Arriving at Truth. How to Determine What is True or Not.


true-straightApparently to arrive at truth – you have to have a common method of determining the answer.

You have to use a method that anybody on earth could come to the same conclusion. Otherwise no one in the world could be judged. Everyone could say I thought the other belief system was right.

You can’t use scriptures because each religion disagrees with the scriptures of the other. Unless you find out the which are true scriptures – but let’s leave that aside for now.

You can’t flip a coin. Because that is pot luck.

You can’t use feelings because one person could feel a is right while someone else could feel b is right.

So the only way one can determine who is right is through objectivity and logic. G-d gave us a brain to think. We must use it objectively – putting our feelings aside – to arrive at the truth.

See : find G-d through logic

See here : For Finding Truth of Torah through Logic

If you want attestation of the truth of the Jewish Torah – through science, Bible Codes, logic and archaeology see:
the discovery seminar

Gentiles who want to know what the Torah expects of them – see the 7 Noahide laws

What is Freedom? A Torah Perspective

Conceptual Image - Stairway to change/freedom/creativity etc.I am relatively new to Judaism. I never had any formal education or family upbringing in it. I picked up books on the subject and find that Torah is profound and rich with noble ideas. I making small efforts to put some of these ideas into practice in my personal life. Yet, I am somewhat reluctant for I value my freedom and my personal identity. What does the Torah say about freedom?

Dear Friend,

The Torah was given to free man. Any effort that one makes towards putting it into practice will only increase the freedom one has and will not in anyway decrease it. The quotation written on the Liberty Bell in the U.S. comes from our Torah.

Let’s start by analyzing what freedom is. A common belief of our society is that freedom is doing what you want when you want without any restraints. However, according to this definition, we find that the freest person in the world is he who is dependent on alcohol. The alcoholic does what he wants, when he wants without any restraint. I ask you: Is an alcoholic really free?

The Torah defines freedom as the ability to be presented by a choice and to select the better course of action. For instance, I love ice cream. It is my birthday, and a good friend offers me a pistachio banana split in honor of my celebration. Now, I am posed by a dilemma. I know my wife prepared a special meal for my birthday. If I eat the banana split, I know my stomach will not be able to also contain my wife’s meal made with much heart and love. I can give in to my natural desire to empty the ice cream dish as fast as humanly possible and risk vexing my wife. Or I can desist from eating the delicious split and please my wife by enjoying her home cooked meal.

Giving in to eating the split will demonstrate my subjugation to my desires. Desisting from eating it, will show that my mind rules my body and not the other way around. I am in essence a free man for that moment.

In today’s society, subjugation comes in many flavors – subjugation to work / creativity, to the ideals of society, to what the “Jones” are doing, to time, to ones passions. To all of these the Torah sounds its liberty bell – ringing “Free Yourself!” To these the Torah provides the keys to freedom. It prescribes Shabbat – allowing one to free themselves from the shackles of a 7-day work week. It offers the Brit Milah – to free oneself from one’s own desires. The sanctification of the month allows us to even be free from the limitation of time.

Freeing oneself ultimately allows one to be oneself. Sounds nice, but is it true? Let’s ask what defines a person? Is it his possessions? If so, should we consider one who drives a Lexus better than one who drives a Ford. What about one’s diplomas? One’s physique? What about one’s relatives? It eventually becomes apparent that the person is really their value system and the way they act. You are what you do.

When a person frees themselves from the “chains” of being in style, with it, in fashion, a la mode, or just in – they begin expressing their own self to the world. They begin to open their horizons to being a thinking individual. Their own person, their own goodness. Expressing their real identity, not one that is slapped upon them because they wear nice clothes or drive a nice car.

Let’s take an example of a TV addict. Such a person’s life is centered around the events, programs and happenings of the television. His opinions will be those of the Ten o’clock news. His personality may even mimic the characters of popular sitcoms. Is this person a clone of their favorite TV character?

Did you ever ask yourself who am I?

As one lives the values of the Torah, the more freedom one will have.

Torah Learning brings True Freedom

Rabbi Yehoshua son of Levi said ”Every single day a heavenly voice comes out from Mount Horeb [Sinai], and says “woe to the creatures [of the world], from the insult to the Torah” [that they disregard learning it], for whoever does not occupy himself with Torah is called “reproached” [nazuf] as it says “A ring [nezem] of gold in the nose of a swine” is a beautiful woman that turned away from reason” and it says “And the tablets [of the Law – the ten commandments] they are the work of G-d – And the writing is the writing of G-d – inscribed [charut] on the tablets ” Do not read [it as] “charut” [inscribed] rather as “cherut” [freedom]. For the only one who is considered to be a free man is one who occupies himself with Learning Torah . And who ever occupies himself with learning Torah Behold he is elevated as it says “And from Matanah [name of place meaning – a gift – ie, of the Torah] to nachliel [name of place meaning – My inheritance is in G-d] and nachliel to bamot [name of place meaning – high altars].”
(Bamidbar 21:19) )Pirkei Avot 6:2

Why the World Needs Judaism and the Jews?

Hands touching a globeI am not an avid newspaper reader. But I do hear the currents and top stories from word of mouth. I heard about a debate going on in secular circles:

Does the world need religion?

After having been presented with the sides for the sake of religions by religious leaders representing religion, The answer that the secular thinkers came up with was “no – the world does not need Religion.”

According to Torah, the world does need Judaism and the Jews.

I can only defend Judaism’s position – for two reason’s

1) That is the only religion that I am more or less familiar with.

2) I believe that it is the only religion that claims it’s law – the Torah – was given by G-d to a nation of millions of witnesses – that never occurred again in history of man – and that the laws did not change from it’s inception.

The laws of Judaism are divine laws given at Mount Sinai – about 3,300 years ago. The laws that the people were observing 3,300 years ago are the same exact laws that Orthodox Jews are observing today.

When I say Judaism – I refer only to that which is called “Orthodox” Judaism – for lack of a better term. All the other “movements” cannot claim this necessity – because in their doctrines of formation – made by mortal men – are “amendments” and “changes” to Judaism.

In the Torah itself it says that the laws of the Torah do not change. It renders any “change” in the laws of Judaism – into non-Judaism. It is like a poison pill in a corporation. Or like the story of the soup – whose ingredients were changed one by one – leaving just an empty bowl. When you remove the ingredients it is no longer a soup.

Man’s laws change. G-d’s laws do not.

I am not defending Judaism – Just pointing out the following point.

Only a Divine law that does not change can assure the survival and morality of the world.

I remember taking Philosophy 101 in university with a middle-aged professor with a long white mane. He mentioned the argument called the slippery slope. The slippery slope argument concludes that a limit must be defined to a situation – otherwise you will slip down the slope. The example he gave was the passing grade for a test. The standard passing mark is 65. It is an arbitrary number. But it must be set – because – the weak student could argue to give him a passing mark if he got a 64 because it is just one less than 65. The next student could argue for a passing grade for 63 – it is only one less than 64. And each student could bring the passing mark down to 1 – because it is just one less than the previous mark.

I once asked the following question in a college class dealing with ethics – “Why in general is it acceptable to kill animals – but not acceptable to kill people?”

Possible answers include – humans are smarter. Not killing is for the good of society. Humans are more useful to the world.

All these answers allow an evil person to justify murder, euthanasia, or even genocide. This is exactly what Hitler did. Hitler did not say it was right to kill. He said it was morally wrong. His opinion was that we do not kill because it is not good for society. According to his reason for not killing – he would be morally correct to kill people who are not useful for society. Obviously this a warped way of thinking – and most recognize Hitler as the epitome of Evil.

Had Hitler succeeded at his plan he would have succeeded in not only destroying his enemies, but in destroying the world.

So what is the only reasonable reason why we do not kill? Because G-d said so. Any other reason one can give, murder can be justified.

The Jews adhere to the Torah that does not change. It is the definition of Morality – because G-d gave this document for the Good of humanity. It will not change. It will never change. Thus you will never have someone pulling the wool over people’s eyes to justify genocide because the Jews are standing – to assure – that morality will not become a slippery slope. The Jews are the standard of Morality in the world due to their adherence to the laws of the Torah.

Only Man’s laws Change. The Divine Law of the Torah does not change.

G-d gave the Jews very specific laws – what is killing that is punishable and what killing is not punishable – like killing for self defence. This is the power of the 7 Noahide laws – given to Noah for the continued peace and survival of the world. Gentiles are not required to become Jewish to receive a place in heaven. They Just must follow these laws.

The laws of the Torah – set the standard for Morality – to assure the survival of the world and assure that morality does not become a slippery slope argument.

When the world matures enough to realize this they will have the potential for true peace in the world.

This is the concept of the chosen people – the Jews are the upholders of the Torah – to assure the morality of the world.

This is one of the reasons that a Jew – should do his utmost to observe the commandments – for they are helping to uphold the morality of the world. This concept exists – with particular mitzvot – when the nations see the Jews observing the Shabbat – they realize that G-d created the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh.

There are other reasons – Like what is mentioned by Rashi on the “Hei” of “HaShishi” (The Sixth Day) on the sixth day of creation.

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Defining Humanity – The Seven Noahide Laws for All Nations & World Peace

The Kindness of G-d

G∙D Does Great Kindness To Us Each Day. He gives us life, food, air, shelter & clothes. G∙d gave Jews His Law, the Torah at Sinai, that provides 7 Laws for all Humanity, for a peaceful world. Only once in History did a Nation of millions of people hear G∙d & witness the giving of a Divine Law – when G∙d gave the Torah to the Jewish people. Moses taught detail. G∙d’s Existence is Evident by observing the order & beauty in nature. It testifies to a Creator. G∙d is One, Omniscient, changes not His mind & has no body.

The Seven Laws for All People
The Noahide Laws are Seven Divine Laws for all humanity to observe. They are immutable laws essential for world peace. Hash-m (G-d) gave these laws to Adam, the first man. They were commanded to Noah – for these are the laws that were required for humanity to observe after the flood to assure the survival of the world – thus their name. They were again transmitted by G-d, to Moses to the Jewish people when they received the Torah at Mount Sinai about 3,300 years ago – the only time in history that G-d appeared to a nation in history. G-d gave two sets of laws. One set for all Humanity to observe – called the Seven Noahide laws and another set for the Jewish people to observe – called the Taryag (613) Mitzvot. By following their respective commandments each will receive a portion in Heaven. A gentile who observes these laws is called a Ben Noach / a Child of Noah (Benei Noach is the plural) Thus a Gentile need not convert to Judaism, ie become Jewish, to receive a portion in heaven. He or she must just observe the Seven commandments of the Torah only for the sake of Hash-m (G-d) – because He commanded them in the Torah.

How to Receive a Place in Heaven

To Receive a Place In Heaven, one accepts Torah as G∙d’s true Law. A Jew observes Torah’s 613 Laws. A Gentile observes Noahide laws as stated in Torah & thus receives title of Ben Noah’ / Child of Noah! Learning our own laws enables us to be refined, kind & wise. We discover meaning, our purpose & our personal potential in perfecting the world. We learn how to be good in G∙d’s eyes, ways of self-improvement & how to have a relationship with Him. Everyone can improve & be good. G∙d Loves Those Who Keep His Laws.

What is important in life?

If you are asked “what is most important in life?” What would you answer. Most people will likely answer – to be a good person. What many consider to be good is not what others consider to be good. Some think by hurting innocent people they will receive a place in heaven. Obviously this is not so. Some think by disagreeing with others point of view – that is also not proper. That is not so either. Obviously, one who disagrees must do so without becoming disagreeable.

There is a middle ground.

So, Who is to say what is right or wrong? Or is there really a right and wrong in life?

Most people know by intuition – what is right and wrong. Most people will tell you killing or stealing is wrong. But who determines these laws? The Nazis – acted with much etiquette – but were evil.

Religions say be good but – many have killed in the name of their religion. Where is the truth?

Before Hash-m (G-d) Created the world, He was the only Existence. Hash-m created the world and Adam. Adam, the first man, had direct communication with Hash-m. He knew that Hash-m was the One and Only G-d. The descendants of Adam knew that Hash-m was the true G-d – but felt He was too powerful to pray to. So they started using intermediaries to pray to Hash-m. Eventually they forgot Hash-m and just prayed to the intermediaries. This is origin of idolatry.

Avraham, returned the Crown to Hash-m by teaching the world monotheism – that there is only One G-d. (see youtube Jerusalemlife Channel for proof of G-d) . He is All-Powerful, Omniscient. He Has no body, no physical or spiritual form. He is the Prime Existence that all depend upon Him, but Who depends upon no one. This is the Message of Avraham. Afterwards people disregarded Avraham’s message. This message in it’s pure form continues to be transmitted by the Jewish People, the receivers of the Torah. The Torah is the Only Divine Document, that was given by G-d to a nation of millions of witnesses. No other document or religion can or does claim this. The Torah contains seven commandments for all mankind to observe. These are called the Noahide laws. One who follows hem scrupulously is promised a place in heaven. People who pray only to Hash-m will be answered.
(Commandments below From Eser Maamarot-Hoker Din 3:21 / Rav MePano)

The Noahide Laws

The Torah, given by G∙d to the Jews at Sinai, provides 7 Laws for all Humanity, for a peaceful world. Only once in History did a Nation of millions of people hear G∙d & witness the giving of a Divine Law – the Torah. Moses taught detail. Omniscient, G∙d changes not His ‘mind’. To receive a place in heaven, Jews & Gentiles accept Torah as G∙d’s true Law & observe their respective Torah laws.

Finding the Answers

A seemingly simple question : “Why is it basically permitted to kill animals, yet it is wrong to kill humans? What is the difference?”

Ask a group of people and a variety of answers will be offered.

A reasonable answer is: for the good of society is murder forbidden. Other possible answers are humans are more intelligent than animals or because man can think.

The problem with any of these answers is: using this reasoning – murder of the innocent can be justified. If we do not kill because humans are more intelligent, we can justify killing an unintelligent person. Thus obviously this cannot be the reason why murder should be forbidden.

Proposing that laws of murder exist for the good of society is also incorrect. If we find a reason why letting certain people live is not good for society, genocide can be justified. This was the reason for the laws of the Nazis – they justified genocide for the good of their society.

It is the reason for acts of Terrorists – they justify killing innocent people for the good of a particular society. Obviously both are evil. Both are wrong. The point being that any reason given to justify a law can also be used to use the law for evil.

The Reason Murder is Forbidden
So what is the reason why murder should be forbidden? Which reason will not allow us humans to justify murder and other atrocities? There is only one – because G-d has said “Do Not Kill.” If we accept the laws of God, they cannot be overturned or used to justify committing evil – for God does not change his mind.

It is true that G-d’s laws are for the good of the society, but the reason for observing the laws must be because G-d said to observe these laws, not because it is good for society.

Thus it is a problem to create a law that goes against the law of G-d.

Problem of Changing G-d’s Laws
Once Divine law is placed in the dominion of human hands to be “changed” this opens the door for other laws like laws against murder to be debated as well, causing every law to fall prey to being used for evil. This is only one of the problems of the laws permitting – marriages that are against G-d’s law. Society has opened up the door to determining laws based upon the reasoning of humankind – that can now be used to justify genocide.

There are Seven laws in the Torah that G-d gave for all humanity to observe – They are called the Noahide laws (Sheva Mitzvot B’nei Noach). These laws ensure the proper functioning of the world.

The Only Time in History that G-d Appeared to an Entire People and Gave a Law
There was only one time in history where G-d appeared to an entire nation of millions of people and gave them a document with very specific laws of conduct – when G-d gave the Torah to the Jews at Mount Sinai about 3,300 years ago. G-d gave laws for Jews and laws for gentiles. In the Torah – it explains in detail what these laws are. A person who follows these laws because G-d gave them in the Torah – is called a Ben Noah and will inherit a portion in Heaven.

The Seven Noahide Laws
They are seven major categories – that with their details consist of 30 laws.

1) Respecting G-d – Not to blaspheme.

2) Being Faithful to G-d – Not to Commit Idolatry.

3) Respecting Human Life – Not to Kill.

4) Respecting One’s Fellow’s Property – Not to Steal.

5) Respecting the Integrity of the Family – Not to commit forbidden relations – which includes prohibitions of adultery, incest, bestiality and homosexuality.

6) Respect of Life
– Not to eat a limb taken from a living animal.

7) Law and Order
– Establishing courts of law to enforce these laws.

These are the Major Categories of Laws. But really there are 30 sub laws. And some say 66 laws all together. The details can be found in a book called the Path of the Righteous Gentile.

The Noahide laws are the laws that people should lobby congress and governments to adapt for the sake of G-d and the sake of the true good of society. Adapting laws according to the prevalent values of the country – that are contrary to the Torah’s seven laws for humanity – will ultimately lead to the downfall of nations. Most societies – ancient and modern – that eventually disappeared – usually fell due to their adaptation of values contrary to the Torah.

Fall of Nations Due to Immorality
Examples abound. Ancient Rome fell due to the lack of population needed to defend the country – for their acceptance of marriages forbidden by the Torah. In the end of their civilization they had to employ mercenaries to defend their country because of the breakdown of the traditional family. Nazi Germany fell due a world response against their evil laws.

When society will recognize this principle – and put the Torah’s Seven Noahide laws for humanity into effect for the sake of G-d – we will live in a much safer society. We will live with peace of mind in a peaceful society – where the burden of fear is on the wrongdoers – “the fear to commit crimes” – and not on the innocent people – so they can walk safely in the streets.

The Thirty Laws

1. FIRST [commandment] – [Prohibition of] IDOL WORSHIP (ie, any other “god” other than Hash-m – the One and Only G-d, the true G-d of the Jews and the world) and included in this are the prohibitions of:

2. Passing one’s child through fire – (Devarim / Deut. 18:10) this is the service of molech (a false god), where one puts a fire on two sides and passes them (his children) between them. (sifri 171, sanhedrin 64a-b) – Rashi there

3. Divination – (Devarim / Deuteronomy 18:10) kosem kesamim -who is a kosem? One that holds his staff and says if one should go or not go and also says people they ask his piece of wood and his staff will tell him. (hoshea 4:12, sifri ibid)

4. Astrologer / Lucky times – [Do not believe in lucky times] language [means] times or hours – that one says day x is good to start a job, this hour is not propitious [or favorable] for going out. (sanhedrin 65b) rashi vayikra / leviticus 19:23. (Devarim / Deut. 18:10) Rabbi Akiva says this is one that gives (propitious) times – that he says this time is good to start (ie, a project), and the sages say one who does illusions (ie, magician) -rashi there (sifri – ibid)

5. Reader of omens – [To not rely on] basing ones decisions on superstitions – for instance those that commit sorcery with weasels and birds (torat kohanim perek 7:2) -if bread fell out of ones mouth [one erroneously believes that it will not be a good day for business] or if a deer traversed his path [one thinks it is bad luck] – (sanhedrin 65b) rashi vayikra / leviticus 19:23. ie, today – black cat passes a person, walking under a ladder. (Devarim/Deut. 18:10) Rabbi Akiva says this is one that gives (propitious) times – -if bread fell out of ones mouth [one erroneously believes that it will not be a good day for business] or if a deer traversed his path [he thinks it is bad luck], or if ones staff fell out of his hand -rashi there

6. Sorcerer

7. Animal Charmer – that one gathers snakes or scorpions or other animals to one place (sifri 172) using magic

8. Warning to the practicer of ov and yedoni. Ov is having dead speak from under the armpit.

9. Yadoni – places a bone of an animal called the yadua in his mouth and the bone speaks. (torat kohanim 7:10 / sanhedrin 65a-65b) (rashi vayikra)

10. Invoking the dead – this might include using an ouija board. This goes according to Rabbi Yosi who said all that is said [in regards to the commandments] in the parashat (Vayikra / Lev. 19:23-20 / Kedoshim) of mechasef – a Ben Noach is also commanded upon them. Behold these are ten commandments

11. SECOND [PRINCIPAL] – IMPROPER RELATIONS – (LIT, REVELATION OF NAKEDNESS) – certain women are forbidden for a man to marry – a man’s mother, the wife of the father, his sister from his mother, the wife of a man. Bestiality is also prohibited.

12. Be fruitful
13. Multiply

14. Homosexual Relationship (males) even just making a document of marriage (between them)
15. Breeding different species of animals
16. Castrations
17. Grafting

18. THIRD [major commandment] [Prohibition of] Spilling Blood / Murder
19. One who strikes the cheek of a Jew.

20. FOURTH [major commandment] [Prohibition of] Blasphemy
21. Honoring the Torah

22. FIFTH [major commandment] [Prohibition of] Stealing
23. Not to delve into the Torah for it is an inheritance to us [the Jews]. This applies to the parts of the Torah that are not relevant to gentiles. But if a gentile intends to learn the seven commandments – he can learn anything that pertains to them. Also he can learn Tanach – Torah (5 books of Moses), Neviim (the prophets), and Ketuvim (the writings).

24. SIXTH [Major COMMANDMENT] Establishing courts of law
25. The settlement of the world
26. Not to have a Sabbath rest.

27. SEVENTH [Prohibition of eating] a limb taken from a live animal
28. Eating blood from a live animal
29. Eating an animal that dies on its own
30. Eating the flesh of a dead [person]

Here are some
Articles on Seven Noahide Commandments:
Noahide Nations
Aish Hatorah
7 Noahide Commandments Card
Laws for Non-Jews

Getting the Most from Your Marriage – and from Life

CB048735A Couple Forever
A couple in Judaism is a couple forever. Once one marries – the couple will remain together usually even after death. Together they are to sail the ship of life to arrive at the purpose that G-d deemed appropriate for them based upon their strengths. The Torah is the key for them to reach this destination.

The Best Business

Onkelus son of Kolonikus, the nephew of the Emperor Titus, converted to Judaism.

The Caesar asked “why did you convert to Judaism?”

“I was just listening to your advice” he replied

Very surprised, he responded “I need never gave you such advice.”

“My dear Caesar when I asked to regarding what I can do to be successful in business, you told me to buy goods that are of low value but afterwards the price will go up high. Today the Jews are persecuted and despised, but their merchandise is very valuable and I am sure in the future it’s value will rise and I will reap great profit.” (See the whole story here)

A Secret for Success
A Secret for success is to know the true value of an item. If you can buy it inexpensively but it has tremendous worth – that is the product you should buy.

The wisdom of success in business is knowing to find what has value – or what will have value in the future.

Torah Study has Unimaginable Award.
The value of doing one Mitzvah is inestimable. A person can’t really receive complete reward for a mitzvah in this world – because the value of one mitzvah has a greater value than all that this world contains.

Every word of Torah – learned is as if a person did all the 613 commandments. Multiply that by all the words said when learning Torah and one receives a tremendous amount of reward.

The woman receives the same reward as her husband for the Mitzvot he does. The couple’s relationship according to Judaism continues after they go to the next world and they reap their rewards for the Mitzvot they did there.

Torah is the Key to Reaching One’s Potential
The Torah holds the answer to what one’s potential and purpose is in life. When a man studies Torah, he becomes closer to his purpose in life. It becomes clearer to him. His wife helps him by patiently awaiting for him to come home from learning Torah. This is one of the roles of a woman – to help her husband reach his potential. She has this ability and responsibility. It also gives him great pleasure.

Opportunity Cost
In economics we learn about opportunity cost. The classic example that they give is exchanging guns for butter. Meaning if you had $1000 to spend – guns cost $10 a piece and butter costs one dollar a pound. You could buy either thousand pounds of butter or 100 guns. The more guns that you buy the less butter you could buy. The more butter you buy the less guns you can purchase.

This concept is relevant when calculating what to do with our time. Our time can be spent achieving life or escaping from it. Time – in Judaism – can be used as a means to produce inestimable reward.

The Value of Time
Perceptive parents appreciate the value of the time of each individual of the family. They could be doing things that are productive or not. Even things that seem unproductive can be useful – for instance a person needs some time to recharge. The recharging is productive because it helps a person to produce. Sometimes the person through play helps others to cheer them up or give them a good time.

Value of Torah
The value of Torah is not only measured in terms of spiritual reward – but in the value of it guiding and directing the family in a beneficial and loving manner. Torah learning provides positive benefits like the improvement of the character traits of the person learning it and being a source of meaning and satisfaction.  When a wife realizes the value of learning Torah she will encourage her husband to dedicate some time regularly to learn Torah with the group or with an individual or at the synagogue.

A business  person realizes the value of time – that it’s productivity can be maximized and that worlds can be gained by a few moments.

An Encouraging Attitude
With tact, a wife can encourage her husband to learn Torah. We now understand why some women demand their husbands learn Torah all day – while they do what they can to support the family. They recognize the value of the benefits accrued to those who learn and observe Torah values.

Upholding the World
But it is not only this they realize – they realize that Torah study also upholds the world. Pirkei Avot says “Upon three things does the world stand: Upon Torah, Upon Divine Service (prayer) and on doing acts of Kindness.”

Even if a woman can’t get her husband to learn all day – a few minutes regularly daily is also good.

An Extra Requirement When Searching for a Mate
A single woman – also can gain by searching for a mate that has an interest and a desire to learn Torah.

Reward of Women
The main reward of a woman will be through the Mitzvah of encouraging her husband to learn and sending her kids to a Torah day school – like it says in the Talmud (Berachot).

For places to learn Torah see the Links Section or Join our Five Alive Learning program where we learn with a person five minutes over the phone a week.

Marriage – the Path to Self-Actualization

crown or tiara isolated on a white backgroundThe reason we were brought to this world is to achieve our purpose in life. The Torah was given not only for the commandments that guide us to act with propriety but also to guide us on a path of purposeful pleasure – like doing acts of kindness – to help us achieve our purpose in life. Only through Torah Observance and regular Torah study will a person learn and achieve the purpose that their soul was brought down to achieve.

A woman is the crown of her husband and the Queen of the house. She is the foundation of the home. Through her mitzvot – being Tzanuah / modest according to Torah, following laws of family purity, enrolling her children in Torah day schools, encouraging her husband to learn Torah – she builds a bedrock foundation for the family for the future generations. She is more appreciated by her husband. She achieves her purpose and finds happiness in all her toil – for it is to help build the Jewish nation.

When Selecting a Proper Life-Mate, the Torah advises that one should act like a King – Melech. (Mem, Lamed, Chaf)

Mem – First One Should Use their Moach / Mind to reflect upon the qualities one is searching for in a mate, see if the potential mate is Jewish, has solid Torah values, wants to grow in Judaism, Has Good Character traits, & are attractive. Once all considerations are in order, one can marry.

Lamed – After marriage comes love coming from Lev – heart

Chaf – Caved – Liver – the Initiator of Passion.

One Should not do the Opposite, First Have Passion, then Have feelings for the other and then Think if this is the right mate. At that point one is no longer completely rational or impartial for feelings taint the decision. If one does follow this order – Caf, Lamed, Mem. They become kalem – embarrassed.

One Reason that Intermarriage is disallowed in Judaism is because the way to achieve one’s purpose is through Torah. The spiritual growth of the family is dependant on Torah observance. When both members of the couple are Jewish – the family can have a common bearing point to grow – the Torah. If they are not it leads to confusion of the children, lack of achieving one’s purpose in life and stress between in-laws and grandparents. Those that are already intermarried can at least have the non-Jewish spouse convert.

Chosing a life of purposeful pleasure is the way of the Torah. Let’s not squander precious years of life pursuing pleasure without purpose by following infatuation. The Torah says to choose Life – Life of the Torah.

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No More Nightmares – Only Sweet Dreams

MP900449128The peaceful sleep of a child. No worries. No anger. No Problems.

The Tractate Berachot says that a person sometimes dreams what they saw during the day.

Nighmares develop sometimes by the thoughts of the day. Thus it makes sense for parents to disallow programs, videos or other media that will scare the children. If you think about it, even the News could be a possible source of bad dreams.

There are ways in Judaism to quell nightmares.

The Torah prescribes that we recite the Shema Yisrael before retiring at night. Reciting it reduces nightmares and allows children and adults to have a pleasent night’s sleep.

For a Free Shema Yisrael Card see:
Jerusalem Life Freebies & Judaica

Starting Over – Wiping the Slate Clean in Judaism

reflected orchid and candleMany times in life we follow a path. As we become wiser or are taught by the lessons of life, we change the way we think in life and realize our successes and our mistakes.

Is there a way to make amends? Judaism says it is not only possible to make repair to our past misdeeds but even change the bad – into good – through a process called Teshuva.

Teshuva / Repentance
Teshuva translated as repentance – literally means returning. It means returning to the source of all good – Hash-m (G-d). Returning to the path of the Torah. Returning to our own souls. It is not necessarily that we were bad and are becoming good – it is that we are returning to the beautiful and happy path of the Torah that was taken for thousands of years by our ancestors.

If we do teshuva because of fear of G-d, our slate is wiped clean. If we do teshuva for the love of G-d, our transgressions become Mitzvot (merits). There are two sorts of commandments: Those between man and G-d, and those between man and man. If we hurt someone – even though we did teshuva for the transgression – we still must apologize and appease the one we hurt.

In Teshuva, three things we are to be concerned.

Torah’s Message on Personal Purpose in Life:
When a person passes on to the next world he will encounter three angels. They will each take an accounting of your life. One will count the Mitzvot that you accomplished. The other will count the Transgressions. And the third will calculate the Torah you accomplished.

The question is – why do we need the third angel? Isn’t his Job the same as that of the first angel?

The answer is: It is true that we must accomplish all the Mitzvot (commandments) and avoid the transgressions – but we are also responsible for a third thing in life: to achieve our purpose. This is the main reason why we came to this world – to achieve our purpose in life.

An analogy was given by Rabbi Avigdor Miller:

Delivering the Package
Once a person was hired to deliver a package to California. He was told: Be careful. Follow the road signs, don’t go to fast. Fill the truck with oil and the best gas. Check the tires. When the delivery man came back the man asked him – “how was the trip?” He responded: “I did just like you told me. I followed the road signs. I filled the truck with good gas and oil. I checked the Tires.” “Yes” the man said “But did you deliver the package?” The delivery man – very embarrassed – replied “Oh. I am sorry I forgot to deliver the package.”

Our main purpose in life is to achieve our purpose. Each one of us is unique and based upon our qualities and strengths – will our purpose be related.

Great people also sin
The Rambam says that Abraham made a great transgression when he hid his wife Sarah from the Egyptians – he should have had faith in Hash-m’s power to save them from any harm. The question is why is he saying this? One reason is to teach us that even though he sinned, he did achieve his purpose in life.

There were 4 people in the world that never sinned.

– Binyamin – The Son of Yaakov Avinu / Jacob our Forefather
– Amram – the Father of Moshe Rabbeinu / Moses our Teacher
– Yishai – The Father of King David,
– Calev – the son of David.

If you think of the people who had the most positive impact on the world – one might think of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaak, Jacob, Moses, King David. They are not part of those that never sinned. But are viewed as the greatest people of all time.

We are human
Those four never sinned – meaning that the rest of the entire world did. When G-d Created the world – He initially wanted to create it with a – the letter Aleph – which has the numerical equivalent of 1. There would only be one way of acting. But now we have freedom of choice. The strength of the evil inclination is greater than that of the righteous inclination.

Rectification of Transgression
We all make mistakes in life. The importance is to recognize our faults, regret them and correct them. If we make a mistake – G-d will forgive us if we do proper and sincere teshuva (repentance / returning to the path of the Torah). When we do return – G-d will erase our sins.

If we return to Torah out of the love we have for our creator – for all that he does for us – our sins will become merits.

Here are some articles on Teshuva:

The Teshuva process consists of:
– Regret
– Abandoning the Sin
– Doing Good in its place – as it says in the Torah “Remove Yourself from bad and Do good.” (It is understood each person should progress at their own steady pace.) (see Spirituality in Judaism)
– Determining and Finding one’s purpose – See Mesilat Yesharim – first chapter on how to determine one’s purpose. Your purpose will likely have to do with focusing on a particular Mitzvah in the Torah – like giving charity, helping others, teaching Torah, setting up Torah institutions, etc.

Sometimes a person feels so badly about their sins that they fall into depression. However, according to Torah Once a person decides to do or does sincere Teshuva – he or she is like a new person and should be happy. Our normal disposition should be one of happiness.
(We offer a card that mentions why you are special in any case here)

When one unloads the extra baggage – and starts doing good – one starts feeling better about themselves and becomes closer to their true selves.

Every day is a new day. Every day we can start over. We can wipe the slate clean and be deemed a new person with a bright future. We just have to take the first steps.

Reaching potential in life is a topic well discussed in Judaism. I recently heard two audios on the Reaching Potential. Both had a similar message. One was by Rabbi Akiva Tatz and one was by Rabbi Shafier from the Shmuz
Rambam – Bereishit 12:10

The 9th of Av – How to Feel the Mourning?

Doing What We Can to Bring the Redemption

Doing What We Can to Bring the Redemption – One Person at a Time

The Ninth of Jewish Month Av is a Day of National Fasting and Mourning for the Jewish Nation.

How it Started
It started when the Jews were to enter into the land of Israel in the Desert. When they heard the report of the Spies about the land, they started crying. The Jewish people fell for the report of the spies. The spies used dishonest reporting tactics to evoke fear in the people.

Because the people cried then, So G-d said “Since you cried for nothing, then I will give you a reason to cry.” On the 9th of Av many tragedies occurred. The first Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. The Second Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. World War I started.

Learning More
Here are some links that might make you feel the magnitude of the day. Learning about it – we can appreciate it more.
Tisha B’Av: The Secret to feeling the Mourning.
Tisha B’Av – General articles

Improving our Self-Esteem
Apparently, the reason why the Jewish people cried was because they lacked confidence in themselves to overcome their enemy. Lack of confidence in ourselves was also a reason for the sin of the Golden Calf. These two incidents are related.

We must look at ourselves as members of an important and Holy Nation – chosen by Hash-m to teach the world the beautiful messages and way of life of the Torah – through our actions. We have to have confidence in ourselves as a nation and as individuals – for we are the children of the King of Kings – veritable Princes and Princesses. (order the Free “You are Special Card”)

When we see that we are the King’s Children and we are trodden upon, insulted, hated, and disrespected – it in itself is a reason to mourn.

Teshuva / Repentance
The fasting is to be able to feel the seriousness of the day and to do sincere Teshuva (repentance).
(Some Articles on Repentance)

Teshuva translated as repentance – literally means returning. It means returning to the source of all good – Hash-m. Returning to the path of the Torah. Returning to our own souls. It is not necessarily that we were bad and are becoming good – it is that we are returning to the beautiful and happy path of the Torah that was taken for thousands of years by our ancestors.

Make Peace
There is another aspect of life that we ways should work on – having peaceful relations with others. The first Beit Hamikdash (Temple) was destroyed because of preponderance of the three major Sins: Improper Relations (ie, Adultery, etc.), Murder and Idol Worship. The Second Temple was destroyed because of preponderance of Gratuitous hatred. These sins are equivalent in a sense.

Thus we should work on creating more peaceful relations between us and our co-workers, us and our families, us and our friends. When we focus on gratuitous love instead of gratuitous hatred – This is a when Hash-m will send his anointed one – the Messiah – to redeem us from the subjugation of the nations.

Remember there is a time for mourning and sadness, but afterward there is a time for renewal and happiness. Our normal disposition should be – happy.

Let us remember and mourn for they say that the one who mourns for Jerusalem will merit to see it being be rebuilt. It Should be rebuilt Soon, in Our Days. Amen.

Now we are like the King’s children banished from his table – but soon we will lift our heads in pride again.

Becoming Closer to G-d through . . . . Snapple?

colorful tulip fieldsOne can find much beauty in Judaism.

Every act has a purpose.

Each one can be made into a Mitzvah

Eating allows you to sustain your body and remain in good health and remain alive. Do it to be able to properly serve G-d and you receive a Mitzvah.

Going to work allows you to feed your family. Do it to be able to help them live a happy and spiritually rewarding life in Judaism, get another Mitzvah.

Playing sports and exercise is good for keeping in shape. Do it to be in good health because the Torah says we should be healthy – get another Mitzvah.

Every act can be used for connecting with the Creator.

Eating and drinking, we recite blessings to thank Hash-m for the food. These blessings not only serve to express our deep appreciation to Hash-m for the food, but to create a relationship with Him. It also brings great spiritual benefits to the world.

So, when you are ready to take a sip of the ice-cold Snapple (no they are not paying us for this) say the bracha for a beverage, drink and get a Mitzvah. (to know the proper text for Brachas / blessing on food click here)

Another way to develop your spirituality is by reading some of the “Real Facts” under the cap that deal with nature. Many are impressive. By appreciating nature, going on outings, recognizing it’s beauty and recognizing that it is the awesome work and kindness of Hash-m – you have another opportunity to connect.