In physics the law of momentum exists. If an object is moving it will continue to move.
In the world of emotions momentum does not exist. A person can be angry one moment and in the next in a state of joy.
We choose our reality. We choose what to get stuck on.
Someone did bad to me – so I have to have hate that person?
Children fight. In the next minute they are best friends. Babies cry, the next second they laugh.
Because someone angered me – it should not ruin my day. Move on.
A person chooses to be happy or sad on a rainy day. Look at the good and we’ll find reasons to rejoice.
This is applicable in many a situation. The person who is angry at G-d for whatever reason – the Holocaust, a past suffering, that a religious Jew did something against them – is not acting rationally. Why should G-d be blamed?
If once my company’s boss reprimanded me – should I never work again for that company or any other company. No.
Those who do blame G-d or others for their miseries – found a convenient excuse -that does not hold water. And is not worthy of their cutting off relations with G-d. It is a ploy of the evil inclination. For we focus our vision only on the limited pain we experienced and forget the infinite good we experience every moment.
In the end one will see all the things that we thought that were bad were ultimately for our benefit. We will see the mountains and mountains of good that G-d provided for us all these years and we may have been stuck on a small detail that someone hurt my feelings.
Look at the good – not the bad.
Be happy now. It’s your choice.