Segulas of Lag BaO’mer

We had a bonfire outside our shul for Lag BaO’mer. This bonfire has various explanations. Fire represents light. Light represents Torah. Fire represents Torah. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yoh’ai hid in a cave for 13 years to escape Roman persecution. There he studied with his son Elazar in a cave. He brought much light in the world – by illuminating us with the Zohar – Jewish Book of Mysticism.

Many other segulas and reasons for the bonfire: The Yanuka said – one reason is to remember that one should prefer to jump into a fire than to embarrass a person in public. I heard a segula for refuah is to throw a recently used piece of clothing of that person into the lag baomer bonfire.

Here are the details:

סגולה נוראה וחשובה.

ביום ל”ג בעומר אם יש איזה חולה במשפחה או חולי גוף או חולי נפש. או כל צרה שיש לאדם יקח האדם החולה וכדומה או אחד ממשפחתו בגד שלו וישליך אל תוך המדורה שנדלקה לכבוד התנא רבי שמעון בר יוחאי ויאמר אני שורף הבגד של פלוני בן פלונית באש לכבוד התנא. ויהי רצון שישרף החולי השוכן בתוכו או הכשוף שבו או עין רעה שבו או כל מניעה וחסימה ושב ורפא לפב”פ.

Here are 10 Segulot for Lag BaOmer

Increase Your Joy in the Month of Adar – A Segula to Gain Salvation from Difficulties

In the Talmud – Taanit 29a we learn

§ The mishna teaches that from when the month of Av begins, one decreases acts of rejoicing. Rav Yehuda, son of Rav Shmuel bar Sheilat, said in the name of Rav: Just as when Av begins one decreases rejoicing, so too when the month of Adar begins, one increases rejoicing.

A Segula / “Propituous Amulet” To get salvation from all difficulties is in the month of Adar – this month –

Write the following on a paper:

משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה
מזל אדר דגים

Draw a fish on the bottom of sign and post the sign in your home (some say opposite the door on the western wall).

It means “when Adar enters we increase the Joy. The zodiac sign of Adar is Fish. 🐟”

All the good blessings from Ohr Binyamin &
Live Better Forever


סגולה from הרב אברהם בן שבתי in his sefer ילקוט
אברהם 686

Parasha VaYigash – Talking Kind Words & Not Getting Angry

Using Kind Words

It says in Parasha Vayigash:
*And Yehuda Approached, Let your servant please speak a word in your ears, for you are like Pharaoh…* (Bereshit 44:18) Yehuda approached Yosef to convince him to take him instead of Binyamin, his brother, as a slave. To convince him, he first tried to approach him in with kind words.

The best approach to convince a person is using kind words. Thus he used them first.

Segula Against Anger

Yehuda wanted to remain calm when talking to Yosef.

In this pasuk is an allusion to a Segula against anger – the pasuk recited at a time of anger to calm a person down – in some of the seemingly extra words – bi, na, al, ke. Bet, Yud, Nun, Alef, Alef, Lamed, Kaf – are the first letters of found in the Pasuk of Tehillim 119:9. (Ball Shem Tov).