The 9th of Av – How to Feel the Mourning?

Doing What We Can to Bring the Redemption

Doing What We Can to Bring the Redemption – One Person at a Time

The Ninth of Jewish Month Av is a Day of National Fasting and Mourning for the Jewish Nation.

How it Started
It started when the Jews were to enter into the land of Israel in the Desert. When they heard the report of the Spies about the land, they started crying. The Jewish people fell for the report of the spies. The spies used dishonest reporting tactics to evoke fear in the people.

Because the people cried then, So G-d said “Since you cried for nothing, then I will give you a reason to cry.” On the 9th of Av many tragedies occurred. The first Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. The Second Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. World War I started.

Learning More
Here are some links that might make you feel the magnitude of the day. Learning about it – we can appreciate it more.
Tisha B’Av: The Secret to feeling the Mourning.
Tisha B’Av – General articles

Improving our Self-Esteem
Apparently, the reason why the Jewish people cried was because they lacked confidence in themselves to overcome their enemy. Lack of confidence in ourselves was also a reason for the sin of the Golden Calf. These two incidents are related.

We must look at ourselves as members of an important and Holy Nation – chosen by Hash-m to teach the world the beautiful messages and way of life of the Torah – through our actions. We have to have confidence in ourselves as a nation and as individuals – for we are the children of the King of Kings – veritable Princes and Princesses. (order the Free “You are Special Card”)

When we see that we are the King’s Children and we are trodden upon, insulted, hated, and disrespected – it in itself is a reason to mourn.

Teshuva / Repentance
The fasting is to be able to feel the seriousness of the day and to do sincere Teshuva (repentance).
(Some Articles on Repentance)

Teshuva translated as repentance – literally means returning. It means returning to the source of all good – Hash-m. Returning to the path of the Torah. Returning to our own souls. It is not necessarily that we were bad and are becoming good – it is that we are returning to the beautiful and happy path of the Torah that was taken for thousands of years by our ancestors.

Make Peace
There is another aspect of life that we ways should work on – having peaceful relations with others. The first Beit Hamikdash (Temple) was destroyed because of preponderance of the three major Sins: Improper Relations (ie, Adultery, etc.), Murder and Idol Worship. The Second Temple was destroyed because of preponderance of Gratuitous hatred. These sins are equivalent in a sense.

Thus we should work on creating more peaceful relations between us and our co-workers, us and our families, us and our friends. When we focus on gratuitous love instead of gratuitous hatred – This is a when Hash-m will send his anointed one – the Messiah – to redeem us from the subjugation of the nations.

Remember there is a time for mourning and sadness, but afterward there is a time for renewal and happiness. Our normal disposition should be – happy.

Let us remember and mourn for they say that the one who mourns for Jerusalem will merit to see it being be rebuilt. It Should be rebuilt Soon, in Our Days. Amen.

Now we are like the King’s children banished from his table – but soon we will lift our heads in pride again.

Becoming Closer to G-d through . . . . Snapple?

colorful tulip fieldsOne can find much beauty in Judaism.

Every act has a purpose.

Each one can be made into a Mitzvah

Eating allows you to sustain your body and remain in good health and remain alive. Do it to be able to properly serve G-d and you receive a Mitzvah.

Going to work allows you to feed your family. Do it to be able to help them live a happy and spiritually rewarding life in Judaism, get another Mitzvah.

Playing sports and exercise is good for keeping in shape. Do it to be in good health because the Torah says we should be healthy – get another Mitzvah.

Every act can be used for connecting with the Creator.

Eating and drinking, we recite blessings to thank Hash-m for the food. These blessings not only serve to express our deep appreciation to Hash-m for the food, but to create a relationship with Him. It also brings great spiritual benefits to the world.

So, when you are ready to take a sip of the ice-cold Snapple (no they are not paying us for this) say the bracha for a beverage, drink and get a Mitzvah. (to know the proper text for Brachas / blessing on food click here)

Another way to develop your spirituality is by reading some of the “Real Facts” under the cap that deal with nature. Many are impressive. By appreciating nature, going on outings, recognizing it’s beauty and recognizing that it is the awesome work and kindness of Hash-m – you have another opportunity to connect.

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random typing.

does evolution
or atheism
– development of all the beauty and intricacy of nature by randomness –
still make sense to you?

How Can I Bring More Spirituality in My Life in Judaism?

Apples and Honey for Rosh HashanaQuestion:
I am searching for more spirituality in life. Since I am Jewish, I guess it makes sense to start investigating Judaism. What do you suggest for me in my search to bring more spirituality into my life?

The Path to Judaism is a Path to Finding Oneself.

A Person is composed of a body and a soul. The Soul is our essence, so discovering and searching for things that please the soul bring happiness, because you become your true self.

Thus people say “I want to be happy, I want to be me.” Deep down a person knows that when one will be themselves they will be happy.

The question people grapple with is “what is their true self.” Some think sometimes what Madison Avenue and the media portray as fun or funny is their self. But after trying what they propose, they might be amused but not necessarily satisfied. Why? Because pleasing the body and ignoring their soul, rarely brings lasting satisfaction. Pleasures that please the soul are those that ultimately bring happiness.

The goal of the soul is to be close with G-d. Anything that brings it closer to Hashem (G-d) will make the soul happy. Anything that distances it from G-d will sadden it. Thus pleasures that bring the soul closer to G-d will make a person happy. Pleasures that distance it from G-d will make it sad. Here is an audio that talks about the subject.

For a Jew, what pleases the Soul are pleasures that are congruent with the Torah and The Mitzvot

For a Gentile, what pleases their soul is to follow the Seven Noahide Commandments:

In Judaism Spirituality is Achieved through the Material and Physical World – ie, saying Brachas on Food, Eating a Shabbat Meal, Learning Torah.

Everybody’s path in discovering who they are is unique. For some it takes months, for some it takes years. Some never find out who they are because they are stuck in “follow the crowd” mode. Discovering Judaism and yourself is a lifetime pursuit – Every day is another opportunity to become better.

It’s better to take small, gradual steps to observe the Mitzvot and stick to them than to accept too much and fall backwards.

Each person is unique. And each person’s path to discover themselves is unique and special. Based upon the path I took to discover Judaism, here are some Suggestions:

Enjoy a Shabbat Meal:
Try to Spend a Shabbat Meal with an Observant Family in Your Neighborhood. A Shabbat with an observant family gives you a taste of what it is to enjoy spirituality through delicious food, pleasant company, singing and words of Torah. is a site that will help you find a hospitable family that will have you over for a Shabbat meal.

Go to a Shabbaton or Jewish Retreat:
Gateways offers Retreats and classes
Arachim USA – offers getaways and Weekend Retreats

Or if you want to try Shabbat in your own home – order a Free Shabbat Candle Lighting Kit / Care Package from us here. It explains how to conduct a Shabbat at home.

Attend a Discovery Seminar:
Discovery shows scientific and logical evidence that correspond to what the Torah says.
Discovery Seminar
North America Seminars

Visit Sites:
The Aish HaTorah site that has a Judaism 101 – section. It’s a great site overall to learn about Judaism.

You can also search the site for topics such as : Prayer, belief in G-d. The comments are also usually insightful as well.

The recommended links section is a good place to start for your search to learn about Judaism.

If you appreciate the style of a particular audio or article that suits sou, you can look up more by that same author.

There are a lot of Jewish sites that are not always “kosher”. the ones mentioned above are kosher. At the sites, see which subjects interest you and go from there.

Inspire Yourself in Israel
Our Site Jerusalem Life’s initial main objective was to guide people where to find spirituality in Israel. Here is the Link to Programs there.

G-d gave you a brain to think. It is good that you are using it to find out about your heritage. A person that does not will not fulfill their potential. One of our purposes of life – is to achieve a unique goal. Even if in the past we have failed, we always have a new chance. G-d is good and accepts sincere repentance.

Ask Questions:
The Torah encourages questions. If you have questions please feel free to ask them. Find an Orthodox Rabbi or Wife of a Rabbi that you feel comfortable with that you can contact with your questions.

Attend Services and Lectures:
To learn more about Judaism go to an orthodox Synagogue to listen to lectures. Speak with an Orthodox Rabbi or an Orthodox Jew. They will steer you in the right direction. If you could go to a Yeshiva (for men) or a Seminary (for Women) to learn Torah that is also good.

Try a New Mitzvah
Each Mitzvah helps you to create a relationship with the Creator of the Universe. Some people start with saying the Shema twice a day, saying prayers, lighting the Shabbat candles, saying the blessings on food. You decide.

Get FREE Judaica:
There are many FREE Judaica products available at the Jerusalem Life Site Like:
Aleph-Bet Cards – that have the Hebrew Alphabet Explained
Bracha Cards – that have the Blessings for eating
Good Health Card – that has the blessing said to thank G-d for the proper functioning of the body.
Pirkei Avot / Ethics of the Fathers – A Booklet that has beautiful ways to live a more fulfilling life
FREE Kiruv Judaica & Jewish Outreach Materials

Read Jewish Books:
Some good sites to purchase Jewish books are: and

I would suggest you start off by learning Pirkei Avot -Ethics of the Fathers. Artscroll has a nice edition. Here are their best sellers:

Use Logic:
Spirituality is basically a feeling of closeness to a Higher Power – closeness to G-d. What Better source is there to become close to G-d than the Torah. It was the only document ever given by G-d to Man whose giving was witnessed by a nation of millions of people. Judaism is the only religion that makes this claim. No other religion does.

The greatest source of spirituality is Judaism. All the Great and lofty ideas of others are taken from Judaism.

What seems to be appealing to the heart is not a proof whether it is right or wrong. Many things seem appealing but are not proper – like excessive alcohol. Unfortunately, some go to the Far East or other religions seeking spirituality because it is appealing to the eye, when Judaism contains all the heights and lofty ideals they seek.

To find the truth you must use logic, not take a census of how many people adhere to a religion. If a billion people said 2 + 2 = 19 would you believe it? Also any religion’s point of view is a minority view – according to the rest of the world.

JL has a post that discusses What Jewish People Believe – the Foundations of Judaism & a post on How does one find G-d? – which talks about the path that Abraham, our Forefather took, to find G-d

Get Family & Friends Support:
For thousands of years, Judaism was the center of life of the Jewish People. It was only in the last two centuries that people started new movements. So going back to Judaism is getting in touch with your family’s roots and traditions.

Try to enlist support from your family and friends. Tell them you seek to enhance your spiritual life through discovering your Judaism. You can say you want to explore Judaism, because that is the Religion of your parent’s ancestors. You can tell them, about 300 years ago most all Jews were Observant. There were no such things as “movements.” You can say that just as they supported you in the past in school and social life and materially, you expect them to support you in your spiritual pursuit of Judaism.

There are three reactions they could have:
or Negative
Whatever they say, don’t be discouraged. Deep down they will be happy that you are following Judaism. Your life will also be greatly enhanced. Ask an orthodox rabbi for advice on how to deal with it.

Tailor your observance of Mitzvot
In addition to some of the Mitzvah’s mentioned above, each person should slowly remove themselves from bad and start doing good.
For males they should consider taking upon themselves Mitvahs of daily prayer with Tephillin, Torah/Talmud study, etc.

For females they can join a women’s lecture series, learn about Challah and Tzniut – Jewish modesty. (A Hebrew site on Modesty: כתר מלכות – למען הקדושה והצניעות בהכוונת גדולי ישראל)

If you are daring you can go to Israel and enroll in a yeshiva or for women in a seminary.

Asking Hashem, the G-d of the Jews and the Universe, to help you to find the truth and make it easy for you to find the right people to guide you is also part of the effort you should make in addition to those mentioned above. This applies to anything you want to achieve or receive. You can preface your prayer by “Hashem, Please Help Me …”. In Your case “Hashem, Please Help Me to Find the Truth & What You Want me to Achieve in Life.”

The beginnings of the rekindling of the relationship between you & G-d are very special times. Enjoy it.

The Billionaire’s Card Game – a Lesson in Success

MP900341693I heard a Story from Rabbi Yitzy Greenman – a Rabbi in Aish Hatorah New York :

Once he invited a Successful Businessman on the Forbes List of Billionaires to give a lecture to his students. The enamored group, listened to his stories on his education, his business success, how his company was being sued by another billionaire, how he made it to the top. He mentioned that regularly he would play cards with the same billionaire, that was suing his company for millions of dollars.

The Rabbi stopped him. “Excuse Me, can I ask a question?… You play cards with a person who is suing your company for millions of dollars?”

“Oh” he responded “Let me explain. I try not to get emotional over things. Because when I become emotional, I become irrational. And when I become irrational, I make bad business decisions.”

Many times we allow others to get us angry, evoke hatred and other emotions in us. But really we are able to control our emotions.

The Peddler Woman
Once a woman was peddling fruits and vegetables on here mobile cart. Some young lads came and took some apples. Seething, she tossed a violent tirade of words at the youngsters. Just then, a man asked her how much are these fruits. It was her best customer. Realizing that continuing her anger stream would cost her her best customer, she smiled large and said “Oh. Hello Mr. Cohen. It’s So Nice to See You.”

One moment she was seething. The next second she was pleasant. How so? We have the ability to control our emotions. Our self respect and esteem shouldn’t be placed in the hands of others. We can control our emotions.

My Rebbe, Rabbi Zecharia Mines, obm used to say to me “Your mind should be in control of your heart, not the opposite.”

Rich Man, Poor Man / The Happiest Day of His life
Another true story that illustrates this quality is mentioned by Maimonides, the RamBam.

Once there was a poor person traveling on a ship. His “sleeping cabin” was under a staircase. A wealthy man, disdaining the poor person, decided to urinate. He found that under the staircase was the easiest place to relieve himself. So he did.

The poor person related afterwards that that was the happiest day of his life. Why? Because he realized that he was so much in control that this act of disrespect didn’t faze him. He realized that his self-worth has nothing to with others and no one had control over him.”

Practice Makes Perfect
It takes practice. Initially, You won’t always be in complete control of your emotions. When we let others upset us, we basically let them have a bit of control over our lives. That is a bit disconcerting. But the more control you have over your emotions, the less others have control over you. In Other words – you can control your happiness.

A Lecture that Mentions this principle can be found here:
Personal Growth Vol. 1 – The Secret of Happiness (Part 1) by Rabbi Jonathan Rietti

A Classic Jewish Book that teaches this principle and many others is called Tomer Devora – The Palm tree of Devorah – By Rabbi Moshe Cordovero. It teaches of the 13 attributes of G-d and how to emulate Him. One of them is to Do Good even to those that may have wronged you. When you are magnanimous, you emulate the Creator.

You can be in control of yourself. It just takes a little effort. Learning about self-control – helps you be in control and ultimately, to be a better person.

Success – Avoiding Let Down When Reaching the Top

Man Walking up Ladder to CloudsAn entrepreneur had a great idea. He started a small business. He met with the venture capitalists – who funded generously his project. Over a span of 3 years built the company into a global corporation with tens of thousands of employees and making billions of dollars a year. He himself became a self-made billionaire.

Is he a Success or Not?

Yes and No.

It depends upon how you define the word success.

If you mean Financial Success – Yes.

If you mean a Personal Success – Not Necessarily.

Let’s continue the story:
Every night he would come home and yell at his wife and children due to the great stress he had at work. He would not tolerate error from his employees – firing them at the blink of an eye.



What about a man (or woman) who makes a meager living. They support the family, Do what they can to supply for the material, physical and spiritual needs of the family, Are an example of kindness and giving, Provide for the family’s Jewish and secular education, Grow every day through learning Torah, Is available to talk at any time, & Has always kind words on their lips.



Why it’s Lonely at the Top
One of the main reasons why people feel lonely at the top is because they think that financial success will bring them happiness. More money in the bank account does not make a person happy.

So what is a person on the road to the top to do?

Share the wealth. Share the success with others. You have more money, give to more causes to help the Torah world and humanity. Grow yourself while growing your company or your career. Become a better person and you will experience this satisfaction.

When a person conquers his own frailties, does good for others, and helps humanity, he also helps himself. He feels better about himself and becomes a better person, a more giving person, and a better boss. The secret to personal success is improve yourself daily. Be better today than you were yesterday. Be better Tomorrow than you were today.

The Torah is the guide that Hash-m gave for us to improve ourselves to reach our potential for doing good and become the ultimate provider of good. Doing so, We become our true selves and reach a higher state of satisfaction in life. When we emulate Hash-m, we become better. Enriching your spiritual life through Torah is key.

Best Advice
One of the best pieces of advice for self-hep and improvement that I ever received was:
– to set a time regularly to learn Torah. Even if it is five minutes a day – but it should be regular. (see our Five Alive program)

A good place to start the process is by reading the work “Pirkei Avot.” / Ethics of the Fathers – which contains advice and guidance for a person to be happy. Some quotes from it can be found here:

Torah Quotes and Jewish Quotes

It can be ordered online from:
Pirkei Avos Treasury: The Sages Guide to Living with an Anthologized Commentary & Anecdotes (ArtScroll (Mesorah Publishing). by Moshe Lieber and Nosson Scherman

the Children’s edition:
Pirkei Avos Illustrated Youth Edition / Ethics of the Fathers

Or you can receive a simple translated copy from our site at:
Jewish Freebies and Judaica

I recently heard a helpful Jewish Audio lecture on reaching one’s potential by Rabbi Akiva Tatz called Inner World – Deciding One’s Role in Life

Eating a Kosher Diet also helps. Kosher animals are docile and positively influences the personality of the person. See : Why Kosher? or ABCs of Kosher

Alexander the Great
Once Alexander the Great on the way back from war. He was proud that he had conquered the world. When he saw the great sage Shimon Hatzadik (Simon the Righteous) donned in the clothes of the Cohen Gadol (High Priest from the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem), Alexander got off his horse and bowed to him. His soldiers, astonished said “Master, why do you bow to this Jewish Man.” Alexander replied “Because every time before I win a war I see this man in my dream the night before I am victorious in a battle.”

After exchanging common courtesy, Shimon said to Alexander “Now that you have conquered people of the whole world, you still have one more to conquer.” Alexander was surprised “I have conquered the entire world, who else can there be?” Shimon replied “Yourself.” Alexander Acquiesced.

I Remember Charlie

charlieCharlie was a sincere convert to Judaism. He was a person of truth. He lived in Israel because he said that is our home. I had the privilege of knowing him when he was in the US.

It says in the Torah in several places our obligation to love the convert. I understand why.

It is a challenge to leave that which you grew up with and join a new nation, and a new set of values. Thus we are commanded to make the transition easier.

Many a time, a convert is a pioneer and a searcher of truth. What others accept as status quo, they question. They want answers and to find truth in their life. This is one thing I appreciated about Charlie. He wasn’t afraid to question values or society to arrive at truth. He once said he tried pleasures of the world but that he found no happiness there. He didn’t just experience life – but evaluated it to make sure it was proper, it was bringing him satisfaction and it was true.

It is not common that you find someone so sincere in the pursuit of truth and justice like Yeshayahu ben Avraham. When he learned that something was true, he was not satisfied as leaving it as an interesting concept to reflect upon, he took action to implement it into his life. He used go to the rabbi’s house, sometimes late at night, to discuss issues that were concerning him and to find out what the Torah says about it. He patiently asked questions until he was satisfied with the answers. He was willing to change, even if it was at times a challenge for him, if he felt it was the truth. There were times where the rabbi did suggest things that he could improve. He took it to heart and put the words into action.

He was a man that did what he could to improve the welfare of his fellow man. If there was a cause that he felt needed improvement, he tried to take action to correct the situation.

Charlie lived by the the Torah’s Philosophy of “what is hateful to you you should not do to others.”

Charles Coburn, also known as Charlie – was converted by a Beit Din Tzedek / a righteous Jewish Court of law. He was adamant at doing things right. Since he had a question about his first conversion, he made another one to assure that it was done according to Halacha / Jewish law.

He was a regular guy, in search of spirituality. He observed the Shabbat and kept kosher and lived according to Halacha. He was a regular guest for Shabbat meals at various families in the Jewish community.

In July of 2010 Charlie was riding his bicycle in West Springfield, Massachusetts when he experienced heart pains. The police brought him to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The authorities there buried him in a public cemetery. Some individuals from the Jewish community arranged a disinterment to have him buried in a Jewish cemetery.

Charlie had great love for the land of Yisrael and a strong desire to live in Eretz Yisrael. He loved his fellow Jews and was a strong Advocate for the release of Jonathan Pollard and Gilad Shalit. He was an activist against parking in wheelchair ramps, idling engines, talking in shul / synagogue and making noise late at night when people are sleeping. He helped people in need and readily helped to complete minyanim (10 men for the prayer service).

Yeshayahu ben Avraham, z”l a Ger Tzedek – a sincere convert to Judaism – was niftar / died the 15 av 5770, He lived in Israel, Connecticut, Massachusets and New York. Before he retired, he was a bus driver. Apparantly because he loved to help people.

What Jewish People Believe – the Foundations of Judaism

MP900309698The foundations of Judaism are compiled by Maimonides.

Also known as the RaMBaM, an acronym for Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, he wrote a code of Jewish law called the Mishne Torah and many other commentaries on Torah. He explains that there are 13 Principles of Judaism :

1. That the Holy One, Blessed Be He exists & supervises
2. & that He is One
3. & that He has no body & no likeness of a body
4. & He was before anything from before
5. & that there is no worship except to Him
6. & He knows the thoughts of people
7. & the prophesy of Moses our teacher is true
8. & that he (Moses) is the master of all prophets
9. & that the Torah was given from Heaven
10. & that it [the Torah] will not change at any time, G-d forbid
11. & that G-d punishes evil & greatly rewards the good
12. & that the king Messiah will come
13. & that the dead will be resurrected in the future.

to decide to believe in Judaism you should answer the following:

1) Does it make more sense that G-d exists or not?
2) Did G-d Give a Law to People?
3) What is that Law?
4) Did G-d Change His Mind?

Here are answers:
1) Yes. It doesn’t make sense that the world came about by randomness.
2) Yes, A company wouldn’t offer a product without user instructions – even clothes have washing instructions.
3) The Torah is the only law that was given by G-d to an entire nation of millions of witnesses in the entire history of the world. Of the thousands of religions that exist, no other religion claims this fact. Almost all people agree that the Torah / the 5 Books of Moses was given by G-d to the Jewish People.
4) G-d said he will not abandon the covenant with the Jewish people. Also, does it make sense, that G-d, Omniscient and Omnipotent, with knowledge of all the past, present and future will change his mind. G-d knows all and knew that the Jews would keep the Torah till today. A person bets to win not to lose. G-d, knowing the past, present and future, put “His money” on the team (ie, the Jews) that he knew was going to win.

Abraham taught the world that anything that has a weakness cannot be god. Anything that can be destroyed, or can die – anything physical or spiritual – like an object, animal, tree or person – cannot be God.

The 13 Principles
Our Free Happiness Card Contains the 13 Principles

How Does One Find G-d?

Tall Green TreeMany ask variations of the questions: Can You Prove G-d Exists? How Do You Find G-d? How Can G-d Let …. Happen? They all stem from the search for meaning, the search for Spirituality, the search for G-d.

To find G-d you just have to search honestly and be logical. If you are searching truthfully you can take the example of Abraham, the forefather of Judaism to arrive at belief in G-d.

Abraham’s Search for G-d
Abraham — the one who “discovered” the true God was three years old when looking for Him. He reasoned that if the heavens and the earth exist, there must be a Creator.

In his age idolatry was rampant. How did he find G-d? His manner of determining who was the true G-d was to find a G-d without a weakness.

If there’s anything that is stronger than a supposed god, it cannot be the real God – because the supposed “god” has a weakness. Anything that has a weakness cannot be the true G-d.

To find out who is the true G-d, his train of reasoning was thus:
He thought: Is the Sun the real G-d?
He answered: No. He said to himself this cannot be because the sun set at night – the Sun has a weakness and cannot be G-d.
He thought: Is the moon the real G-d?
He answered: No. The moon disappeared in the morning – thus the moon has a weakness and cannot be G-d.
He thought: Are the clouds the real G-d?
He answered: No. They are dispersed by the wind – thus the clouds have a weakness and cannot be G-d.

Rejecting gods
There is an important point here. When Abraham saw that a God that he thought was a true God had a weakness — he rejected it as the true God. Thus, anything that has a weakness must not be G-d. Thus G-d is not an object, not a star, not a planet, not an animal, not a man (dead or alive), not anything physical, not anything spiritual.

If there is something that has a strength over a supposedly god — that thing that one thought was a God is not a God. A man dies. thus a man cannot be G-d. A cow dies. Thus it cannot be G-d. A rock can be crushed – thus it cannot be G-d. Only something that has no weaknesses can be G-d. All of these things can be destroyed. All have limitations. Thus all cannot be G-d.

True God
Abraham finally discovered the true G-d – the G-d of the Jews – Hash-m – that eventually took Abraham’s descendants – the Jewish People – out of Egypt and gave them the Torah. The only time G-d appeared to an entire nation in all History.

If one were to suppose that there were is more than one G-d — God forbid — that is not possible either because to be the true G-d. One must be able to destroy and not to be destroyed. If someone were to suppose that there is more than one God – one G-d would have to be stronger than the other — only one would be able to destroy and not be destroyed. Only that one would be the one and only true God. If he can be destroyed he cannot be the true G-d. If he cannot destroy something or prevent himself from being destroyed, he cannot be the true G-d.

Reward and Punishment
About reward and punishment – if a person was punished the second they transgressed or rewarded when they did good – there would be no Free will. Thus some reward and punishment is meted out after a person’s death.

Why G-d Does not Appear Today
G-d does not need to appear to people for people to know he exists. He appeared once in history to the entire Jewish nation – of millions of people – and gave them the Torah. No other people claim this fact. It is a fact just like George Washington was president of the US. Anyone who wants to believe in G-d can refer to that event. Just like a winner of a spelling bee doesn’t have to spell in front of anyone who asks them to prove that they won the spelling bee. They just have to show them the “Spelling Bee Winner” Certificate. In the Torah, G-d says he will never change his nation.

Laws to Follow
To receive a share in heaven, Gentiles have to follow the seven Noahide laws.
Jews have to believe in the 13 principles of the RAMBAM and observe the Torah commandments.

Seeing G-d in Life
G-d sends us messages each day. You meet someone. They ask you to come over for a Shabbat meal. Coincidence? To Come and Learn Torah? Happenstance? G-d sends his messages to us daily. We just have to be attuned to hear them.

G-d is Good
If we were to properly contemplate the good that we receive daily from G-d – we would not be able to thank one iota of all that he gives us, like: breath, life, existence, children, family, friends, money, activities, water, food, torah, spirituality, a chance to connect with him, a body, eyes, ears, health … you continue the list.

Prayer and Proof of G-d
Pray to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – the G-d of the Jews and all the universe – and He will answer you. This is also one “proof” of His existence. Since He is all powerful, you can ask Him for anything you need. He has no limits to provide it for you. Keep in mind that he wants only your good.

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Abraham and Healthy Spirituality
Who is G-d
Jews and Non-Jews
The 13 Principles of Judaism from the Rambam

17th of Tammuz – Start of Three Weeks Period in Jewish History

MP900309700Today is Shiva Assar BeTammuz (the 17th Day of the Month of Tammuz)
The five things that happened on this Day in Jewish History. This is why we fast

1. The First set of Tablets of the 10 Commandments were broken – due to the sin of the Golden Calf
2. The Walls of the City of Jerusalem were Breached in the battle against the Romans
3. A Sefer Torah was Burned by Apostemus
4. An Idol was Placed in the Beit Hamikdash / Holy Temple
5. The daily offering in the Beit Hamikdash was stopped

This starts the period of the three weeks where we observe certain aspects of mourning for the difficult occurrences.

One who mourns over Jerusalem will merit to see its rebuilding.

It should be rebuilt soon, in our days. Amen.