The Talmud in Baba Metzia 107b cites that Morning Bread (Pat Shaharit / פת שחרית) nullifies 83 illnesses and has 13 attributes for the daily wellbeing of a person.
There are 83 illnesses that depend upon the gall and [eating] Bread in the morning with salt and [drinking] a container of water – nullifies them.
Here is a link to the page in the Talmud that speaks of it and tells you the 13 attributes of morning bread:
Thirteen Attributes of Morning Bread
I believe in another place in the Talmud it mentions eating dates for good health as well. (see Ketuvot 10b)
It is also a Mitzvah written in shulchan aruch :שולחן ערוך אורח חיים – חלק ב’ סימן קנה ב
Sorry – to those who thought cereal and milk was the Jewish Breakfast of Champions. 🙂
* Apparently 28 to 56 grams of whole wheat bread should be consumed within 4 – 9 minutes any time during the meal and should be eaten before midday.
*(bile comes from the liver. It is stored in the gallbladder until the food being digested (at this point called chyme) enters the first part of the small intestine)