Imagine, you are the child of a powerful king. You know your father loves you. but you desire a closer relationship with him.
The Royal Banquet
One day, you hear your father is preparing a royal banquet. He arranges the musicians of the royal orchestra to attend. He invites royalty and ambassadors from every country. He orders delicacies from the Four Corners of the Earth.
As a prince(ss), you are obligated to attend. Your father, the King, asks you personally to be present.
Would you attend?
He then reveals the banquet’s purpose.
The Promotion
The reason for the banquet is to promote you to being viceroy – second in command after the King. Your royal salary is to be raised to 10 times its current level. In your new position you could do tremendous good to the citizens of your country and the people of the world. You could help the needy in the way that you previously thought was impossible and done many other projects to better the world.
Position of Greatness
Your range of duties is to be extended to a region of countries. You are to be given a new staff of 500 to help you. In your new position, you could maintain a much closer relationship with your father. He intends to also confide in you the Kingdom’s Royal secrets.
Judaism is that banquet. You, as a Jew, are a child of The King of Kings. He has invited you personally to be present at His royal feast. As a member of the royal family it is our responsibility to be present.
Happiness and Serenity in Torah Living
Living Torah Judaism allows us to reach your potential in life. It allows us to receive more enjoyment, reward and satisfaction from your daily activities – like work, being with the family, learning, etc. It allows you to live a life in which every day has purpose and meaning. You better understand the “why’s” of what happens in the world around you. It also allows you to do more good. It allows you to become better on a daily basis.
Torah living adds a new dimension to your life. A spiritual dimension. It allows you to attain self-actualization. Every day, you maintain a closer relation with the Creator of the world.
A Full Life of Meaning and Purpose
Observant Jews live full lives in every aspect. They play sports, go on vacations, enjoy quality family time every Shabbat. The family is guided by the foundations of the Torah, which emphasizes loving your fellow, helping others, doing kindness, speaking nicely to others, maintaining peaceful relations and much more.
The Facts
What about the facts? A recent study has shown that those that observant Torah Jews are 20 times less likely to take drugs than the rest of the population. They have less problems of alcohol, much less incidence of divorce and broken families. They scored the highest in the Gallup-Healthways Happiness and Wellbeing Survey.
In reality, to really answer your question, you must try observing Judaism for some time to understand it. If you asked me “What’s so great about a certain wine?” My best of words wouldn’t be able to describe it. To properly appreciate Judaism – you should try it out. Here are suggestions of activities in Judaism to explore – An article on ‘How Can I Bring More Spirituality in My Life in Judaism?’
If there is only one activity that you should choose, learning Torah is recommended. Here are some sites.
The royal banquet is Judaism. We are the guests of honor. The King awaits our presence.