Category Archives: Judaism
Dextox Your Brain – How to Reboot to Serenity
I was on a flight back from Los Angeles. I avoid watching movies and TV. The written word is more educational – in general – I feel. But at times the screen of people seated ahead of me caught my glance. They were watching some action movies. A far cry from when I was young. The scenes were fast paced. Switching from one clip to another in 3 seconds or less. Extreme movement and violence.
Wow. That’s the entertainment of today. Thank you. I’ll pass. I’d rather live my life with meaningful relationships than staring at screens. Though I admit that I should cut down my computer and phone time as little as it may be in comparison to the common man.
After the flight – these images flashed in my mind. Explosions. Superheros. Violent fighting. Car Crashes. Got to get it out of my system I thought.
The solution. Simple. Stop watching for a period of time. G-d gave us the blessing of forgetting. It is also a gift so that a person will not dwell on difficult situations on the past. Eventually they will forget. It takes about 7 years to forget completely the feeling of a past loved one. After a year it seems distant.
Once Baba Sali – a great sage – accidentally saw an immodestly dressed woman. I believe fe fasted for 30 days to remove the image from his mind.
I’m not on that level. But I avoid sights – that contain violence. I filter my internet. I take precautions that what I view is filtered. I guess taking a break from viewing is a good start. Reading instead of watching is also good. Learning Torah is also good.
Just like detoxing from certain foods and hard drinks will make you feel more physically healthy – detoxing from media will make you feel emotionally and spiritually lighter.
Give Yourself more time to devote to self-improvement and enjoying your relations with others.
The Proper Response to Mazal Tov or Any Blessing for that Matter
Words have power.
Jewish people are constantly giving blessings. A boy or girl is born. “Mazal Tov!” / A good fortune! An engagement! “You should have lots of Nachas / Nachat!” (Satisfaction) or “Build a Bayit Ne’eman Be Yisrael” / faithful home among the people of Israel!
When they meet. “Hatzlacha! / Success!” You hear someone got a new job. “Mazal Tov! Parnassa Tova!” / A good income! A Bar Mitzvah! “He should grow up to be a big Talmid Chacham!” / Torah Scholar. At a Brit / Bris Milah / Circumcision! She Yizkeh leGodlo beTorah, Huppah UMaasim Tovim. You should merit bring him up with Torah, Marriage and good Deeds.
What is a common answer to a blessing? “Thank You!” or “You Too.”
What is this like – A person gives you a check for $1,000,000. You say thank you very much. You don’t deposit it. You don’t endorse it. You don’t use it. One day you wake up and find the check hidden at the end of your office supplies drawer. “Wow I never deposited it?” You look at the date – 6 Months have passed. You don’t remember the giver. You really need the money. I guess you’ll learn for next time.
A Blessing has the power to affect the positive or negative. Prayer to G-d / Hash-m will have some kind of positive effect – either on the person you pray for or another person.
But you can make it more effective by “endorsing the check.” A blessing is a bit like a check – if you endorse and deposit it, it will appear in your account.
How do you endorse a blessing? You say “Amen.”
To return the blessing – we usually reply – “Vekhen LeMar” וכן למר
This means “and also for the master” implying the person who made the blessing.
So you receive the Blessing. You say “Amen. VeKhen Lemar.”
Now since they are recieving the same blessing of “Vekhen LeMar” The person who initially gave the blessing should also respond “Amen.”
Let’s Call a Spade a Spade – Don’t Call a Child “It”
Boys will be boys. Sugar & Spice and Everything Nice – that’s what Girls are made of.
The School of Political Correctness
Time to burn your Mother Goose books. Sorry did I say Mother Goose? “Mother” discriminates against the father. I mean Parent Goose.
No “parent” is also derogatory – just because they are older and gave birth to you should we discriminate against children and call them by this name? Let’s call them “adult caretakers”. No. “Adult” is discriminating against children. They should be equals. Let’s call them “older humans”. No that is discriminating. Why should we discriminate against the young. Let’s call them “big humans”. No that is discrimination because you discriminate against the small humans. Let’s call them just “humans”. No that is discriminating against animals. Lets just call humans and animals “it.”
Now that is a solution. Don’t call a president “president”. That is discriminating against those below him. You dare to call a person a principal? How dare you! That means that teachers are inferior. “Teacher?” – what an insult to the students. Please be politically correct. Just call everybody “it” and it will all be fine. “You”? that is discriminating against me. A Manhole? What kind of racism is that – call it a sewer hole. Sewer is a derogatory term – you are insulting the hole. Call it a cleaner thing. The ithole. Now you’re talking.
Manhattan? Let’s be correct and call it ithatten. That’s better. Manchester. Itchester. One small step for man one large leap for Mankind. Please edit that. One small step for it one large leap for itkind.
Parent teacher conference? Sorry. The It It conference. PTA? IIA! “The principal wants to meet with parents and teachers of children who have animals.” G-d forbid. “It wants to meet with its and its of its who have its.” Much better.
I hope you get the point.
Some people want to eliminate the terms “boy” and “girl”, “man” and “woman” – because it might be offensive to others and make them feel uncomfortable. It unlikely might insult this tremendously small part of the population.
Insulting the Many not to insult the minority
What bigger insult than calling a person made in G-d’s image “it”? So should we insult 99.999% of the population – to possibly not insult .001%. Sorry my friend. Doesn’t make sense to me.
But let’s put that point aside.
Calling People Neutral Names Lessens appreciation for others
Calling everybody by a non-gender or a neutral terminology will make people be less appreciated. If I call a principal “it” – it reduces my appreciation for all the work he or she went through to reach this position. If I call a parent “it” – it reduces my appreciation for all the toil they went through to bring up their children. If I call a teacher “it” – it reduces my appreciation for the hard work and sweat and dedication to the students.
If I call a girl or a “pink” an “it” – it reduces my appreciation for her unique qualities and her strengths. If I call a boy “it” or a “blue” – it reduces my appreciation for his unique qualities and his strengths. Calling a person an “it” – equates a person to an object. Women don’t like to be treated as objects. Rightfully so. Why Should children be treated as such?
Judaism says call everyone by their name. Don’t call them nicknames – that may be derogatory and make people feel uncomfortable. Act with Respect towards everyone. Appreciate them as a person. Appreciate their strengths. Be tolerant towards their differences. Call a Boy a Boy and appreciate them. Call a girl a girl and appreciate their uniqueness. Make them feel good by you validating them as a person. Don’t treat them as an object.
Decadence Masquerading as Political Correctness
Many years ago – our forefather Abraham – ridiculed idol worship. People would sacrifice children because they treated their children as objects to satisfy their lust for idolatry. Children should not be sacrificed today – for decadence masquerading as “political correctness.”
Save Your Children. Appreciate them for who they are.
The Missed Opportunity – Why You Should Throw Your Phone Out the Window & Other Tech Junk While You’re at it
You’re at the dinner table. Your kid is there munching some cake. “Got to check my whatsapp for two minutes”. The kid finishes eating and walks away. You lift your head from the phone. “Where is he?”
You lost. You lost the opportunity to connect with one of the most important people in your life – your child. Why? For some video that someone with nothing to do sent you. Worth it?
Just Once? Not.
More than Once? Of Course Not.
A Tree Falls in Yorktown, New York – the Ripple Effect
A fun family activity is picking apples. Go to the farm. Buy a bag. Pick whatever can fit into the bag. There is a picking farm in Yorktown, New York. Recently there, I was told by the old woman selling the bags, that just the other day she was thinking of cutting the tree she pointed out to me. Before having a chance – the tree fell on its own.
I told her she should have said “It would be good to win the lotto.” Perhaps that would have come true instead.
She mentioned the time. 11:00 am yesterday. I was saddened. It reminded me of a tragedy that occurred at that same time. Perhaps when a negative thing happens – a ripple effect occurs.
If a negative thing causes a ripple effect. Doing something positive also causes a ripple effect of good.
It says it clearly in Pirkei Avot / Ethics of the Fathers (4:2) “A Mitzvah Causes a Mitzvah. A sin causes a sin.” :
Good causes Good & Evil, Evil
2. Ben A’zzai says: “Run to [do] a simple Mitzvah (like for a weighty one) & run away from the sin for a Mitzvah causes a Mitzvah & a sin causes a sin; for the compensation of a Mitzvah is a Mitzvah & the compensation for a sin is a sin.”
Another reason to only do good.
The Ripple Effect.
Jerusalem Life Back Online
After Adding more features (Plugins) to the Ohr Binyamin Supersite – Jerusalem Life – crashed last week. Apparently one of them caused it to fall. After a Brief Hiatus – Barukh Hash-m / thank G-d, we’re back online.
The question remains – What is the lesson? What can I & we learn from it?
Well, restoring it I learned a lot of computer things like about Linux (operating system), SSH, FTP, WHM, cPanel, WordPress, Mysql, backups & restoring, DNS and more. Great things to put on a resume. I like computers, math & Talmud. Each involves logical thinking.
Would G-d put me through all that sweat – to help me become more computer savvy? Perhaps.
The lesson is probably a bit deeper than that. Another thing I learned is – more & newer is not necessarily better. Think before you do.
For every incident and situation Hash-m / G-d sends us we have 1) a lesson and 2) something good that comes from it. Due to the crash – I thought of ways of developing some more new features and ideas and ways to implement them quicker and easier.
We are adding new features to Jerusalem Life. In the Marriage Section – We have a Sub-Section called “Fast Track to Getting Married.” It is based upon a daily whatsapp sent out to a broadcast group. It gives advice to people to find their mate fast.
In the Donate Section – we started posting Pictures from some of our activities.
We will also be developing other sister websites – like Hashem Loves You and
Save Your Marriage – 4 things to Do to Save or Improve any Marriage
You have to give credit where credit is due. Thus I must confess that the suggestions to improve any marriage are from a book called “Garden of Peace” by Rabbi Shalom Arusch. He writes one version for Men and one version for women. Each version is geared to teaching what the other spouse needs.
But some advice [that I must also try to apply more often myself] is what I learned over the years from learning Torah.
So yes – if you apply these rules you can save thousands of dollars [of marriage counselling fees]- and possibly your marriage.
First For Men:
To have a successful marriage – understand that your wife wants your appreciation. So the main things that you can do to make her happy are – Say thank you for what she does many times a day. Give gifts to show your appreciation.
Secondly don’t criticize condemn or complain. A woman is called a help mate – know that she can help you become a better person. She is focused on that issue – so what you think is nagging and screaming is an opportunity for you to become better. “Why do you leave your books lying around?!” You can either think – oh no she is criticizing me again or wow this is an opportunity to become better and to be more concerned for my living environment and the others around me. She is attuned to your emotional and spiritual growth.
Don’t treat your wife as your psychologist or therapist. Don’t downgrade yourself in her eyes. She might get the impression that you deserve this lack of respect that you told her that you received from the boss.
Go to Shaharit / Morning prayer services at an orthodox synagogue everyday before you go to work. A woman who sees her husband lying in bed when she is awake may get a negative impression of her husband. Don’t talk too much with her – that might also lower her esteem for you.
Many men will find fault with the woman. It becomes a shouting match. A big no no! Because you can’t win an argument with a woman. She will either be insulted and you gain nothing. Or she will get you back one day.
A woman wants things to be taken care of. she wants to feel that the husband is responsible and taking care of things. Thus if she asks to do something around the houlse make sure it gets done. If you have to hire someone – fine but get it done.
The idea of a marriage in Torah is to bring up a wholesome family that respects one another, other people and G-d. This is done through following Torah. If a woman can help you be a better person – you should be thankful – not resentful.
For Women
A man wants respect. He needs to feel that you are on the same team – not trying to break or outdo him or use him as your cleaning lady. Obviously he must help around the house – but the things he does should be respectful. Talk with respect – not with anger and condescending remarks or threats.
Mutual respect is what the Torah wants from both from you. Your acting with respect to your husband will prompt him to act with more respect to you.
Part of the idea of marriage in Torah is to have a positive relation where one completes the other. One helps the other. Together they raise children that are beautiful people in the eyes of man and G-d. Thus The wife should encourage her husband to learn Torah. She should also enroll her children in a Torah day schoool . This is how she assures that the next generation will be respectful and serve G-d. He example will also serve as a lesson to children to act with respect.
The Torah is the greatest guide for self-improvement. It teaches a person to act with respect and kindness. Thus encouraging the husband and bringning kids to Orthodox Torah day schools – will engender a more peaceful and loving home. For that – her husband will become greater and appreciate her more for that.
6 Ways How to Build the Holy Jewish Temple – One is with Lego
The Third Beit HaMikdash / Holy Temple is to come down from Heaven. The Jews yearn for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem since the destruction of the Second temple in the year 70 Common Era (C.E.).
Reasons for Yearning for the Temple
Several reasons.
One – there will be no more war. Yes. One day – there will be no more war. This is when the Messiah will come. Some say that he will fight a war to end all wars called the war of Gog uMagog. Some say that this person will be so intelligent that he will teach the nations to make peace together.
Two – is that G-d / Hash-m – who created the world and took the Jews out of Egypt – will be recognized by all people as the true G-d of the world. Observant Jews recognize the constant good that G-d does for us daily and yearn for other people to love, fear and worship Him.
Here are ways to help rebuild the Holy Temple.
1. Stop speaking badly of others. Speaking badly is called Lashon HaRa (Evil Speech). Even if a fact is 100% true – if it is derogatory – we should not repeat what we heard about a fellow Jew. Some take upon themselves one hour to not speak badly of others a day and build up from there. The Chofetz Chaim wrote various books on the laws of guarding one’s tongue. Many are Available in English from, and the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. Make a 5-minute daily Lashon HaRa learning session with friends or family.
2. Do Acts of Kindness – the 2nd temple was destroyed because of Sinat hinam (Gratuitous Hatred). To remedy this we do acts of Gratuitous love. Acts of Hesed / Kindness. Some make it a habit to do at least one act of kindness to someone else – daily.
3. Jews Observe the Shabbat & Non Jews Observe the 7 Noahide laws. If all the Jews observe 2 Shabbats in its entirety – the Jewish people will be redeemed. Jews and Gentiles may be saved through attaching themselves to Torah. If there is a war Gentiles and Jews can be safeguarded by observing the 7 Noahide laws and the 613 commandments respectively as stipulated in the Torah.
4. Make Peace between others – Have a grudge against an old friend or family member? – forgive and forget. Send a messenger – if you don’t feel up to it – to apologize and make amends. Send a text written by yourself, a friend or a spouse. Make sure it doesn’t refuel the fire but extinguish the fire between you. One of the laws of the Torah is to love your fellow like yourself.
5. Yearn for the Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple / Beit Hamikdash and pray.
How do you yearn? Pray. Learn about the Beit HaMikdash. Build a model of it with Lego. I ordered a Model of the Beit Hamikdash printed from a 3D printer online. It was less than $20. The Lego model above doubles as a Tzedaka box / Charity Box. Giving Tzedaka to a Torah cause can also help to hasten the redemption. You can give to Ohr Binyamin or other worthy causes found in our article of: Worthy Torah Causes
6. Learn Torah.
Learning Torah brings great goodness into the world. Jews learn the Torah. Gentiles learn their 7 Noahide laws from the Torah. A Gentile that learns their Noahide laws from the Torah are considered as great as a High Priest that served in the Jewish Temple.
The great rabbis say that we are in the messianic age. Our actions will determine whether it will come sooner or later.
Why Me?! The 7 Reasons for Why People Suffer
I had a nice bike for several years. I bought it at Toys-R-Us. Disc-brakes, shocks and on sale.
Just the other day someone remarked that my bicycle was missing. I said, why wouldn’t they steal the other bikes. They remarked that the other bikes were registered with the police.
I Just started re-using it after a long hiatus. Too bad I was getting into shape and it was convenient.
Why does G-d send Difficulties?
Why me? Why me? 🙂
G-d has reasons for every good thing or thing that looks bad that happens to us.
If you want to understand the way the world works or why good things happen to bad people or why bad things happen to good people remember this:
G-d conducts the world with Middah Keneged Middah. Measure for measure. You do good – you receive good and vice versa.
But we are not all great at recognizing it. I sometimes attribute my sufferings to certain of my failings. And it comes out pretty accurately. Sometimes the sufferings are direct or indirect. Meaning our suffering may attain the person directly or may be due to the sufferings of others around us. (Some, on higher levels of Torah spirituality, may ask if the sufferings of the world are due to their failings)
Why is G-d Punishing Me?
A woman recently called me. She told me she was having many difficulties – no job. her daughter was doing things that pained her. she did not have an apartment. I consoled her and explained that G-d loves each person. G-d just wants us to live a better life. So He sometimes sends “corrections” – situations that will eventually lead a person to live a much better life than they are presently living. A person has to be wise enough to listen to G-d’s daily messages.
The World Made for You
If the world is made for each person – the world might suffer for someone’s failings. What are failings? I found out the hard way that failings are doing things that are contrary to Torah.
Knowing What is Right & What is Wrong helps one to Remove Sufferings
Unfortunately – i discovered i had many failings. But I was ready to correct them slowly but surely. I am still working on my failings – but I am a big step ahead than I was before. Why? Because I recognize what is right and what is wrong. If one does not recognize this – it is more difficult for one to correct themselves. It is a bit like shooting in the Dark.
Each Jew is responsible for one another. If one Jew suffers the others suffer. If a Jew rejoices another does too. If one does good the others benefit. And vice versa.
When i was a teenager – I experienced sufferings. My sufferings became my teachers. I learned from experience the reasons for suffering. It helped me to cope through the hard times.
The first question one should ask – if G-d surely loves us – why does he allow suffering. We will avoid the philosophical discussions – but below are some basic reasons.
So back to my bicycle – why me?
There are 7 basic reasons for suffering.
- G-d is settling accounts for what a person did in the past. If we steal from others – others might steal from us. It could be a past deed from this life or a past deed from a previous life. When one repents sincerely to Hash-m the bad deeds are erased. The solution : Don’t do the same deed that was done to you. Do Teshuva / Repent.
- G-d is sending a message to the person to repent. At times a person is totally off-track. Off track – meaning that their values are out of sync with the values of Torah. G-d is sending them a message to get back on track for their own good. The solution: Learn what the Torah expects of a Jew or a Gentile and get back on track.
- G-d wants you to Pray to Him – At times a person prays to G-d but is not answered. G-d loves a person and desires his or her prayers. So don’t give up praying. G-d eventually will answer.
- G-d wants you to develop a relationship with him. G-d wants a relationship with His Children. Many a time people have a very good life. Children. A good job. A nice family. All the food and amenities they need, but they ignore or some even “diddain” G-d or the Jewish people. Why? Because they are happy with there lot – no need for Torah or spirituality – they think. So G-d may send a wake up call – to awaken them from their slumber through the medium of suffering. Then the person turns to G-d for help and prays for respite from suffering. Then they develop a relationship with Him. A solution to this is to always be thankful for the good.
We have a synagogue that is next to a playground. Many pass by ignoring our synagogue. I see the beautiful children and all the good the families have. I ask myself – does it not enter these people’s minds to come in to say thanks to G-d for at least some of the good they have. - G-d is testing person to see if they will remain faithful to Him even in trying circumstances – a trying circumstance is not necessarily suffering. It could be doing the right thing when your friends or the society are going against the morality of the Torah. That is a trying circumstance.
- G-d wants you to grow. A person sometimes has a trying circumstance. G-d might want to build you. If you think about it G-d knows what is best for the spiritual growth of the person. Thus he puts them in certain situations so that after surmounting the difficulty – they will become a better wants a person to define himself or herself. When a person dies – they remain the same forever. What they became is how they will remain for eternity.
- G-d wants you to put in More effort – I know someone who complains – Why Me? Why did I not get a good job? Why did I not find a good match? All kinds of “why me?” statements. I ask him – did you try to apply for a job? No. Did you try your best to get a job? no.I told him – the first step is to make the proper effort and pray to Hash-m for a Job. The way that G-d conducts the world is that one makes an effort to achieve their goals. But the fact that the goals are achieved are ultimately in the hands of G-d. But the minimum requirement is to make a concerted, serious effort towards your goal.
G-d Sends Good in All Situations
G-d does everything for the Good of a person. A person just has to be creative enough to find a reason why whatever happens to them is good. Like the man who stepped on a rusty nail before a business trip – in which the Doctor forbade him to travel.In the end the ship that he was scheduled to travel upon sank.
Developing a Positive Attitude
Look into the reasons for difficulty and you will find a positive reason for each difficulty and challenge. Like the ones above. Many come to the conclusion that certain situations are good and certain are bad. That is inaccurate. All situations are sent by G-d. All situations that G-d creates are good. They might be difficult situations – but their must be good in those situations because G-d / Hash-m is all good. The person with a positive attitude tries to find good in all situations whether they are pleasing situations or difficult situations.
Cherishing Suffering – a higher level for the Elite
The Torah does not condone provoking self-suffering. Hash-m should save us from it. King David “cherished” suffering. Why? Because he felt that when he was pained – he felt a closer connection to G-d. G-d is close to those with broken heart and many feel this. When I look back at my suffering as a teen – I remember the closeness I felt.
Appreciating the Good of Life
A person living a Torah life appreciates the good that G-d / Hash-m gives on a daily basis. We say thanks. We appreciate. We have a closer relationship with G-d. We live more wholesome lives and better achieve our purpose in the end.
Living & Dying with Purpose
Many think dying is the worst that could happen to a person. Everybody dies. Truth is that that is not the worst thing. Dying without a purpose is the worse thing. Torah gives a person purpose – in dying and in living. Purpose for every act and purpose for every world of Torah studied. It turns a life following the pursuit of vain pleasure to a life that is full of purposeful pleasures. Allowing a person to maximize their potential in life and achieve their purpose in the end.
Every Pleasure has a Permitted Substitute
For all pleasures in the world that are forbidden in the Torah there is a substitute permitted pleasure. Examples abound. The Torah forbids Jews from eating pork and thus bacon. There is a kosher substitute made of Turkey that tastes like bacon. Shrimp and shellfish are forbidden to Jews. Kosher substitutes exist.
Pleasure with Purpose vs. Vain Pleasures
If you look at each prohibition – you will find a substitute. Each prohibition in Torah is usually prohibits pleasure without purpose. The Torah gives each a substitute that makes it a pleasure with purpose.
Thus every act that a person does can be a meaningful act through following Torah. Jews – their 613 commandments and Gentiles their 7 commandments.
Preparation for Rosh Hashana
We are approaching the New Jewish Year. Now is the time to get on track to see how we can transform our average lives into more purposeful and meaningful lives. That is one of the goals of Teshuva (literally Returning in Hebrew) / Repentance in Judaism – to return to a life of purpose.
Choose Life
The Torah itself tells you straight out saying “Choose Life!” What is life? Pleasure with purpose – for the sake of serving G-d. Every act done to serve G-d becomes a purposeful act and one lives (and eventually dies) with a purpose.
We should all live long purposeful lives. Amen.