Increase Your Joy in the Month of Adar – A Segula to Gain Salvation from Difficulties

In the Talmud – Taanit 29a we learn

§ The mishna teaches that from when the month of Av begins, one decreases acts of rejoicing. Rav Yehuda, son of Rav Shmuel bar Sheilat, said in the name of Rav: Just as when Av begins one decreases rejoicing, so too when the month of Adar begins, one increases rejoicing.

A Segula / “Propituous Amulet” To get salvation from all difficulties is in the month of Adar – this month –

Write the following on a paper:

משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה
מזל אדר דגים

Draw a fish on the bottom of sign and post the sign in your home (some say opposite the door on the western wall).

It means “when Adar enters we increase the Joy. The zodiac sign of Adar is Fish. 🐟”

All the good blessings from Ohr Binyamin &
Live Better Forever


סגולה from הרב אברהם בן שבתי in his sefer ילקוט
אברהם 686

Become a Better Communicator – 8 Steps to More Effective Communication from the Torah

In Parasha / the weekly Torah reading of Yitro – we learn points of effective communication.

Yitro – Moshe’s Father-in-Law & Former Priest of Idolotry turned convert to Torah Judaism – Comes to Moshe in the Desert after the splitting of the Sea of Reeds – with his daughter, Tzipporah & Grandchildren Gershom & Eliezer – Moshe’s Wife & Children. Moshe welcomes him and has a meal in his honor. The Next day He sees Moshe Judging the people. He is sitting everyone is standing. He asks him – what is he doing. Moshe responds – he is judging the people. Yitro Asks – Why are you doing it this way? If you continue you will wear yourself out. Why Not appoint trustworthy people as judges. You will become less worn out. Please ask Hash-m / G-d if this is a good solution.

The idea of communications is to help the other person make the best decision. Your goal is for the other’s best interest. You are a helper to help him or her find it.

If they make the decision – it is more likely that they will abide by it.

He are the 8 Steps:

  1. Empathy – Establish a time that all are calm and on good terms. Speak with a kind, helping voice.
  2. Question – the act that you want to change in the other individual.
  3. Problem – State a Problem in Acting the way they currently act.
  4. Solution – Propose a simple solution that they can abide by.
  5. Benefit – Tell them a benefit of doing it your way.
  6. Acceptance – Try to achieve their acceptance of the problem.
  7. Action – Give them a practical way to take action.
  8. Support – express your willingness to give them support for their action and Follow up.

You can use these principles with your workers, spouse, children, parents, clients, employees. You’ll get more results and help others instead of preaching what to do.

Can China Save Its Population through Instituting Torah Law?

G-d gives laws for the good of man & mankind. Serving G-d is a challenge – but in the long term one realizes that overcoming those challenges leads to a better life.

G-d gave the Torah that contains laws for Jews – the 613 commandments. It also contains laws for Gentiles – the 7 Noahide laws.

It seems from the press – that the Corornavirus – started from an animal market in Wuhan, China.

An observant Jew follows many laws that will prevent him or her from contracting the virus. Here are some laws for Jews that help them to live a healthy life.

  1. Eating Kosher – a Jew eats kosher. This entails eating only healthy & clean animals. Animals that Chew their cud and have split hooves. We do not eat creepy, crawling creatures – that carry diseases.
    We eat animals that are healthy. No carcasses. No diseased animals. Animals that have no wounds that will cause them to not live out the year.
    The fish we consume have fins and scales. These fish are not scavengers and are more healthy to eat than those that hang out on the bottom of the ocean. The ritual slaughter of the animals is done in a humane way as to not cause the animal pain or stress. This prevents the animal from releasing negative hormones into it’s body when being slaughtered and does not contaminate others.
  2. Washing Hands – When Jews wake up in the morning – we wash our hands 3 times alternating. Before a bread meal – we also wash our hands using a hand-washing vessel. After the bathroom – one washes their hands and recites a special blessing to G-d that the body is functioning properly (Asher Yatzar).
  3. We do not eat limbs taken from a live animal. This law applies to Jews and Non-Jews. Many people who do eat limbs from a live animal – also end up not cooking them either. This leads to eating unhealthy food due to the microbes that remain in the body.
  4. Bread of the Morning – Eating bread in the Morning (Pat Shah’rit) reinforces the whole body and kills bacteria in the stomach..
  5. Be Fruitful and Multiply. It is a Torah law for people to have children. We have sufficient technology to feed the world. If the Chinese – understood that G-d is in control – they would not have laws limiting population growth.
  6. Do Not Murder – The lack of belief in G-d allows a person to justify any act. To take the extreme example – the Nazi’s rationalized genocide. The Chinese rationalized abortion and infanticide – because of their lack in belief of G-d. They wrongly assumed – that the world cannot support more people. G-d wants the world to be populated and people not to kill. (See Seven Noahide Commandments). It is possible that one of the people they killed had the potential to find a cure for the Wuhan Coronavirus.
  7. Salting Meat – before eating meat a Jew salts the meat to remove the blood. We do not want to be influenced by the blood of the animal. It also kills bacteria. If we want to eat liver – we must roast it.
  8. Stay Healthy – Jews are commanded to stay healthy.
  9. Celibacy Before Marriage – Before one gets married – Observant Jews refrain from physical interaction with the other gender. Apart from helping to assure relations with common goals, communication & appreciation – it helps a person to remain safe from transmitted ailments.
  10. The Sacred Touch – The Jewish Observant public refrains from physical contact with the opposite gender. Thus this also helps people to keep clear of ailments transmitted by contact.

All the Laws that G-d gives in the Torah serve many purposes. Some Laws are for the benefit of man. Some laws are between Man & G-d.

In the 13 principles of Judaism  the Rambam – one belief is that there is reward and punishment. At times the reward or punishment comes as a result of the positive or negative act that one performed. Sometimes it does not. One may be rewarded or punished in this world or the next world as a result of their acts.

Is the Wuhan Coronavirus a punishment for China’s deeds? The virus probably came about because the Chinese eat ever min hachai – limbs taken from a live animal. Meaning they cut up the animal before it died. Are they being punished for the millions of infanticides and abortions done to their own people for population control? I don’t know. But one thing is sure – if the Chinese are smart they will learn from the errors of the ancient egyptians – who acted similarly. They did not recognize G-d / Hash-m and then they eventually perished.

The times we are living now is called the Messianic Times. Soon the Messiah will come. In the meantime it says – that G-d will send plagues upon the world for the people of the world to recognize Him – Hashem -a as the True G-d of the world. Is the Wuhan Virus one of these plagues? I don’t know.

One thing I do know is that if the Chinese Government wants to save its people – they should adopt the 7 Noahide laws and some of the beliefs of Judaism into their country. Instead of a policy of atheism for those who want to join the communist party – they should institute a policy to believe in Hash-m. They could hire 1000 Orthodox Rabbis to teach people the 7 Noahide Laws and of G-d. They can teach them laws of Kashrut and the Belief in Hash-m, the G-d of the Jews. They should distribute the 7 Noahide laws cards to the population. This will save their country.

The Ancient Egyptians didn’t learn from the 10 Plagues – will the Chinese? I hope so.



References & Solutions to CoronaVirus Found in the Torah – A 3,000 Year Old Message from G-d

G-d is above time. He created it. He knows the past, present and future.

A Simple proof to knowing the future is the Deja Vu. A person feels they dreamt or knew something in the past about a particular situation in the future. It’s a proof to being able to know the future and the existence of G-d. Prophecy is another proof.

The Coronavirus originated in the Chinese marketplaces. People in China eat Raw food, live food and creepy, crawly creatures like the Bat and the snake.

Here are 3 references to the Coronavirus in the Torah:

1. In a verse in Parasha / Weekly Torah Reading Bo, where G-d sends the last three plagues upon Egypt & commands the Jews to do the Pascal Lamb offering – it states:

אַל־תֹּאכְל֤וּ מִמֶּ֙נּוּ֙ נָ֔א וּבָשֵׁ֥ל מְבֻשָּׁ֖ל בַּמָּ֑יִם כִּ֣י אִם־צְלִי־אֵ֔שׁ רֹאשׁ֥וֹ עַל־כְּרָעָ֖יו וְעַל־קִרְבּֽוֹ׃

Do not eat any of it raw (“Na”), or cooked in any way with water, but roasted—head, legs, and entrails—over the fire. (Shemot / Exodus 12:9)

In Rashi – the classic commentator on the Torah – defines the word “Na” in that verse.

אל תאכלו ממנו נא DO NOT EAT OF IT HALF-DONE — flesh that is not roasted as much as it should be is called נא in the Arabic language (cf. Pesachim 41a).

He says that flesh that is raw is called Na – Called in Hebrew is “Caro”. Called “Na” – in Hebrew is “Caro Na”

2. The numerical Value of the Hebrew word “Corona” / קורונה –
using Gematria (A Numerical calculation system of the Hebrew letters) is 367 (100 + 6 + 200 + 6 + 50 + 5). The Prohibition for all humans to eat a limb from a live animal is called “Ever Min HaChai” / Eating a Limb [taken] from a Live [creature]. The Numerical Value of “He Ate Ever Min HaChai” is 367 as well. This alludes to the fact that the Chinese eat animal limbs and animals themselves before killing them. This is a Torah Prohibition. Even Gentiles are commanded to abide by this law as part of the 7 Noahide laws from the Torah for all humanity.

3. Matityahu Glazerson – a Rabbi and Torah Code Researcher found the “Corona” Virus encoded in the Torah – with other words surrounding it like “Virus, China, Ever MiHaChai, 5780 (The Jewish Year – this year), “Do Not Eat”. The Verse that the word Corona was found in was the following:

וְהִבְדַּלְתֶּ֞ם בֵּֽין־הַבְּהֵמָ֤ה הַטְּהֹרָה֙ לַטְּמֵאָ֔ה וּבֵין־הָע֥וֹף הַטָּמֵ֖א לַטָּהֹ֑ר וְלֹֽא־תְשַׁקְּצ֨וּ אֶת־נַפְשֹֽׁתֵיכֶ֜ם בַּבְּהֵמָ֣ה וּבָע֗וֹף וּבְכֹל֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר תִּרְמֹ֣שׂ הָֽאֲדָמָ֔ה אֲשֶׁר־הִבְדַּ֥לְתִּי לָכֶ֖ם לְטַמֵּֽא׃

So you shall set apart the clean beast from the unclean, the unclean bird from the clean. You shall not draw abomination upon yourselves through beast or bird or anything with which the ground is alive, which I have set apart for you to treat as unclean. (Vayikra / Leviticus 20:25)

What is the Solution for the World – to Follow the 7 Noahide laws – One of which is – Not to eat a limb taken from a live animal.


Believe in Good – Not in Fanfare – The Lesson of a Baseball Star

Moses tells Pharaoh the word of G-d. “Let My People Go.” He refuses for 9 plagues. After the 10th plague – Pharaoh comes running to Moses telling him & the people of Israel to leave Egypt.

“Moses was great in the eyes of the Egyptian Slaves and the [Jewish] People” (Shemot / Exodus 11:3) says the verse in parashat / weekly Torah reading of Bo. The question is why do the Egyptian Slaves recognize Moses greatness first and after the Jewish people. We would expect the opposite order.

The Answer – to impress others is easy.The Egyptians are easily impressed by the plagues. I buy a nice car. I get a beautiful house. I initiate wonders – like the 10 plagues. But deep down – we all realize that the greatness of a person is in their human qualities – in their kindness. In their doing of good deeds. In their nobility.

When Babe Ruth passed away, a Rabbi asked one of his students to listen to what was said in remembrance of him. Many of the people stated his acts of kindness – in supporting orphanages and helping the poor. His baseball record was secondary to his baseball accomplishments.

When we do good we feel good. Playing sports will keep your body in shape – but doing good will keep your soul in shape. When our soul is happy – we are happy.

The question now is what is kindness? Read Pirkei Avot.

Do Good & Do Good For the World

Moshe / Moses is born in this week’s Parasha / Weekly Torah reading – Shemot. His mother and sister – Yocheved & Miriam – were midwives, named Shifra and Puah. They disobeyed Pharoah’s command to throw Jewish baby boys in the Nile river. The reason: they feared Hash-m – G-d.

G-d Compensates them by making for them houses. The interpretation is the house of Kingship and the house of the Kehuna / priesthood.

Hebrew has male and female, singular and plural pronouns. (He,She, it, They (m,f), them (m,f) and word endings. It says in the Pasuk (Shemot / Exodus 21:12) G-d made Houses for them (m). We would think that it should say He made houses for “Them (f)” – since Shifra & Puah were females. So it means that the good not only went to them but to other people as well – including males. [In Hebrew, we call a group of males and females – Them (m).”

It teaches us – if you do good for others – you not only do good for that person – but the good & the reward is returned to you and others.

Grabbing the Light of Hanuka

Candles lit for the eighth night of Hanukkah

Chanuka is great!

What a message! In the darkest of times there is light. Light that starts with the spark of a match. It turns to a flame. The flame lights one light. Then two candles. Until the whole menora is lit.

We experience light and dark every day. Our vision of darkness depends on our faith. Our faith in G-d / Hash-m. There are two aspects 1) believing in a good G-d. (Bitachon) And 2) believing that the Good G-d is doing good for me personally. (Emunah)

This is the light of Chanuka – seeing the light at all times – even when things seem bleak.

Keep Hanukkah in Your Pocket

During Hanuka – we see the light before us. After it is over – we say goodbye till next year. But don’t say goodbye. Take some Chanukah in your pocket. Take some hope. Take the message and keep it in front of you.

It is interesting that Hanuka falls usually during the Parasha / Weekly Torah reading of Miketz. Yosef / Joseph is in the dungeon in Egypt for a crime he did not commit. It has been twelve years since he was thrown in. His family turned against him. He is alone.

His only anchor from being lost in the sea of despair is his faith in G-d / Hash-m.

This suffering – however – transforms him into a new person. Before – he was chattering about the bad his brothers were doing. He was boasting about his dreams of rising to greatness. It was all about “Me”.

In the dungeon he starts seeing the pain of others. Through introspection and repentance he transforms himself into a caring person. By becoming a giver he rises to great heights. Soon after he notices the pain of others he is released. He becomes the viceroy of Egypt. “Hu HaShalit, Hu HaMashbir” He is the ruler – he is the provider. When a person becomes a giver, he or she rises to higher heights.

The Redemption depends upon you

Miketz starts with the verse : “And BEHOLD it was the end of two years [after Yosef interepreted the cupbearer’s dream] and Pharaoh is dreaming” We would expect the Pasuk to say “dreamed” instead of “is dreaming.”

In the 10th year in prison Yosef was supposed to be released and become the viceroy of Egypt. Since he was not ready [he lacked a tiny bit of emuna – faith in Hashem] he stayed 2 more years in prison.

Pharaoh kept dreaming the same dream for 2 years. When Yosef worked on his emuna and bitachon he was redeemed from prison immediately. At times we are supposed to receive good, but are lacking in our emuna or biachon. Improving our bitachon, will help us receive the good destined for us.*

There are three aspects to solving any problem – Prayer, Action and Belief.

The redemption is waiting for us. We must make that little effort to believe in ourselves and believe G-d is doing everything for our good.

The Greeks wanted to remove us from observing Torah learning, Shabbat, Sanctifying the New Month and Circumcision. In essence – they were telling us – you get what ou see. It is only a physical world. We are physical beings. They wanted us to remove Spirituality, believing in Divine Providence and having a relationship with G-d.

The Jews taught the world that there is hope. That G-d is here and to put G-d back into the daily lives of each one of us.

Believe and you will receive.

Drop Your Angry Mood with a New Attitude

It’s a Mitzvah to be happy. Ivdo et Hash-m BeSimcha. Serve Hash-m / G-d with Joy.

What’s Your General Mood?

Some like to have that angry mood. The Cool man show. The Drama queen. The “everybody owes me” mood. You choose it. But apparently the best mood is to be happy. A difference exists between happy and joking. A balance is needed. A person who is all jokes may end up missing the boat.

Do Real Good to Others & Feel Good Yourself

Apparently people want to do what’s right and good. Everyone in their way. One way is to make others happy. The people closer to you – you have more of an obligation. Do good. What is good for them. They might not realize it – but that’s a positive goal in life. And doing good makes you feel good.

Some may say – my friend likes to smoke – I’ll give him or her cigarettes. But that might be good in their eyes – but not ultimately good for them. How can I find out what is good? Look in the Torah – it will tell you. The Torah is Hash-m’s / G-d’s word.

Changing Moods

So how do I change my mood? Look at the face of babies. Interact with smiley – positive people. Fill yourself with positive spiritual energy – by doing good deeds, Mitzvot and learning Torah. Attend a Torah shiur / lecture. Plenty exist on-line. On almost every subject you may want. See our Links section for those with the Jerusalem Life “Stamp of Recommendation.”

A good place to start is “Torah Anytime” site. Choose your rabbi that makes you think, feel good, interests you and makes you smile and helps you become a better person.

Interact on a Less Superficial Level

A joke: Three women were talking. One says “You know, when I die I want to be buried in a Jewish Cemetery.” The other one says “When I die I want to be buried in a Jewish Cemetery in Israel.” The third one says “When I die – I want to be buried in Bloomingdales. At least I’ll know my Daughter-in-law will visit me once a week.”

The material is a means to becoming elevated spiritually. People of Torah add to the material speak – words of Torah.

Using Material to become elevated spiritually

Going shopping is good.  The ultimate goal in life is not the material in itself. According to Judaism it is to use the material to attain the spiritual. If you shop to look good for Shabbat or to present yourself in an elegantly respectful or modest way or to give for others – you elevated your shopping to becoming a Mitzvah. Giving Charity to the poor – you use material – to elevate you spiritually. Inviting guests over for Shabbat – you give materially – food, drink & hospitality – & you grow spiritually. (For those searching to invite or be invited for a Shabbat meal – Shabbat.Com was made for that goal.)

Choose Friends that Help You Grow with Torah Spirituality

Be friendly with people who want to help you grow spiritually in Torah.

This week’s parasha / Torah reading – Vayera teaches us this lesson. “And to him [Avraham] G-d appeared in the plains of Mamre and he [Avraham] was sitting by the door of his tent in the heat of the day.” Rashi – one of the Main Commentators of the Torah – says Mamre was the one who gave Avraham the advice to do the [command of G-d the] circumcision – that’s why G-d appeared in his [Mamre’s] area.

Make Your Soul Happy – Make Your Self Happy

When you are spiritually happy – it’s easier to be externally happy.

You’ll Get Over It – So Get Over It Quicker

A person needs time to cope. Something good or the opposite happens to him or her, it takes time to adjust to that change. People like to feel safe. They want an unchanging world.

One might steer clear of Judaism at times for that reason. Because they are reluctactant to adhere to the change that Judaism may impose on their lives. People accept atheism for that same reason – it is easier to stick to one’s antiquated ways than to accept a G-d that will require them to adhere to a set of laws – namely the Torah.

At times it is good to resist change – like when one has particular Minhagim – Jewish customs of their fathers. At times the Torah requires change – as when one must improve their character traits to become a better person. The Torah is the ultimate guide to Self-Help & Self-Improvement.

Likewise their are standard times specified for a person to cope. Like if a person just gets married – he or she has seven days to be surrounded by family and friends after the Hupah – Jewish wedding ceremony. This is called the Sheva Berachot – where for 7 days the newly wed couple celebrates their marriage at meals offered by friends and family. . Another standard time to cope is if a person, G-d forbid, is in mourning. They have seven days where friends and family visit them. In a sense – Shabbat – the Jewish Sabbath is a day to unwind and release negativity and rest from the slights of the week.

But some need more time to adjust emotionally to a situation. If a co-worker, a boss or a spouse insults or embarrasses a person, it will take time to calm down. It will depend on the person, the situation, the attitude of the victim. If that same person did something more minor – like interrupted you – the coping time is less. But apparently you are in control of your reaction. You are in control of your coping. You can choose to get over it quickly or let it linger.

The Pirkei Avot / Ethics of the Fathers says it in several places :

In Chapter 2 Mishna 10. They said three things: Rabbi Elie’zer says: Let the honor of your friend be as dear to you as your own & do not be easily angered & return [in repentance] one day before your death.


In Chapter 4 Mishna 1: Who is the strong person? One who conquers his [evil] inclination – as it states “Better is one who is long to anger than the mighty & one who conquers his will than one who conquers a city” (Mishle / Proverbs 16:32)


In Chapter 5 Mishna 11: There are four measures in temperaments: One who is easy to anger & easy to calm – his gain goes out with his loss. Someone who is difficult to anger & difficult to appease – his loss goes out with his gain. Difficult to anger & easy to appease is pious; easy to anger & difficult to calm is wicked.

All these statements point to the fact that one is in control of their temperament. You choose to get angry. You choose to calm down and how long it will take you. It takes time to change one’s temperament – but it can be done. (How? – that’s another post we’ll have to write.)

One way to calm down is to think – “Eventually I’ll get over this unpleasant situation. I might as well get over it sooner than later. Let me go of my anger today.” You’ll be better for it. You’ll feel better for it if you expedite your calming down process.

There was once a Rabbi – that remained calm in worrisome situations. Someone asked him how can you not worry in these situations. He replied “I really do worry. But I worry quickly.”

Worrying about the past present or future may be normal, but unproductive. The past has already passed. The future you never know what will happen. And the present passes in the blink of an eye.

Don’t worry – be happy.


What the Torah Expects of Non-Jews – the 7 Noahide Laws

In Judaism we have a common core of laws. Everyone must follow them. Jewish or Non-Jew. Men and women. Kings and the common man.

These laws were given to Adam HaRishon / the First man. They were given again to Moses when he received the Torah at Mount Sinai.

They are pretty simple. These laws assure the proper functioning of the world.

7 Noahide Torah Laws for All People
1 Being Faithful to G∙d – Don’t Worship Idols – Object,Animal,Man
2 Respect of Integrity of Family – Prohibition of Immoral Relations- Adultery,Bestiality,Homosexuality& Incest
3 Respect of Human Life – Don’t Murder
4 Respect of G∙d- Don’t Blaspheme
5 Respect of Property-Don’t Steal
6 Law & Order-Establish Courts of Law
7 Respect of Creatures-Don’t Eat Limb from live animal

7 are the big lines -but there are really 30 laws.