Take Hannukah Lights with You – Put Light into Your Life

I Love Hannukah. I wish the candles would remain lit the whole year.

The Lit Menorah

I heard in a Shiur / Lecture of Rabbi Akiva Tatz on Channukah, that when H’izkiyahu hamelech / the King knew that our enemies were going to destroy the Temple, he hid the Menorah and other utensils of the Beit Hamikdash / Holy Temple for the time of Mashiach / Messiah. He said that the Candles of the Menorah remain lit till Today.

For me it’s always Hannukah. my name is the same as that of the Cohen Gadol / the Chief Cohen – Matatia – that started the rebellion against the Greeks. So I have Hannukah with me all year round.

The Year Hannukah Menorah Candle

I usually use a lot of olive oil – allowing the candles of Channukah to remain lit for hours. I figured out about 1.5 ounces of olive oil burns with a small wick for about 12 hours. So 3 ounces would last one day. Multiply that by 365 or 360 (for Hebrew Year) and you get about 1095 ounces. One Gallon is 128 Ounces. That Comes to about 8.55 Gallons. I am considering getting a 10 gallon fish-tank for next year to let at least one Hanukah light burn the whole year. (If “the boss” lets.). Even better, would be to get 9 tanks (One for each Menorah Branch). But I guess its better to start small.

That’s one way for you to keep the light of Hannukah with you.

Hannukah Lights Light the Soul

Rabbi Reuven Elbaz said a Jewish Law – “What can’t be lit with Shabbat – can be lit on Hannukah.”

It means certain types candles that cannot be used on Shabbat – can be used on Hannukah.

But it has a deeper meaning that a soul – searching for spirituality – that cannot be inspired by the Shabbat or other holidays, can be lit up by Hannukah.


Because the lights of Hannukah have a certain Kedusha / Holiness that emanates from the candles of the Beit Hamikdash. Just looking at them one gains holiness. (see segulas)

Holiness brings Happiness

Spirituality is closeness with G-d. G-d gave us the path to spirituality through Torah. Holiness is acting in the ways of G-d. Holiness allows us to be connected with Him. Holiness is Light. Holiness is Happiness. Anyone can do it.

We learn:

Ner Mitzvah ve Torah Ohr./ A Mitzvah is a candle and Torah is Light.

Ner Hash-m Nishmat Adam. / A candle of G-d is the Soul of man.

One Candle can light another candle. The Candle of a Mitzvah can ignite the soul of man.

Holiness of Hannukah candles can ignite the candle or soul of man.

A person feels greater happiness on Hannukah – because holiness brings happiness.

So what can you take with you?

A Mitzvah.

A dark room can be illuminated by one small candle.

A Mitzvah will help to ignite a dark soul.

Doing one Mitzvah brings light to the soul.

A person can choose a small one. But better something regular. Saying Morning Blessings. Saying Shema Yisrael Before sleeping or upon awaking. Say the Blessings on food. Or the Blessing of Good Health – Asher Yatzar. (all cards are available free by emailing info@jerusalemlife.com or through freebies / store page).

Learning Torah brings light to soul.

This allows a person to take light with them throughout the year.

Share Your Joy. Share your Mitzvah with others.

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