Cleaning Simplified – What I Learned from Passover Cleaning

passover_chametz_freePassover is a time for cleaning.

In trying to assure that their are no hametz / leavened products in our homes, we clean.

Apparently, the world learned spring cleaning from us.

The cleaning for Passover is a two part process, while spring cleaning is a one part process.

Spring cleaning is cleaning of the house.

Passover cleaning consists of cleaning the Hametz / unleavened products – like bread, cookies and the like from the house and hametz – the unleavened, i.e. haughtiness and arrogance – from the person.

The Hametz we find, we burn before Passover. We aim to do the same with our bad qualities – we try to do away with them.

Learning Jewish self-improvement works – like Pirkei Avot / Ethics of the Fathers, Mesilat Yesharim / Path of the Just – and introspection, help our quest to be our best.

The Mesilat Yesharim – is based upon the Concept that “Cleanliness leads to Godliness”. It outlines a step-by-step program on how one can reach a higher spiritual level.

If you feel negative emotions in certain situations, see if you can handle a situation that triggered you in a more positive way. Act it out in a positive way. Some review all their actions before going to sleep to find ways to improve.

The Physical cleaning of the house is easier.

How to Clean Easier

1. Get Supplies
Rubberbands, Zip Lock Bags (quart size), Paper Towels, Windex or Clorox Spray

Clean Easy First

See what’s easy to do. Is it untangling the cords, and putting them away or is it throwing out unneeded papers – like the electric bills from 10 years ago.

Cord Cleaning
Today we have cords for appliances, machines, sharpeners, phones, printers, tape recorders. The list continues. What to do with all of them?

Take Cords and put rubber bands around.

– turn cords around 4 fingers then place rubber-band around it.

– if cord has an adapter, put cord around prongs of adapter then put rubber bands

After place cords in Zip-lock bags and label .

Place same cords in same zip-lock bag. Like Printer cables in one bag. Put same types in gallon bag.

Paper Cleaning
Take random papers place in two piles. throw and keep.

Take throw pile put in two or three piles
– recycle and shred
– Jewish people have another pile – Shaimos / Shemot – papers and documents that contain G-d’s name or Holy writings. These must be disposed of in a Geniza – where they bury the holy writings.

Take the keep pile
Put in piles like the file pile and scrap paper pile.

Electonic filing
If you find business cards, put them all in a zip-lock bag. If you have needed addresses and phone numbers on papers or business cards, put them on your phone or computer index. Some phones will automatically update your computer contact files.

You might also want to have a Miscellaneous / Undecided pile – where you put things that you will decide about later.

The point is is to be quick – don’t get stuck deciding what to do. The Idea is to move.

Workspace Efficiency

Decide on everything if you need it or if you use it frequently.

If the desk in your room is not being used, give it away or recycle it.

Determine the frequency of use of papers and things in your room. Something you usually need frequent access to – keep it close. Something you only access infrequently, you can store it in the basement or a closet to create uncluttered working space.

Another tip:
To clean a drawer – spill all in big pile on a plastic table cloth on carpet and sort. Put things needed frequently in a close drawer, and things not needed frequently farther away.

When your workspace is clean and clear, you are able to concentrate better.

When I learn Torah, I try to clean the desk or table from books to create an uncluttered space to be able to better concentrate on Torah study.

Cleanliness is one step in the process of spiritual purification and growth.

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