About Us / News



Jerusalem Life (company) / 70-25 Yellowstone Blvd. / Forest Hills, NY 11375
1 718 263 8102

Jerusalem Life company licenses “Pizza Man” ™ and “Pal Patrol” ™ trademarks from OHR Binyamin non-profit organization.

To attract more visitors – Jerusalem Life has contracted with OHR Binyamin to use some of its popular “Pizza Man” ™ and “Pal Patrol” ™ trademarks. This will help Jerusalem Life to attract more young readers and schools to use the Jerusalem Life website and services.

Ohr Binyamin is a premier Jewish Educational and Outreach Institution.

Ohr Binyamin gives new hope to hundreds of Jewish & Gentile people from all backgrounds by providing free Judaica and Torah lessons to educate them in our noble and beautiful Torah heritage. The practical materials they receive will enable them to do Mitzvot immediately. One who helps a fellow Jew to do a Mitzvah enables them to inherit eternal life. We know the materials are very much appreciated by the sincere enthusiasm of the receivers..

OB Organization’s purpose is to help anyone interested in learning about Judaism and their Jewish heritage.

In association with the Jerusalem Life company, we Distribute thousands of pieces of Judaica monthly.

Ohr Binyamin organization’s initial campaign was to help children enroll in Jewish schools to allow them to connect to their heritage. Jewish continuity is directly correlated statistically to number of years of Jewish schooling. The more Jewish schooling a child receives the more likely he or she will remain faithful to the principles of our heritage.

Ohr Binyamin is an Organization Registered with GuideStar: Ohr Binyamin Guidestar Link

General Donation
Please Press Here to Donate to Support Jewish Education – You Specify the Amount

Give Securely with Paypal – Press Button Above
It’s Our Duty to Support Jewish Continuity!

The following are some of current activities:


TEACHING: Teaching children, teens and adults about Judaism.
Purpose: To educate people about Judaism.

– Our Five-Alive Program allows anyone to learn with a personal teacher over the phone for five minutes a week. Contact us if you are interested

INITIATING NEW LEARNING PROGRAMS: Organizing and aiding in the organization of Jewish educational institutions and programs. We have expanded our activities to help educate people of all-ages about Judaism. This will allow them to learn about and appreciate their heritage. Helping other educational organizations to receive funding.
Purpose: To educate people about Judaism.

PUBLISHING: Providing basic information on Judaism through textual documents, and audio-visual information. Publishing documents – freely distributed – that explain the elements and advantages of sending a Jewish child to a Jewish school. We also publish ads to that effect.
Purpose: To educate people about Judaism & To disseminate information that furthers the enrollment of Jewish children in Jewish schools.

INTERACTION MEDIUMS: Maintaining website blogs like Jerusalemlife.com & sites like The Jewish Education Network (www.torahkids.org) and an email contact (jenet@iname.com) as an avenue of interaction with parents who utilize the internet help them enroll children in schools and to obtain further information about Judaism and Jewish learning programs.
Purpose: To further the enrollment of Jewish children in Jewish schools.

REFERRAL & INFORMATION SERVICES : Providing referential information on-line (www.torahkids.org) to sites and programs that provide authentic information on Judaism. We also maintain an email contact for that purpose. Providing a telephone “hotline” service that allows a parent to inquire about which schools are most suited for their children – based upon their child’s needs.
Purpose: To educate people about Judaism & To further the enrollment of Jewish children in Jewish schools.

OUTREACH: Actively researching children who need help in enrolling in Jewish schools and provide parents with referential aid.
Purpose: To further the enrollment of Jewish children in Jewish schools.

CONSULTING: Consulting with parents to help them find a proper school for their children. Answering questions and providing referential information regarding financial aid for enrolling in schools. Referring parents to other organizations that can help them in the domain pertinent to them.
Purpose: To further the enrollment of Jewish children in Jewish schools.

STUDY and PRAYER SERVICES: Providing a lieu for Jewish prayer services and Jewish learning sessions.
Purpose: To educate people about Judaism and provide them with an area of prayer, practising and learning.

All of the above are to further the cause of Jewish education and participation in our Jewish heritage. We Assist People to Discover Torah & Uncover their Potential

“We Reach Out to the Simple Jew and the Educated, the Elderly and the Youth to Rekindle their Relationship with Judaism.”

Ohr Binyamin is a 501(c)-3 non-profit corporation. Donations are Tax Deductible according to the IRS. We admit students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin

General Donation
Please Press Here to Donate to Support Jewish Education – You Specify the Amount

Give Securely with Paypal – Press Button Above
It’s Our Duty to Support Jewish Continuity!

[contact-form-7 id=”8011″ title=”Service or Support Request”]

Every Jewish Child & Adult Deserves a Torah Education - The Ohr Binyamin Torah Mobile

Every Jewish Child & Adult Deserves a Torah Education – The Ohr Binyamin Torah Mobile


Please email us at info@jerusalemlife.com to assure your order was placed.

To be able to accommodate more orders from more people – we are temporarily asking those who place orders to limit your order of 10 separate items in the quantity of 100 or less each. make as many orders as you want. but please limit orders to 10. thank you.

please pardon the inconvenience. We are working on upgrading site.

Please Note that orders of paid merchandise are processed and handled by Jerusalem Life company – not Ohr Binyamin non-profit organization. Jerusalem Life Company licenses “Pizza Man” ™ and “Pal Patrol” ™ trademarks from the Ohr Binyamin Non-Profit Organization.

“Pizza Man” ™ and “Pal Patrol” ™ belong to Ohr Binyamin not for profit organization. “Pizza Man” ™ and “Pal Patrol” ™ names and rights to use in products are licensed by Jerusalem Life company from Ohr Binyamin non-profit organization. If you have concerns regarding the “Pizza Man” please contact Jerusalem Life Company

Thank you

Jerusalem Life (company)
70-25 Yellowstone Blvd.
Forest Hills, NY 11375
1 718 263 8102