for Gentiles according to the Torah. He asked why? She said when she was following another religion, she prayed and was not answered. When she prayed to Hash-m, she was. So She became a righteous Gentile that follows the Seven Noahide laws.

Gentiles have tremendous Wisdom in Science. In Astrology. In Mathematics. The Torah says to believe in the Wisdom of the Gentiles. Yet, we do not believe in their laws that pertain to Spirituality. For the Jews are the recievers of the Torah. This is the expression –

Chochma Bagoyim Taamin Torah Bagoyim al Taamin. – Wisdom of the Gentiles Believe. The Divine Law of the Gentiles do not believe. Because G-d Himself taught the Jews the laws. Anything that differs cannot be believed – beacause we heard it from the mouth of G-d.

Like we mentioned above – After a person passes away they will be judged for their deeds and actions. The question is according to what law will they be judged? Is it according to the Torah? A person must be able to determine through rational thought what is the true law of G-d. Otherwise they would not be able to be judged fairly in the next world because they would always have the excuse “I thought that Judaism was not the true religion.”

For a claim to hold up in the heavenly court any person in the world could have figured this out. Below are some issues that help a person to decide the religion they should follow.

Here is a comparison that was compiled several years ago. Perhaps it can help those in search for the will of G-d.

Comparison of Judaism and Other Ideologies

In the left column is the ideal situation for a religion to be well founded.

The second column is what Judaism believes and is supported by fact.

The third column is an example of what some other religions believe.

The purpose of this comparison is for a person who is sincerely searching for the true religion and wants to get close to the true God to have a point of comparison between Judaism and other ideologies. The answers in the second column are provided for information purposes and the reader is free to enter the answers of their own religion’s stance on the issue to be able to compare it to the Torah.

The list below not only provides evidence of the veracity of Torah Judaism as the religion of G-d. It also shows that since most Jews believe in the basic principles of the Torah, it show that the Jews are spiritually connected to Hash-m.

What does this mean? This means that the through Torah – Jews can maintain a closer relationship with Hash-m by adhering to its principles. They can reach higher heights of perfection and their potential.

Though gentiles can reach a level of closeness to Hash-m, through exercising their own potential and attaining a higher degree of perfection through the Seven Noahide laws of the Torah, to attain a greater closeness to God they have the option of becoming full fledged Jews – by conversion through a competent Orthodox Rabbi. Those concerned about this, those that wish they could reach this closeness to Hashem – always have the option of conversion to Judaism open to them permitting them to reach this greater closeness.

Issue – the ideal answer.


Other religions

Law transmitted by God Himself not by an agent

Jewish people actually heard transmission of Torah from God Himself

Transmitted by a single human being to others

Transmission of law witnessed by millions people

The giving of the Torah by God Himself at mount Sinai was witnessed by over 3 million people. Of which 600,000 Jewish men between the age of 20 to 60 witnessed the event.

Witnessed by one individual or several individuals

Transmitted by a person who spoke directly to God face to face

Moshe Rabbeinu / Moses Our Teacher spoke to God face to face like a person would speak to another person, while he was completely awake and lucid.

Transmitted by a person who had a dream

Law conceived by God

God created the Torah and then created the world. The law is his law.

Group of people conceived law

God did open miraculous kindness for an entire nation

God sends plagues upon Egyptians and brings Jewish people out of Egypt in front of all the world.

Did not do miracles for entire nation.

Law is based upon principles that cannot be changed by man

God gave to Torah is written Torah and the Oral Torah. All laws must conform to what is written in the Oral Torah. (Which is now the Talmud)

People have discretion to change laws according to their whim

God changes nature for a entire nation

God sends 10 plagues upon Egypt to punish Egyptians for pain they caused the Jews.

Does things for individuals

God punishes nations that hurt entire nation

God sends 10 plagues upon Egypt because they caused suffering to the Jewish nation.

Does things for individuals

God helps entire nation to be victorious in war

God helps Jewish nation to be victorious over nations much mightier than them in the wilderness of Sinai

Win by force. (Of course with the will of G-d)

Explanation of God’s features makes logical sense

God is not physical nor spiritual. He is the essence of existence. Has no deficiencies or weaknesses. He is Perfect. He is One. He is Unlimited. He is everywhere.

Their concept of “gods” are illogical. It can be an animal or a man (either dead or alive) or an object – “that is dead, eventually dies or decays or can be destroyed. If a “god” dies, or is dead, decays or can be destroyed it has a weakness and logically cannot be the real god. Assumes G-d changes his mind after taking a well thought out decision – if G-d is perfect he wouldn’t change his mind.

Is Truth

Allows and encourages questions to arrive at the truth. Truth is not afraid of questions.

Use manipulative tactics to avoid truth or threats because their doctrine cannot stand up to the test of truth. Punish people who deny their doctrine.

Has detailed laws that deal with all situations.

Has specific and detailed laws that are either treated directly or can be derived from the Talmud.

Have vague laws based on general foundations of the religion. No specific details of cases.

Detailed Laws are based upon Torah’s Laws

Detailed laws that correspond directly with Torah Laws (ie, five books of Moses).

Have vague laws many of which have nothing to do with the Torah’s commandments or are against the Torah’s commandments ie, – “Do not make an image of G-d.”

Giving of law witnessed by trustworthy people

The Jews were on the level of righteousness so high that they attained prophecy when they received the Torah.

Was witnessed by harlots, immoral people or killers.

Transmitted by righteous people

Moshe Rabbeinu who transmitted the Torah was so righteous he was able to speak with God directly

Transmitted by killers and sinners “if they could kill they could lie also

Based upon logic, not miracles

Hash-m did thousands of miracles for the Jewish nation – “ten plagues, manna, splitting of the sea of reeds, etc. But belief in Torah is not based on miracles. It is based upon historical fact, G-d’s communication with the Jewish people, common sense and logic. See Rambam “ Laws of Mashiach / Messiah. Laws of Kings – chapter 11

Believe because one or more people were subject to or did miracles. Because of the existence of freedom of choice even wicked people can actually do “miracles” – ie, voodoo, black magic. Thus doing Miracles is not a proof of veracity.

Allows truths to be questioned and is open to questions – open minded to allow questions to arrive at the truth

Questions will surely encouraged – Anyone who learns Gemara or Talmud realizes how open the Torah is to questions

Religions censor people and works that are contrary to their beliefs in order that they do not discover the truth. They hide the truth or deny questions and provide roundabout answers. They Give very vague verses from the “Bible” to show their veracity – yet these verses are misinterpreted by them, because they did not receive the Oral Torah that explains exactly what the verse means.

Meaningful and well thought out laws, rituals and customs

Rituals are pleasant like having meals with the family on Shabbat and holidays. Prayer.

Have unusual rituals and laws sometimes subjecting followers to flagellate themselves, torturing themselves, throwing people into fire. They burn wives of upon death of husband. Some Religion leaders do not procreate – if all of the members of the religion would become leaders their would be no members of the religion after that generation.

Believe that God is an entity that is not physical or spiritual. It is not logical to say that God is physical or spiritual, because anything that is physical or spiritual can be created or destroyed. Anything that can be created or destroyed cannot be God.

Hash-m is not physical nor spiritual. He is the Essence of perfection and goodness.

Some propose God is physical. They may say he is a man, an object, or an animal. they attribute godly attributes to a mound of flesh Or to an inanimate a pile of stones or a statue. All these have the weakness “they can be destroyed. Therefore they cannot be the true god.

Common people who follow the religion are righteous.

The basic rule for the Jews is to love one’s fellow like one’s self. Observant Jews do many and exemplary acts of kindness.

Though many are righteous, many times in history the masses of people were killers and instigators in that they actively participated in in pogroms, crusades, blood-libels, aiding the Nazis, terrorism and anti-Semitic campaigns.

Top leaders are exemplary  righteous people

Top leaders are exemplary in morality, in kindness and in following the laws of the Torah.

Many scandals are surfacing against top leaders – stealing, killing, immorality, etc. Gurus make up their own set of laws ie – it’s OK to steal if the Guru gains money from it.

Foundations of the beliefs of the ideology are logical

Foundations are based upon solid evidence and logic (and see 13 principles of faith of the Rambam)

Believe because you have to believe (they force people to believe because their claims make are irrational like their “god” is a dead man.) To quell the masses they say it is improper to ask questions or to just believe on faith. No sane person would by a car on “faith” that it has an engine. Subscribing to a religion – that one’s life in heaven depends upon – should be subject to at least the same scrutiny.

Foundations of Religion are consistent with the Document of the Law

Foundations of Torah is that G-d is One, He is Perfect, He is not Physical. It says in the Torah “You shall not make any image that is on earth or in the Heavens” – The second of 10 commandments.

Their god is a physical entity or a physical entity represents their g-d which is explicitly forbidden in the 5 Books of Moses.

All people are treated with sensitivity

Each man must be respected because he was created in the image of Hash-m. Never killed innocent people on basis of the Torah.

Killed millions of innocent people in the name of “God” and their religion – historically and currently condone killing of innocent people who through terrorism, pogroms, violence, etc.

Are in sync with morality and common sense

Each person should be treated with respect and dignity.

Their law says “don’t kill.” Yet in actuality religions were at times one of the greatest terror organizations. Historically and currently condone killing of innocent people through terrorism, pogroms, violence, holy wars, holocaust, genocide, intifada, etc.

Number of witnesses to Origin of Religion

Millions of Jewish People “600,000 men witnessed and heard G-d’s voice at Sinai

Two harlots, person who had a dream, guru that got a divine message

Number of Adherents


Hundreds of Millions “number of adherents is not a testimony to the truth“ see below (If a million people say 1 + 1 = 3 and one person says 1 + 1 = 2. Who is right? The million people or the one person?) Easier to follow ones desires than to control ones desires. There was a point in time that a majority of the world believed the world was flat. Does that mean that the world was flat at that time point in time?

Claims to have millions of witnesses to transmission of the law – and has proof

Millions of Jewish people saw and heard Hashem –  G-d giving the Torah.

Don’t make any claims that millions of people witnessed giving or Re-transmission of the law

Claims G-d did not – “change his mind”

Hash-m is perfect. His knowledge is perfect. He knows the past and the future. He does not change his mind.

Say G-d changes his mind.

G-d did not change his people

Hash-m chose only the Jewish people to be the Chosen nation and they remain to be his Chosen nation. He never changed them with another nation.
There are proofs of this in Torah and according to logic. If someone employs a thousand people. If he decides to fire them he sends them pink slips. “Pink slips” or another declaration never was made that Hash-m rescinded his covenant with them. When one introduces a product they do much publicity if they wish to recall it they also use much publicity. It is an eternal covenant. Hashem forgave the Jews for any sins that they did. Mishkan Haedut “ the Mishkan is a testimony to the fact that Hashem forgave us for the sin of the Golden Calf.

Say G-d changed his people with another people.

The Law is Divine

The Torah is Divine. How do we know the Torah is Divine? Millions of witnesses heard transmission of law from Hash-m himself at Mount Sinai.

Law made up by men.

G-d did not change the original nation that he chose.

G-d does not change his mind. He has perfect knowledge and knows the future. He would not select a nation and then “change his mind.” The Jews were Hash-m’s chosen people and remain his chosen people and will remain to be his chosen people forever.

Other religions say G-d changed the original nation that he chose. This is the basis for their religion’s existence.

Treat non-members of the religion in respectful manner.

Even the most lowly of people “Bilaam” – the gentile prophet who was unable to answer the rebuke of his talking donkey – who wished to curse the Jews was spared embarrassment. Hash-m his donkey killed so that people wouldn’t point to the donkey saying “look that is the donkey that Bilaam couldn’t answer back” and embarrass Bilaam.

Vilify Jews and create hatred among their people of Jews. Teach children to Hate Jews from an early age – even in schools. Create heros out of those who commit violence against Jews. Call Jews the “Devils”. Create campaigns against Jews and make plots against Jews. Every new act or speech of violence against the Jews further detracts credibility of the validity of their religion.

God did not change his original nation that he chose for another nation. The nation he chose is the same nation forever.

God says in the scriptures and the Torah that the people of Israel are his chosen nation forever. “Six days you shall work and on the seventh day it is a holy day of rest to Hashem“ anyone who shall do work on the Shabbat day will …. And the children of Israel observed the Shabbat “to do the Shabbat throughout the generations – between Me (Hashem) and the children of Israel “ it is a sign forever. (Shemot 31:16-17) (Devarim/ Deut. 5:25)

God changes his mind. They disregard these verses.

Follow the laws of the 5 books of Moses

Follow the laws of the 5 books of Moses to the most minute detail. Know all the details of the laws.

Those religions that claim their people to be the “replacement” of the Jewish people “ Do not even know the details of most of the commandments. They act contrary to the commandments. G-d said the seventh day of the week should be the Sabbath Day. The Jewish people observe the Sabbath on the Seventh day “others on the 6th day of the week and others on the first day of the week. This goes against an explicit law in the Torah. There are many more examples too numerous to list.

Follow the 10 commandments

Follow the 10 commandments with all the details.

“You shall not make an image of G-d that is from earth, the skies or the waters” – Those that worship – a man – a man is from earth“ thus it is forbidden from the 10 commandments to worship a man or treat any man as a representation of G-d. A cow is from earth, a tree is from earth“ all are forbidden to treat as images of G-d.

“Thou shalt not kill.” Many pogroms, killings done in the name of the religion.

“Thou shalt not steal” after the pogroms sanctioned by religions they stole goods that belonged to innocent people that they killed.

Observant Orthodox Jews are the only ones that consistently observe the laws of the 5 Books of Moses – eaning that we are the True representatives of the Torah.

Jews: Observe Passover, wear Tephillin, Observe the Sabbath on the Seventh day, eat Matzah, take the Lulav and Etrog, live in Booths, Celebrate the receiving of the Torah.

No other people observe the commandments of the Torah in their entirety and detail like the Orthodox Jews.

Philosophers admitted to the Truth of the Torah over their own Philosophy.

Aristotle wrote a letter to Alexander the Great at the end of his life testifying that he erred with his philosophy, he regretted teaching it and that he admitted to the Truth of the Torah. (see Meam Loez “ Parasha Yitro)

Do not present an insult to G-d

Jews Praise G-d for his Greatness every day. Believe that G-d is exactly they way that He is described in the Torah according to the RAMBAM. He is not physical, nor spiritual. He is all powerful. He has no weaknesses.

Present an insult to G-d. Say G-d is a man or a stone or a tree or a statue “who is limited and nothing in comparison to Hash-m. This is comparable to calling a mighty human king a dog. (See story of Rabbi Akiva)

Facts of science correspond to facts written in texts of the religion

Because Hash-m created the Torah and then created the world using the Torah as a blueprint facts about the world and nature must correspond to facts that are accepted in the Torah. For instance:

Torah states world is a sphere. World is a sphere.

Torah states Gestation period of a snake is 7 years. Gestation period of a snake is 7 years.

Torah states exactly how many stars in the Universe in Talmud Berachot. Current scientific calculations of number of stars corresponds to number of stars written in the Torah.

Time it takes for moon to revolve around the earth. Time stated by Torah (in Talmud) thousands of years ago corresponds exactly to time determined recently by NASA scientists.

There was a point in time which religions stated the world is flat. If they represent G-d, they should know a basic thing like that the world is not flat. Religions are historically against science.

People are Chosen People as it states in the Torah

Hash-m Chooses the Jewish nation to be a light to the world“ in terms of ethics and serving Hash-m. As it states in the Torah about the Jewish People “For you are a Holy nation to Hash-m Your G-d: You Hash-m your G-d chose to be a special nation to Him “ among all the nations of the world that are on the face of the Earth.” (Deuteronomy 7:6)

Others religions say “Jews are devils, are the cause of the worlds problems, are the enemy” and cause Jews tremendous suffering in the name of the religion. Anti-semitism is prevalent.

(Asides the fact that it is strictly forbidden for a Jewish person to marry a gentile – this is one reason why even a totally assimilated Jew should not marry a gentile unless the gentile converts. Judaism doesn’t condone the killing of gentiles. Other religions historically and some currently condone and encourage the killing of Jews. Basically a person who associates themselves with a religion accepts their practices “ currently and historically.

So the Jewish partner should say to the non-Jewish partner “If you love me“ you wouldn’t want me to be killed. If you adhere to a religion“ that shows that you agree with that religion and their past and present practices. Your religion condones the killing of Jews “ and I am Jewish. If you actually love me show me through your action by abandoning your faith and become a sincere convert according to the Torah with a competent orthodox Jewish Rabbi.” If they convert this is a sign that they love you. If they do not accept to convert they surely do not love you. A person who loves another does not want any harm to come to the partner and even more they do not the death of the partner.

Gentiles have two possible paths to choose from in Judaism. To become a Righteous Gentile by following the seven Noahide laws proscribed by the Torah commandments and would not be able to marry a Jew. Or become a full-fledged convert to Torah Judaism by following the program proscribed by a competent Orthodox Jewish Rabbi. (Those already intermarried should contact a competent Orthodox Rabbi to seek guidance for Jewish Conversion).

Philosophies are logical

Solid logic applies to foundations, all law and all thoughts

Can an animal, man dead or alive, or a statue make a house from nothing (ex-nihlo) even more so the entire universe

The forefathers and Jewish people are the major subject of the Torah (Tanach “ Torah, Neviim / Prophets and Ketuvim / Writings)

Jewish nation occupies major part of the Torah

Ishmael is mentioned only briefly. Other guy is not mentioned even once. Ever heard of a novel where the main character is never mentioned once?

Law is Standard

There is only one version of the Torah “ the five books of Moses, Prophets and Writings. There is no difference between Torah of now and of three thousand years ago. Text of the Torah is standard where found geographically throughout the world, throughout various customs, throughout time.

Hundreds or thousands of different versions of their “bible”.

Witnessed by millions / Remembered by millions

An event of the magnitude of millions of people leaving a country accompanied by clouds and by miraculous events to an entire nation is an national unforgettable memory that people remember (see the kuzari principle “ david gottleib”?)

Reason for the existence of the religion makes sense

The reason for the Jewish religion is so that the Jews will serve as an example as the lights to the nations for them to know how to act in a moral and ethical manner and to become close to Hash-m. The Rambam -Maimonides –  writes the reason for why Hashem let other religions to develop is because before people were idol worshipers and their religion serves as a transition stage before they recognize the truth of the Torah.

Is the Oldest and Original Monotheistic Way of life

Judaism is the Original and the Oldest Monotheistic religion in the world. The others are offshoots. HaMotzi Mechavero Alav Haraya. If a person is holding an object we can assume that it belongs to him. If someone wants to take it from him the claimant must bring the proof. Judaism originally held the title of the one and only True Monotheistic religion. Other religions came after and wanted to falsely claim that title. Other religions have to bring proof of their authenticity because they are not holding on to the title. Rather than Judaism having to prove its authenticity.

Others are unfaithful imitations of the original.

Adam, Noah, Shem, Ever, The Forefathers, Matriarchs, Moses, David, Solomon, observed scrupulously the Torah as it is being observed by observant Jews today

The Torah was given to Adam and the Great Men of the Torah who observed it. They observed it in a form similar to the way it is observed today.

Other religions weren’t around to be observed by any great people of Bible.

The whole world was supposed to observe the Torah – the Seven Noahide Laws – when He gave them to Adam the First Man.


Issue – Ideal Answer


Other Religions

Did not kill innocent people in the name of the religion

Does not and did not kill innocent people in name of the religion.

Killed and tortured millions of people in the name of the “religion.” Committed tremendous crimes against humanity. Condoned the Nazis. Yet are supposed to be the upholders of morality.

Solid foundations

G-d is one. He is not physical. He has no deficiencies.

They say their god died. If a “god” dies it must mean that they are not the true G-d.

Not Contradictory

Laws and philosophies follow a directive of “Love your fellow as yourself.”.

Says “Love everyone” yet killed millions of people in the name of the religion.

Admit to the Truth of the Torah


Usually – when convenient.

Have a line of transmission from Mount Sinai till now

There are books that list the line uninterrupted transmission of the Torah from Moses till the recent rabbis. (See Rambam – Maimonides). This uninterrupted transmission spans over times where popular religions were started – showing that the other religions are man-made offshoots or novelties rather than a religion that was given by Hash-m himself.

No line of transmission. Or Contradictory Lines of Transmission.

Do not actively pursue converts – in order that only sincere convert

Do not encourage gentile people to convert to Judaism due to challenges of being a sincere Torah observer. Encourages gentiles to follow the law that is proscribed for them by the Torah “ the 7 Noahide laws.

Convert anyone, by force, threat of death, torture, bribery, tricks, money.

Proofs from the Torah that the Jewish Torah and Philosophy is True

“Hashem is one”;
“G-d is not a man.”

“G-d does not change his mind”

Mishkan Haedut – testimony that the Jews were forgiven.

Use truthful practices

Encourages questions and investigation of the religion.

Missionaries lie, make false interpretations of verses, are ignorant to true meaning of the verses.

Law remains the same over time

If it was forbidden to steal yesterday “ it is forbidden to steal today. Law is decided based upon new situations “ but law remains the same.

Law changes according to whim of people.

Institute punishment in a just manner

Have detailed laws of justice with strict laws for judges.

Kill innocent people because they don’t believe a dead human of flesh or a mound of clay is god.

G-d loves his own nation with a special love and his covenant with the Jews remains for at least a thousand generations (one generation is 20 years, 1000 generations is 20,000 – years the world has only been in existence for at least 5768 years ) – meaning that Hash-m never replaced his Jewish people with another nation.

“It is not because of your great number among the other people that Hash-m desired you and chose you – for you are the fewest of all people. Rather it is from the love of Hash-m towards you, and his guarding of the oath that he swore to your forefathers that Hash-m would take you out with a strong arm and redeem you from the house of bondage from the hand of Pharaoh – the king of Egypt. And you shall know that Hash-m your God – He is the God, and the faithful God who guards his covenants and kindness to those that he loves and those that guards his Commandments to the thousandth generation. And he pays His enemies before him and destroys them – He does not tarry to his enemies before him to pay them back. And you shall guard the Commandments and the laws and ordinances that I commands you today to do. (Devarim 7: 7 -11)

Hash-m loves the convert to Judaism. Enemies of the Jews, Esau and Amalek are Hash-m’s enemies.

Chosen nation has different laws than other nations (Gentiles shall not marry Jews)

“And you shall not marry them. Your daughter you shall not give to his son and his daughter to not take for your son. For he (the gentile father or mother) will remove your children from following after Me (Hash-m) and he will serve other gods and Hash-m will burn his anger against you and he will destroy you quickly. Rather this is what you shall do to them “their altars you shall break. “And their pillars you shall smash and their sacred trees you shall cut down and their idols you shall burn with fire.” (Devarim / Deut. 7:3 – 5)

Some Faiths people kill women that marry outside their faith.

Hash-m Loves His People and People that Follow his Laws (Gentiles that follow Noahide Laws and Jewish People who follow the Shulhan Aruch)

“Rather because of the desire towards your forefathers “ He loves you “ and he will select their seed “ from among them till today” (Devarim / Deut.10:15)

The Five books of Moses is accepted as True throughout the world by many people

The main basis of the observance of our Torah is the Five books of Moses that much of the world accepts as the Truth.

The basis of other religions are documents that the other people of the world dispute their veracity.

Jews have the Oral Law

Jews received the Torah and its explanation originally transmitted orally – which is the Talmud. Thus they know how to observe the Torah with all its details.

Other nations do not do or know how to do commandments properly.

 Jews Pray Directly to G-d – There are no Intermediaries Jews pray only to Hash-m. Intermediaries are are form of Idol worship according to Judaism. In the Generation of Enosh – People thought G-d is too great to pray directly to him – So they started to pray to intermediaries. This was the start of Idol worship. This eventually culminated in G-d’s destruction of the world through the flood. Many Religions condone  prayer to intermediaries – which was one of the causes of the destruction of the world.



When Friends Forget Friends or Buddies Become Bitter

Remember the good old days. You used to go out with your friend regularly. You had good times and bad together.

They are still a friend on social media. You bump into them sometimes. “Wow. It’s so good to see you! We have to stay in touch. Let’s get together sometimes!”

But you call them at the office the secretary says: “Let me check if they’re here. I think I saw him in the office…” Pause. “Oh, I’m sorry he’s in a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message?”

No returned phone calls. No response to texts.

“I hope he’s still alive” – You think.

Calling his cell phone it goes immediately to answering service.

Yes, you grew apart over the years. He went his way and you went your way.

Perhaps you became more Torah observant.

What do you do?

I believe a true friend is a friend forever. They are there for you when you are in need and not in need.

A good friend will answer your phone calls regardless if they are busy. They will return your phone calls. Answering phone calls of people you know – I feel is common courtesy. Even more so friends.

Making Peace
If you left things off on bad terms – make peace. If you left on good terms & if the relationship is worthwhile – so try to patch things up. Speak with a third friend to be an intermediary. Visit them when they have a good occasion or a Shiva / 7 days of mourning. Send them Shanna Tova Cards and Jewish Holiday Cards.

Don’t give up. Because they are not friendly – doesn’t mean you should do the same.

Life Goes On
In any case – life goes on.

Your main concern in life should be your own family and taking care of their material, emotional and spiritual needs. Help them to Grow in Torah in Mitzvot.

Gain pleasure from their growth.

Should you become bitter yourself because they don’t answer you? Sorry – Not worth the mental anguish. Make new friends – those that care for you materially, emotionally and spiritually. People that will help you grow in Torah.

And your old friends – pray to Hash-m for their best. At least when you were younger you had a good time with them – and that’s a reason to be still thankful to them – regardless of how they act now.

Look at the good. Be thankful to Hash-m for what you have. Be thankful for your current friends, for your family and your Jewish community. If old friends answer you good. If not – you become a better person by not becoming bitter.

Don’t become bitter – based upon the actions or reactions of people.

Change Rejection – to a Positive Outcome
I needed change for the meter the other day. I asked people on the street for change for a dollar. Most people said “Sorry. I have no change.”

Just like that “rejection” of giving change is not a reason to become upset or evaluate myself negatively – perhaps they really didn’t have change – an old friend who refuses to communicate with you is not a reason to become upset or evaluate yourself negatively – perhaps they don’t realize the value of being in contact with you. Usually it is their loss.

Perhaps one day they will need you and you will respond kindly, without resentment. Without a grudge. They will realize the folly of their giving you the cold shoulder.

Love Your Fellow Jew
The Torah says to love your fellow Jew. Like it says “Ve’ahavta Le’reacha Kamocha”Love your fellow as yourself (Vayikra / Leviticus 19:18).

Live according to Torah ideals – in which your actions are guided by what Hash-m / G-d thinks of you rather than what others think of you.

G-d wants you to love His children. Your love ultimately makes you a better person.

Four Questions & Three Words to Make You Smarter & More Successful

The Four Elements in Personality of a Person

A man is composed of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. People’s personalities are a combination of all of them. You have:

Airy people – like social butterflies.


Firey people – hot tempered or very take charge.


People like water – fickle or unstable or go with the flow.


People that are down to Earth.


Each one of us has some of these traits.

The personality is a combination. Some have more of one than the other. I think I am of the down to earth kind.

Each element trait can be used for good or bad.

That is our goal in life. Using our personality and talents to do the greatest possible for the World.

The Guide to Reach Success

G-d gave us the Torah to reach that potential.

Nothing else will do.

Here are proofs that the Torah is the true path to Success.

A rich man – who beats his wife? Successful as a person or not? Obviously not. The Torah prohibits lifting a hand against another. An woman Executive who is a tyrant at home? Successful or not? Obviously not. The Torah says not to be a tyrant at home. A wealthy young millionaire – who spends his time texting rather than helping others around him? Successful or not? No. The Torah teaches the value of helping others. A middle class person – who raises a family with good values. Successful? Yes. The Torah teaches us the value of being a good person and transmitting it to our children through a Torah education.

The Problem of Religious Stereotyping

I met many people. Some shy away from religion. Some don’t want to here about it. Some want to convert you. Some are open minded. Some are thirsty to learn. Some will cross the street when they see you.

I can see all their points of view. I myself find organized religion – lacking to say the least. Worshiping a man – doesn’t make sense to me. Worshiping objects also is irrational. Killing innocent people in the name of G-d is also unbearable to support.

The problem why many shy away from Judaism is because they throw all religions in a pot – including Judaism – and reject all.

Basically it’s stereotyping.

Judaism is Life

Judaism is not a religion. The Torah is called “a Tree of Life”. What are the fruits of a tree of life? Life. Torah is life.

Judaism is based upon the laws of the Torah. The Torah is the only divine law that was given to a people, by G-d himself, in which millions of people heard him speaking. Compare that to any other religion. Many say – this person had a vision or a dream or a prophesy. That cant be compared to millions of people personally hearing G-d speak to each one of them. No vision. Millions actually witnessing and hearing the transmission of a Divine Law – the Torah.

Will the Real Law of G-d Please Stand Up

The first step in becoming smarter than others – is to recognize the true law of G-d – the Torah. Defining Smart as being ready, willing, able and active in achieving your potential in life.

Someone asked me – “If you could do any transgression, and not be held accountable, what would you do?”

I thought about it.

“Nothing.” I replied.

Not that I was not tempted. But the Torah teaches that a person only sins if a spirit of folly enters into them. It basically means that any transgression will lead you farther from achieving your goal and potential in life.

If I was to follow transgression – I wouldn’t be true to myself, my goal, my purpose and my ability to help others. Instead of achieving my goal, I would be following after futile pleasures and be left with nothing. Achieving nothing – like dust in the wind.

See the difference between Yaakov / Jacob and Esav / Esau. Jacob followed after Torah. At life end, He had a beautiful family – children, grand children & great grand children following in his path of wisdom, exceptional values & being models of those that represent the G-d that his father discovered. People of the world would believe in G-d because of them.

Esav, on the other hand, who followed his passions, had many Generals, armies and much money. But what did he do for the world? Nothing great. Came after him, his way – was the Greek culture. Look at external beauty – but it’s no problem to be rotten inside.

This is the victory of Hanukah. The victory of values over external looks. Being good rather than following after dead-end pleasures.

I deviated many times from the Torah path, unfortunately. Every time finding, I am not achieving. Just churning water.

Your Most Important Asset

I never was too religious. Pain was my motivator to get me to think. After many years, I found that your most important asset is your ability to think. Your mind should be in control of your emotions not the other way around is what my Rebbi used to say.

Determining the True law of G-d and the Path to Success

G-d had to give a way for people to determine the true law of G-d. it must be simple enough for the average man or woman – be able to determine what that law is. Otherwise only smart people would be accountable for transgressions. We are all responsible for our acts – whether we are smart or average.

One can find G-d through an emotional event. But it will not necessarily help you find the true G-d. You can find G-d – but still not know who he is. But emotions are not a determining factor to find G-d or His law. One person can feel that one religion is right for him, while another will feel something else. So one cannot find the true G-d through emotion or feeling.

The way for one to find G-d is through rationality

Finding G-d through Rational Thought

The Four Questions

G-d, our Father, like a human father – wants us to be successful. If one thinks things out he will be able to come to the conclusion that Torah is the true way of G-d and thus success. How? By asking four questions and answering them rationally.

The four questions are:
1. Is there a G-d?
2. Did He Give a Law?
3. What is that Law?
4. Did G-d Change His “mind”?


In short here are the answers:
1. Yes. Rationally, It doesn’t make sense that random atoms formed the world and nature.


2. Yes. Rationally, It doesn’t make sense that G-d created a magnificent world to allow others to destroy it.


3. The Torah. Rationally, G-d would have to give a law to millions of people, rather than one man, otherwise a person could always say – why should I believe that man. The Torah is the only Divine law given by G-d, witnessed by millions of people.


4. No. Rationally, It doesn’t make sense that G-d, who knows all, is omniscient – knows past, present and future, is the most intelligent existence, will change his mind about His laws.

Once one has accepted this train of thought – now one can propel himself through life on a different level. Following the laws of Torah will help a person become a well-balanced, productive, kind individual to reach his personal potential in helping others.

There are three words that help a person to reach his potential. I learned these words the hard way. Through suffering. I believe the suffering was imposed upon me – possibly for my past failings, lack of concern and consideration for other people. But the sufferings woke me up to a new world – to focus on doing good to others, looking at the good in others, being concerned for others – rather than my personal pleasures and whims at the expense of others.

Every day is another opportunity to grow. Every day I try to improve. It’s a never-ending process. Sometimes I take a step back – but at least I know I am on the right path. It is a process of going up and down – but the trend line generally goes up.

What are those three words?

“Hash-m Knows Best.”

A man is full of temptations. He is fickle. One interest drives him here. Another in another direction. But having Torah as a guide will help a person keep his eye on the ball. Even if it is not convenient. Even if it is not comfortable. People don’t like to change. But by changing for the better one becomes the real You. Becoming a better you is the path traced by the Torah.

You become You. With three words You become You.

“Hash-m Knows Best.”

If you don’t know what is good – ask an Orthodox Rabbi. Look in the Shulchan Aruch if you are Jewish. Look in the 7 Noahide laws from the Torah if you are not. But Use the Torah as a guide, Pray to Hash-m to help you find the right path and follow it – and you will go far.

Very far.

The Unbroken Chain of the Transmission of Judaism


The Jews received the The Torah at Sinai.

A Jewish person who observes the Torah creates another link in that Chain to Sinai.

The Rambam – Maimonides – made a chain from Moses to himself. Others have expanded this chain to themselves in the present day. It is a further proof of the unchanged transmission of the Torah to the Jews till today. Torah Jews observe the Same laws as those Jews who received it thousands of years ago.

Here is the Chain

The Transmission of the Torah

Those who do observe Torah help assure the chain remains unbroken in the future generations – as seen here:

Will Your Grandchildren be Jewish?



Can I Become Proficient at Torah Study as an Adult?

800px-ReadingOfTheTorahIt’s a great thing to want to learn Torah. I am sure you can become proficient if you dedicate time and are diligent. I would suggest you get in contact with an Orthodox Rabbi ( Orthodox Union) and ask about Torah courses in your area or if he himself offers courses or if he can set you up to learn with someone.

There are a plethora of Torah Topics. H’umash / 5 Books of Moses, Talmud, Jewish Law, Jewish Philosophy, Mussar / Ethics, Psychology, and much more. I would suggest as a beginner to learn H’umash / the weekly Parasha / Torah reading with an Orthodox Rabbi inside the Text with Rashi (the Commentator). You can also learn with someone over the phone with a program called Partners in Torah .

For a Gentile / Non-Jew that wants to Learn Torah – I would suggest them to also contact an Orthodox Rabbi. Yet I would suggest them to learn the 7 Noahide Laws from the Torah for all humanity. For that is what they are responsible to learn. If they have an interest in becoming Jewish then they can also learn other Torah subjects.

I suggest that a person who learns Torah have a specific goal. To become proficient in learning text on one’s own is what seems to be your goal. To do that it is important to review material learned with the other person (chevruta) consistently and understand the definition of words.

Learning Halacha helps you learn Mishna. Learning Mishna Helps you learn Gemara / Talmud. If you are interested in Talmud Study – there is a great program – called Daf HaYomi in which one learns a full page of Talmud daily. Everybody, worldwide, in the program learns the same page. So one finishes the Entire Study of the pages Talmud after about 7 years – and celebrate together at the Siyum HaShas / Completion of the Talmud. Obviously, to get the most out of it one should review what he learned with the rabbi inside the text afterwards to be able to understand inside the Text. There are many Talmud & Torah study works translated and Commented in English or French or Hebrew – like the Artscroll Talmud or Chumash.

If one does this diligently, eventually they can learn to learn Torah & Talmud. Wishing You success in Your Endeavors.

Being Prepared for Survival in the Nuclear Age

glass-of-waterAll the great Rabbis of this generation have proclaimed that we are in a period called in the Talmud “the footsteps of Mashiach / Messiah”. It is a period in which turmoil among nations will be common.

Advent of Messiah

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the Greatest Rabbis in the Generation, has exhorted Jews to return to Israel. He said to someone recently visiting him from Lakewood “Stay in Israel.” The Rabbi replied – but I am in charge of over 700 students in Lakewood.” He replied “If you don’t come now, it will be hard to find place on the airplanes to get here.”

Some stock experts are predicting the downturn of stock markets and the economy. Some are saying to prepare for survival – by stocking up on water or knowing how to produce water. (One simple method to distill water is to take a bowl, a cup, plastic wrap, a stone and salt water. Put salt water in bowl outside in the sun and put cup in the middle. put plastic wrap on top of bowl. Put rock on plastic wrap. Evaporated water will condense on plastic wrap, and drip into cup.) The best way is to prepare oneself spiritually.

There are ways to avoid the difficulties of this time and survive the storm.

Repentance and Yom Kippur – Opportunities to Clean the Slate

The 4 Steps of Repentance are
1. Regret – regretting what one did. Obviously one has to know what is right and wrong to regret. If one thinks stealing is right – they will not regret. To find out what is right and wrong – A Jew repents by looking at the 613 commandments or the Shulchan Aruch / code of Jewish Law – that regulates Jewish life. A gentile starts the process by looking at their the 7 Noahide Laws.
2. Cessation – Stopping doing the misdeed
3. Confession – Admitting to G-d / Hash-m the wrong that one did and asking for forgiveness
4. Commitment – Committing not to do the transgression again. One know one is forgiven if he or she finds oneself in the same situation and does not commit the impropriety

Repentance for things done against ones fellow must be accompanied by asking for forgiveness. Yom Kippur forgives transgressions against G-d. But to receive pardon from transgressions between man and man, one must ask for forgiveness.

If you are holding a grudge – let go. Forgive and forget and G-d will forgive you. Don’t speak badly about others and the accusers in Heaven will not speak about you.

Cleansing Oneself with Water

Water distillation is like the process of Teshuva / repentance. The pure water rises. When we set our sights towards being good and doing the will of G-d – we purify ourselves. The pure goes up and the bad deeds remain down. Thus we purify ourselves and wipe the slate clean.

One who learns Torah – which is compared to water – as its study cleanses a person – will gain special protection. (note: There are only certain parts of the Torah that Gentiles can learn – a gentile who learns about the 7 Noahide laws is praiseworthy. Other parts of Torah – that a gentile may learn – one must inquire by a competent Torah Jew or Orthodox Rabbi.) When one fills oneself with the wellspring of Torah G-d will offer them special protection.

On Rosh HaShannah we are compared to Sheep. To decide which sheep were to be offered on the Altar – they were placed in a fenced area with a passage to another. As each sheep would pass through they were counted. The 10th sheep would be marked with a red mark. If a sheep was smart – if it wanted to get out of being offered – they could jump into water and wash away the red mark. We too have a chance on Yom Kippur to repent and wash away our past failings.

What many people forget are three things:

1. The Paths of G-d are Pleasant -The pleasantness of following Torah, of being close to G-d, of raising righteous children of having a positive marriage cannot be explained in this short article. G-d is our Father and wants our happiness. G-d knows the true path to happiness – He did make humankind. Like a father, He wants a child to enjoy a fulfilling relationship with Him. Thus he gave the Torah. Some think that if I follow Judaism I will be subject to restrictions. They overlook that – on the contrary, the guidelines are to give a person more pleasure.

2. Any Physical punishment that occurs to a person or nation is because they did something spiritually wrong – according to Torah. For instance people who worship Idols – like an object, or man, or a tree – will be punished because they disregarded the Noahide law prohibiting idol worship. So if a person, changes their ways to correspond to the Torah’s laws they can avoid punishment. The punishment can be used to propel the person to make amends with G-d or can be wasted by ignoring its spiritual message to improve ones ways.

3. Each person has freedom of choice to change for the better
– no matter where a person is terms of their level in Torah observance – Jewish or Gentile they can repent and be forgiven by G-d. (A gentile / non-Jew need not convert to Judaism to follow Torah they just have to follow their Noahide laws as outlined in the Torah.) Once someone said to me “I am unworthy of doing good.” I should have responded “The fact that you feel unworthy means that you have good inside you – meaning you are very worthy.” Every person can better themselves.

Settling of Accounts

The goal of the Messianic period is to settle accounts before the world reaches its true perfection. True perfection means that peace will reign in the world and people will recognize the G-d of the Jews as the true G-d.

Apparently if all the people choose to follow the G-d of the Jews – they will survive. If they don’t they may not. Thus this time is a proper time to do Teshuva / repent. A non-Jew repents by abandoning their old ways and follow the 7 Noahide commandments. A Jew repents by following the Torah – as explained by the Shulchan Aruch / code of Jewish Law – that regulates Jewish life.

All those nations and individuals that tormented the Jews will be punished. All those that were good will be rewarded – possibly with their survival.

The Torah has prophesies about what will happen in these times. (Talmud : Sanhedrin 97a). In Torah there are accepted ways to interpret verses from the Five books of Moses and verses that are interpreted in the Oral Torah – including the Talmud.

The Prophesies stated can be interpreted for the good or for the “will be good”. America is called a Malchut Shel Chesed – a government of Kindness. It has done kindness with other nations that no other nation has done.

Yet America does have its failings – One such failing is the legitimization of same gender marriage. G-d hates improper marital relations.

Midrash Rabbah (26:9) tells us that “The generation of the Flood was not wiped out until they wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to a male or to an animal.”

Another Such failing is that America is the reincarnation of Rome. Rome committed terrible atrocities against the Jewish people. Now G-d wants to settle the accounts.

According to one Rabbi in the Talmud – which was originally the Oral law, given to Moses at Mount Sinai by G-d – There is a prophesy (Talmud Yoma 10a) that says “Iran / Persia will overtake Rome (ie, America).” Another says that “Rome will overtake Iran.” Apparently it could go either way. Either scenario is feasible, now that Iran has gone Nuclear. If America plays its cards right – it could possibly be saved.

How? G-d basically wants people to follow the Torah – Jews and Gentiles. The Torah says that all people are to follow the 7 Noahide laws, because G-d in the Torah that he Gave to Moses said so. For some it will mean abandoning their physical gods or god of materialism. For some it will mean they must abandon their hatred of the Jews. All apparently will have to follow the laws to survive.

G-d does not want the death of the wicked. He wants them to abandon their evil ways and become righteous. Thus any person, who wants to be saved has a way of survival – to follow the laws of the Torah and they will be considered righteous and thus likely be saved.

The Torah says for “To avoid the pains of before the Messiah, a Jew should scrupulously observe having the 3 meals on Shabbat”

The Ben Ish Hai interprets certain prophesies in the Torah – in a positive manner. Others Interpret it in a way that are pretty scary and we see the signs of that that is happening. One such sign is that if the Jews do not repent G-d will appoint a ruler, like Haman, to force them to change their ways by his evil decrees.” But it doesn’t have to be such. If Each Jew takes upon themselves some principal commandments – like observing the Shabbat / Sabbath & Keeping Kosher and observing family purity – they will probably be saved.

The Generation before Messiah & The Face of the Dog

BIG_47196Great Jewish sages of today say the arrival of Messiah is imminent.

The Messiah will bring peace to the world.

There are two ways for him to come -Either

Peacefully – if people have accepted to do good and follow the path of G-d as explained in the Torah (ie, Jews following their commandments and Gentiles following the 7 Noahide laws)


With Turmoil – If people don’t follow the path of G-d

Each is a possible scenario – as there must be freedom of choice.

Before the Messiah – the Jewish writings say:

“With the advent of the footsteps of Mashiach, insolence will increase and prices will soar; the vine will yield its fruit, yet wine will be dear; the government will turn to heresy and no one will rebuke them;… and the face of the generation will be like the face of the dog

So upon whom can we rely? — Upon our Father Who is in heaven.” [Sotah 9:15]

There are several interpretations

– A dog walks in front of its master. It seems to be leading but it looks towards its master to guide its path.
– If you throw a stick at a dog – the dog will bite the stick. (I never tried it, and I wouldn’t suggest you try either.)

A real leader will stand up for what is right. He will ignore his personal interests and look at the will of G-d and the interest of his city, state or country.

According to the first explanation it means that the leaders will look to their constituents to make decisions. They will not necessarily look to do what is right but to do what is popular.

The second explanation means – that people will see that they are being struck by a stick – so they will fight the stick. In my case, when I experienced suffering I thought G-d was sending me a message through the suffering – so I tried to shape up by making a resolutions to follow Torah. How well I did, I don’t know but at least I got the message.

Obviously, one must try to quell the symptoms, but the main point is to solve the main cause.

Today, some people fight the stick. Others apologize to the stick because if they were hit, it must mean that they did something bad. But really they should be apologizing to the one who threw the stick – not to the stick. They got the message that they should make amends – but are mistaken about with whom to make amends. The master (G-d) threw the stick, the stick is just an intermediary to inflict suffering – to awaken a person to do teshuva / return to G-d’s pleasant ways.

When we wake up to learn that the good and the difficult all come from G-d, we have a different perspective on life. As G-d is good, every event happens for the Good, and is an opportunity to become closer to Him.

Ten Commandments or Seven – Which do You Follow?

graphics2“All the children who ate lunch, you now have recess”

the teacher told the audience of little students in the auditorium.

“Those that remain go to the lunchroom.”

Pretty simple to understand.

When G-d gave the 10 Commandments, He prefaced it with “I am the L-rd your G-d, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.”

Who are the people who G-d took out from Egypt from the house of bondage? The Jewish people. Thus the 10 commandments and the Mitzvot Associated with them – the 613 commandments apply only to the Jewish people.

The Seven Noahide Commandments apply to all people – Jews and Gentiles – to All Humanity.

What are these Seven Commandments?

The Seven Commandments for All Humanity

G-d gave Adam, the first man, commandments for him and all his descendants.

These are called the 7 Noahide laws or Sheva Mitzvot Benei Noach / Seven Commandments for the Children of Noah.

These Commandments are the basis of morality and world survival.

G-d gave them again to Noah, after the flood – thus their name.

He also explained them to Moses when the Jews received the Torah at Mount Sinai.

Although there are 7 Commandments for All humanity, they really comprise of at least 30 commandments for all people – Jews and Non-Jews alike. The Seven Commandments are the main categories. The commandments that fall into those 7 are 30. Some count up to 66.

For A good book on the subject see “Path of the Righteous Gentile.”

A gentile who follows these commandments for the sake of the G-d of the Jews because they were written in the Torah, they get a portion in the afterlife. The Torah is eternal, so attaching oneself to Torah one also attaches oneself to eternity.

The Only Time in History that G-d Appeared to an Entire People and Gave a Law
There was only one time in history where G-d appeared to an entire nation of millions of people and gave them a document with very specific laws of conduct – when G-d gave the Torah to the Jews at Mount Sinai about 3,300 years ago. G-d gave laws for Jews and laws for gentiles.

In the Torah – it explains in detail what these laws are. Only the Jews have the proper interpretation of the Torah, because when G-d gave us the commandments and the Written Torah, he also gave us an Oral Law – to explain the written Torah. The Oral Torah was written and is now called the Talmud. Thus any interpretation of Torah that does not follow the laws explained in the Talmud is not Torah.

A person who follows these laws because G-d gave them in the Torah – is called a Ben Noah and will inherit a portion in Heaven.

The Seven Noahide Laws
They are seven major categories – that with their details consist of 30 laws.

1) Respecting G-d – Not to blaspheme.

2) Being Faithful to G-d – Not to Commit Idolatry.

3) Respecting Human Life – Not to Kill.

4) Respecting One’s Fellow’s Property – Not to Steal.

5) Respecting the Integrity of the Family – Not to commit forbidden relations – which includes prohibitions of adultery, incest, bestiality and homosexuality.

6) Respect of Life – Not to eat a limb taken from a living animal.

7) Law and Order – Establishing courts of law to enforce these laws.

The 10 Commandments for the Jewish People

The Descendants of the Abraham, Isaak and Jacob are the Israelites. The Jews descend from them. The Israelites were in Egypt for over 200 years. The Egyptians made them slaves. G-d took them out with a mighty Hand. After they left G-d gave the Jewish people the Torah. All the Jews – Millions of People – heard G-d Himself speaking.

The giving of the Torah – the Law – was a national revalation of G-d. G-d never appeared again to a Nation. G-d does not change his mind. So the Torah is always in effect. Moses brought down the 10 commandments.

The 10 Commandents are only for the Jewish People.

the 10 Commandments found in Deuteronomy (5:1-19) include –
1. Belief in One G-d,
2. Not having other gods (ie, Prohibition of Idol Worship),
3. Prohibition of Saying G-d’s name in Vain,
4. Honoring the Sabbath,
5. Honoring one’s parents,
6. Prohibition of murder.
7. Prohibition of adultery.
8. Prohibition of stealing.
9. Prohibition of bearing false witness against your neighbor.
10. Prohibition of coveting a neighbor’s possessions.

A gentile does not observe the Sabbath. Although a Gentile does not learn Torah it is a Mitzvah / commandment for them to learn about their laws – the 7 Noahide laws.

A Gentile that feels an an affinity to Judaism and is sincere can convert to become Jewish after guidance, learning and conversion with a reputable and competent Orthodox Rabbi. A Jew can never convert out of Judaism. They will always considered Jewish by G-d – regardless if they went through the process of “conversion” to another religion and are thus obligated under the 613 Torah commandments. A Jew is considered a person whose mother is Jewish or converted according to Torah Judaism.

For Info on the the TEN COMMANDMENTS see:

For More Info on the 7 Noahide laws