Time is a cycle. In Judaism, certain events that occurred in the past are not just history, but have an influence on events that fall the same day in the future.
On Pesach / Passover, it was the only time in history when a whole nation left from within another nation.
On Passover, we do not just commemorate the event of the Jews leaving Egypt – we relive the Exodus.
On the 15th of the Jewish Month of Nisan, G-d freed the Jews from 210 years of bondage in Egypt. Every, year on that date – the time is propitious for freedom.
One, who in the past succumbed to temptation, can free themselves and become a totally new person. One can go from being an average person to a completely righteous person.
One can free themselves from the shackles of society and become the person they have the potential to become.
It takes three things – prayer, commitment and effort.
Prayer on this night is more potent. Efforts to improve are met with more success. Make the commitment and you will succeed.
The Word Egypt in Hebrew is Mitzrayim – It starts with the letter Mem and ends with a Final Mem. The Mem in the beginning of the word has an opening. At the end the Mem is completely closed. When a person would enter Mitzrayim – they would not be able to leave. Dogs and black magic prevented people from leaving.
Egypt was a place of vice. People were slaves to their vices. The Jews sunk to the 49th level of impurity – out of 50 levels. A vice starts like the slavery of Egypt. At first people volunteered to work for the good of the country. Pharaoh, slyly but surely made voluntary work into mandatory work, then he enslaved the Jews.
A vice starts as a interest. Then it takes grips of a person, until they are controlled by it. The Exodus of Egypt culminated by the receiving of the Torah. The Torah enabled the people to raise themselves out of their vices and become truly free people.